MinutesofPhysicalPlanningCommitteemeetingheldon Tuesday,02nd June 2015at14h00in the
Deans Committee Room, Deans Suite, Barnard Fuller Building
Servicing Officer: Mrs Mpho Mogotsi (MM)
Prof Karen Sliwa (KS)(Chair),Ms Liesle Van Wyk (LVW),Dr Sithombo Maqungo (SM),Prof Nicky Mulder (NM) Prof Malcolm Collins (MC) Mr Nigel Haupt (NH);Peter Nourse(PN)-RxH, Mrs Eliza Hui (EH), Reece Brooks (RB);
Rachel Weiss (RW) (Co-Chair)Prof Lorna Martin (LM),Carin Brown (CB), Mr Vincent Rossouw (VR); Mr Andre Hendrikse
PPC dates / Prof Sliwawelcomed everyone to the meeting.
All requested to send Agenda items prior to the meeting
All non- financial applications to be documented on a minor form
Dates for submission to PPC, all major applications for 2016 –April (submit to PPC for discussion), first Tuesday of June to Nigel.
Apologies / As above / Noted
Previous Minutes and Agenda / Previous minutes were, approved and accepted. Minutes to be uploaded on the faculty website / Noted
1. / Update on previous Matters:
- Presentation by Alan J Fischer and Children’s Institute( Kathrine Hall and Prof Lund)Space Application
- Feedback on approved items 2015 and creation of new Major CAPEX list for 2016 budget
- Previous unsuccessful applications
- OBZ Square space
- Parking Bays
- Cryofacility (Liquid Nitrogen Cryo Facility in Falmouth building)
- Wax Blocks Storage
- Pathology Learning Centre ( Hamilton Naki Memorial area)
- IDM BSL Application
- Animal Unit Application
- Histology Labs application
- 7th floor ICH building (office space renovations)RxH Secure Lift and Foyer application
- Major list feedback/process
- Writing Centre
- Anatomy Level 7 offices
- HUB Workshop space
- Dr Musa Mhlanga (IBMS)
- Fountain Area /Recreational space
- Request for space had been presented to PPC before, noted the need for space, located at RMH, owned by govm, first floor, need for a kitchenette/drainage or meeting space all staff cramped, no meeting room, staff share office space. Noted that application should be motivated as an occupational hazard. Short term solution efficient sharing with DCAP, long term solution, to move to Valkenberg Hospital for which CEO and HOD had supported and earmarked a building. The move to Valkenberg supported by PPC as IT requirements and other facilities are adequate there. Concluded that a separate meeting be held with all stakeholders to discuss the move to Valkenberg,KS willing to attend. KS would provide minutes as a form of support from PPC to move forward with the provincial process and as support to pursue sharing of space at DCAP, failing which an official audit would be done. Space audit had been conducted previously, LvW to send audit to KS.KS to establish where the best position is and suggested that a fundraising initiative be undertaken as a bigger plan to acquire appropriate space. Noted agreement there was a need for space. Financial support for the move to be submitted as a separate application to PPC, through a major CAPEX form.
- KS will update minor CAPEX list with input from RB
- Major CAPEX rating list finalised at the meeting and KS to meet GP on 04/06/2015
- Noted withdrawn application that had been self- funded. KS suggestion for the University to acknowledge staff who fundraise for projects, NH to raise with Sandra Klopper to raise at VC Mag
- Noted CA had not heard back on application, was informed application had been unsuccessful, advised by chair to take matter up with the Dean, as an appeal
- Noted OBZ square commercial space had been released and approved as teaching space and computer lab(managed by ICTS and used by students) for Faculty of Health Sciences, due to increase in Medical students and had been the longest need. Had been included in the raking list, there is a plan available, NH to send to KS to circulate. Noted that whatever the cost, it would be obtained above what is normally approved. Application submitted by GP/RB,
- There had been a number of parking bays released for Health Sciences for red and yellow parking bays, needed to be slotted in as CAPEX application
- Date wrong, Prof Gray advised to change date. Modification to diagram and budget needs to be done, PPC supports in principle, major H&S issue-push priority
- LvW had obtained costing R565696.50, excluding piping and the rental of the tank. There is space available for the location of the tank, LvW to distribute the drawing. Researchers
- All documents and costs submitted
- R4.2 m, would be phased, stage 1 (R1m for microscope bridge), R600 000 for the specimen store, R2m memorial courtyard, R640000 memorial courtyard shop. Some activities would move to and be aligned with Salt River mortuary. Budget not part of application.
- Application not submitted, NM to check and send to KS on 3/6. Was ranked 3 in 2014.
- Application not included as RAF had been funded in 2014
- To be included in the 2014 and not 2015 list. MC considers a phased approach, over a time period. In 2016.
- Fire application not presented as it is not a priority.
- 7th floor application for funding submitted.
- Final list of the Physical Planning Committee was discussed at 2 June meeting, meeting with GP on 4/6 and submitted to the Dean by 4 June.
- Projects where fundraising efforts have been made by the applicant will be prioritised. Phase projects would have to be resubmitted.
- R250000, phased approach
- Not prioritised, would be submitted for external funding, quotes obtained for the entire Anatomy Building. Histology teaching lab and Dissection halls prioritised. MC sent plans to MM who sent to KS
- Due to reconfiguration of faculty finance staff.
- Funding to be obtained from Deanery, using existing space. No quote available, no plan, R300000 estimated, KS requested EH submits a form. Workshop has no space to move to, RB to find space
- Re-arrange Merck lab, funding available, approved by PPC
- No costing, requires detailed work by engineers and heritage, cannot be considered
Decided / LvW/KS
Lund& Hall
Workshops Seminar /
- RB to organise a seminar in July.
Framework Development plan/New building (MC) /
- Conclusion was to send applications from all dept. So informing the UCT Exec of the need for space, as a PPC function, particularly about the need for major renovations in other buildings. Funding from DoH(2012, 2013(split with PHEF), 2014(not received) with an annually renewable agreement. Treasury had asked DoH to pass financial responsibility to DHET, UCT to prioritise the needs, one version from the Dean- to provide a plan aligned with numbers, failing which, the standard will go down. Matter beyond PPC- each HOD to submit a plan and costing, as part of the bigger picture, to be supported by the Deanery-PPC to accelerate HOD’s drawing needs document and draw up a plan while waiting for appointment of a new Dean. PPC is not able to function as a sub-committee to drive new building project, but can support it, MC/LM to form a sub-group and drive project- MC to take up at HOD’s
Relocation of the Cape Medical Museum /
- Submission from Prof Dent who is intending to close down. PPC requests more informed application (