ARTICLE I – DUES……………………………………………………………… 2


  1. President………………………...…………………………………… 2
  1. 1st Vice-President…...………………………………………………… 5

Pre-Registration…..……………………………………………..… 6

Program…………………………..…………………………..…… 8

Door Registration……………..…………………………....……… 9

Backstage Management………………….………………….,,……10


Door Security…………………………………………...…….……11


Box Luncheon………………………………………………….….12

Banquet Door Registration/Door Security…………………...……12

OCTA and ACT Requirements for the Excerpt Draw Date….……12

  1. 2nd Vice-President…………………………………………….………13

Judging Assistants………………………………………….……...14

ACT Judging Archivist……………………………………….……15

Miscellaneous Concepts……………………………..….…………15

Long Range Judging Committee……………………….………….17

  1. Secretary………………………………………………………………18
  1. Treasurer……..……………………………………………………….19
  1. Librarian/Historian…………….…………………………………...... 21
  2. Art Rouse/Mario Pitocco/Roger Grooms Chair……………………22

Choosing Regions………………………………………………….22

Acquiring Candidate Information……..…………………………..22

The Selection Process………………………………………………23

ACT Banquet Preparation………...……………………………….23

ACT Banquet Presentation…………………………………………24

Displaying Plaques in Public Areas…….…………………………24

Region Alignment and Rotation Lists….…………………………..25

  1. Scholarship Chair…………………………………………………….26
  1. Publicity Chair………………………………………………………..28
  1. Membership Chair……………………………………………………29

Membership Criteria….……………………………………………29



(October 2017)

  1. DUES

The dues of ACT of Greater Cincinnati, Inc. (Hereafter referred to as “ACT”) shall be $25.00 per member group plus an additional $10.00 for each production that the member groups ask to have judged.



The President shall preside at all meetings of the Corporation, represent the Corporation at all official functions, unless otherwise specified in the Code of Regulations and Bylaws, perform general supervisory functions over the work and the activities of the Corporation, and appoint committee chairs and/or members. The following duties shall be carried out by the last day of the month listed.


  1. Hold an Executive Board meeting to draw up the proposed budget for the coming season. This proposed budget will bepresented to the member representatives at the September meeting. Minutes should be recorded at this meeting and distributed at the next general meeting. This meeting shall be held on the last Saturday of July.


  1. Contact the Treasurer to have him/her formally draft a budget proposal for the new fiscal year utilizing final budget from the previous year as a guide.
  1. Appoint the following positions:
  1. Librarian/Historian
  2. Long-Range Judging Positions
  3. Newsletter Editor
  4. Membership Chair
  1. Confirm that the meeting place has been reserved for the entire year by contacting the representative from the facility. Keep a copy of the confirmation letter for future reference.
  1. Arrange for the audit of the books for previous fiscal year. This audit shall be completed by the September meeting.
  1. Attend and assist with the Judges’ Forums.
  1. Send letter/emailto Group Presidents reminding them of the September meeting so they have a representative present.
  1. Inform the Executive Board of meeting agenda policy.
  1. Have a written agenda for each monthly meeting and a copy for each representative Board member.
  1. Inform TV/radio stations and/or e-mail by 6:00 PM on night of meeting if cancellation due to inclement weather.
  1. Confirm with the Secretary that handbooks are prepared and are available for membership needs.
  1. Make introductions.
  1. Confirm with the Treasurer that all member groups have paid dues and are eligible to vote.
  1. Appoint any committee chair vacancies and inform membership of action taken.
  1. Discuss the possibilities of workshops/programs and appoint chairs as appropriate.
  1. Present the budget for approval.
  1. Encourage the Scholarship chair to firm up a place and date for auditions for the October membership meeting.


  1. Confirm with the Scholarship chair the dates and location for auditions.
  1. Confirm that the 1st Vice President has convention room rates for convention by the November membership meeting.
  1. Confirm with the Scholarship chair that judges have been obtained.
  1. Confirm with the Scholarship chair that applications are being sent to schools by end of December.



  1. Awards Chair should announce the committee process (See “G - Art Rouse/Mario Pitocco/Roger Grooms Chair”).
  1. Announce that at the March meeting the groups will select jobs for the convention, anda preliminary count will be taken on how many groups are going to excerpt at the convention.
  1. Confirm that Art Rouse, Mario Pitocco and Roger Grooms forms are sent to Group Presidents by the Awards Chair no later thanFebruary 5th.
  1. Remind the Awards Chair to obtain plaques from the previous year’s Art Rouse, Mario Pitocco and Roger Grooms winners and bring to the April meeting; and to obtain a picture and bio of the previous year’s winners for the convention program.
  1. Remind ACT representatives that membership lists from each member group are due by the March meeting for the mailing of theconvention flyer.
  1. Initiate the process to secure dates and location for the convention for the following year.

6.Re-evaluate dues for the upcoming year.

  1. Appoint the Nominating Committee. Nominating committee must meet and present a slate at the April meeting.
  1. Discuss convention program, setting deadlines for group and excerpt information. Program Chair will need to set these deadlines in coordinationwith the 1st Vice President.
  1. In conjunction with the OCTA Regional Reps, remind ACTrepresentatives that the excerpt drawing date is 3rd Monday in May.
  1. Confirm the convention flyer will be mailed by May 1.


1.Ensure the 1st Vice President assigns jobs for the convention.

  1. Remind the membership that Art Rouse, Mario Pitocco and Roger Grooms forms must be received by the Awards Chairno later thanMay 1st.
  1. Confirm that all convention plans have been completed.
  1. Assure that ACT Treasurer sends statements for dues to member groups’ Treasurers. Member groups are not eligible to vote at September meeting if dues have not been paid.
  1. Receive the report from the Nominating Committee Chair.
  1. Determine that convention dates and location for the following year are secured.
  1. Ensure all convention “loose ends” are completed.
  1. Elect officers.
  1. An OCTA representative will announce the OCTAFest excerpt order.
  1. Confirm the 2nd Vice President has contacted the Secretary for dates of shows that will be performed before the September meeting
  1. Remind the Executive Board of the Executive Board’s SummerMeeting on the last Saturday of July.

The 1st Vice President, hereafter referred to as 1st VP, shall attend all regular and special ACT Board meetings.

The 1st VP shall assume the duties of the ACT President in the absence of the President.

The 1st VP should copy the ACT President on all written correspondence, to keep the President up-to-date.

The 1st VP shall coordinate all functions with the OCTA Regional Reps for the OCTAFest and ACT banquet.

  1. Secure the site(s) for the excerpts and banquet 14 months in advance. Report the details by the April ACT meeting. Secure liability insurance for the weekend events.
  1. Work with designated theatre group representatives to ensure completion of each group’s chosen convention duties, including the naming of the pre-registration chair(see subsequent pages for duties).
  1. Obtain price quotes for a disc jockey and report findings to the ACT Board for approval by the April ACT meeting, and once approved, secure with a deposit through the Treasurer.
  1. Make all arrangements at the hotel for the banquet and party rooms in addition to arrangements at the excerpt facility with the “person in charge.” Secure these with a deposit (if necessary) through the Treasurer.
  1. Work with the contact at the excerpt facility to obtain insurance requirements and seek bids for proper insurance coverage to be in force by the initial entrance into the facility. This insurance must be in place approximately 10 days in advance (April 1st.)
  1. Finalize headcount arrangements as required by the banquet facility.
  1. Arrange for tables and chairs as needed for registration, concession, and merchandiseareas.
  1. Work with an OCTA representative to make hotel reservations for the OCTA respondersand OCTAFestchair. These amounts will be charged to our debit card after the convention is over and these people have signed out of their rooms.
  1. Confirm headsets for the lighting operator, backstage manager, and door security are in order.
  1. Confirm availability ofa sound system with the excerpt facility for stage reinforcement and announcements as required by OCTA.
  1. Reinforce that OCTA personnel other than the 3 Responders and the OCTAFest chair are required to pay their own expenses. However, as per OCTA policy, any honorary lifetime members of OCTA shall have their excerpt fees waived. Make hotel reservations for the 3 Responders and the OCTA Fest chair.
  1. Confirm that the facility has adequate lighting to provide the 6 separate areas required by OCTA. Obtain the cooperation of a qualified lighting designer.
  1. Confirm there is a tuned piano availablein the pit.


The Pre-Registration Chair is appointed annually by the ACT President and shall be a non-voting member of the Board. There are no term limits to this position. The Chair should copy the ACT President on all written correspondence, to keep the President up-to-date.

In Advance of the Convention:

  1. Verify with the ACT Treasurer that Pay Pal is set up according to pricing and that open and cut-off dates are in place (including early bird deadline).
  1. Verify with the ACT President that an ACT Pre-registration email account is given to pre-registration chair for access during the convention registration process.
  1. Insure appliques have been ordered and given to the Pre-Registration chair by May 1st.
  1. Insure all printed tickets for packets are printed and given to the Pre-Registration chair by May 15.
  1. Select an appropriate snail mail address for pre-registration mail to be sent and retrieved.
  1. Handle all registrations prior to cut-off date (usually one week prior to convention).
  1. Keep an accurate record of who has pre-registered, including box lunch selections and any other required information and of what monies have been paid(including Patron Donations). Copy each check with registration formor Pay Pal receipt and file in 3-Ring notebook in alphabetical order. Type an excel file for the 1st VP for her /his records.
  1. Confirm via email or phone call to registrant, receipt of all Pay Pal and snail mail registrations.
  1. Give the ACT Treasurer any checks or monies for deposit prior to the convention day. If pre-registration chair has a bank deposit stamp, all checks and/or monies can be deposited by that person as received (this is recommended).
  1. Excerpt fee is at no charge to ACT judges. Obtain a current list of active ACT judges from the 2nd Vice President for verification purposes.
  1. Prepare the ACT Donor page and send to printer in advance of program printing.
  1. Inform the Program Chair, before printing, if you anticipate the standard 600 program printing will not be sufficientor if less is needed according to pre-registration and anticipated door registration count. In recent years, 125 extra programs for door registrants has been the norm.
  1. Purchase needed suppliesfor pre-registration including:

a.)Name tags

b.)6” x 9” manila envelopes for each individual pre-registered

c.)Pens, markers, etc.

d.)Copy paper – 1 ream for copying received information

e.)Printer cartridge for printing of name tags and Pay Pal receipts

  1. Prior to the convention day, envelopes should be prepared for all individuals pre-registered with the following as applicable:

a.)Prepared Name Tags

b.)Banquet Tickets

c.)Box Lunch Tickets

d.)Awards and Party Tickets



g.)OCTA ResponderCritique Forms (if providedin advance by OCTA)

h.)OCTA Fest Evaluation Critique Forms (if providedin advance by OCTA)

i.)Any other forms requested by ACT or OCTA(if provided in advance by ACT or OCTA)

  1. If an excel sheet has not been provided to the 1st VP, inform the 1st VP of the number of people who will be eating at the banquet indicating with what group they have requested to be seated.
  1. If an excel sheet has not been provided to the 1st VP, inform the 1st VP of the number of box lunches required indicating appropriate selections.
  1. An individual may pay for the banquet, awards and party only but must be pre-registered. No banquet or box lunch tickets may be purchased at door registration. All individuals requesting these must be pre-registered. However, door registrants may sign up for awards/party.
  1. Those eligible to receive complimentary fees and accommodations are as follows:

-Three (3) OCTA responders (excerpts, banquet, awards, party, box lunch, hotel room accommodations)

-OCTA Fest Chair (excerpts, banquet, awards, party, box lunch, hotel room accommodations)

-OCTA honorary life members (excerpt fee)

-OCTA Administrative Assistant (excerpt fee)

-ACT judges (excerpt fee)

-Media (excerpt fee, box lunch)

All other individuals not listed above must pay to attend any function of the OCTA Fest or ACT convention. Anyone entering the theatre or backstage must have a purchased nametag.


  1. Deliver packets to the OCTAFest convention site and provide the following supplies applicable to all shift personnel. Establish the appropriate time of delivery as established by the 1st VP:

a.)All pre-registration packets

b.)Containers set up with packets assembled in alphabetical order.

c.)Pre-registration notebook, in alphabetical order,that includes a copy of each pre-registration form and accompanying checkor Pay Pal receipt. (This book is an explanation of all information regarding what the pre-registrant has selected in the event of a dispute).

d.)The following supplies:

-Blank registration forms and pens

-Blank name tags, holders and felt tip markers

-Extra OCTAFest programs

-Any additional information as is included in pre-registration packets.

  1. Supply the OCTA designated regional rep (or OCTA Administrative Assistantif that person is in attendance) with 10 additional programs. These are needed for his/her annual OCTAreport and grant preparation.
  1. Ensure notebook, pre-registration packets, and appliques are delivered to the ACT convention one (1) hour in advance of the beginning of the banquet. These supplies should be given and carried by the group responsible for the first shift of the night responsible for selling awards/party tickets and distributing pre-registration packets.


  1. Investigate printing the program at UC Medical Center Duplicating Department. If that is not available, get bids for printing the program (approximately 600). Check the previous year’s total attendee count to determine exact number. Contact the Pre-registration Chair for an up-to-date registration count in order to give the printer an accurate program count.
  1. Contact the 1st VP for the following program information:

a.)Details for the excerpts

-Theatre name

-Title of production

-Playwright’s name

-Director’s name

-Publisher’s name

-Character’s names

-Actor’s names

-Synopsis of excerpt

b.)Each ACT Member Group’s “ad” for the upcoming season.

c.)Time and schedule of events for the weekend’sagenda.

  1. Contact the following individuals for program information:

a.)Awards Committee chair for last year’s Art Rouse, Mario Pitocco, andRoger Grooms award winners, with current photographs and bios.

b.)Scholarship Committee chair for the current scholarship winners, with current photographs and bios.

c.)ACT President for the “President’s Welcome” information.

d.)ACT Secretary for a list of the ACT Executive Board.

e.)OCTA Rep for:

-Time and day of excerpts from special “drawing” meeting (usually held a month in advance of convention).

-Information of any OCTA theatre excerpting that is not a member of ACT.


-OCTA logo for program cover

-Names of the OCTA Southwest regional repsand OCTA Board members

  1. Set up and have the programs printed within budgeted amount.
  1. Make sure OCTA and ACT Cincinnati have EQUAL position on the program cover.
  1. Deliver the galleys to the 1st VP for proofreading. At least two (2) individuals should proofread to ensure accuracy.
  1. Deliver the programs to the pre-registration chair at least two (2) weeks prior to the convention for inclusion in the pre-registration packets.


  1. There will be an appropriate workspace (two long tables and six chairs) provided by the 1st VP unless the registration facility has a booth or another appropriate set up already in place.
  1. The Treasurer will contact the registration personnel to arrange for appropriate change totaling $200.00 ($100.00 singles, $100.00 in fives). Obtain a Shift Accounting Form from the Treasurer.
  1. There will be three (3) or more designated shifts. All shifts are responsible for balancing money and paperwork by the end of the designated work period.
  1. Schedule personnel to work from two (2)hours before the first excerpt through the beginning of the last excerpt. At least four (4) people are neededThursday and Friday evening and Saturday morning. Two (2) people should be able to continue from noon to the end of the excerpts on Saturday.
  1. The Pre-registration chair will deliver packets in boxes organized alphabetically to the registration facility 1-1/2hours in advance of registration opening.
  1. The Pre-registration chair will also provide:

-Blank registration forms and pens

-Blank name tags and felt tip markers

-Extra OCTAFest programs

-Any additional information as is included in pre-registration packets.

-A notebook, in alphabetical order, with a copy of each pre-registration form and accompanying checkor Pay Pal receipt. (This book is an explanation of all information regarding what the pre-registrant has selected in the event of a dispute.)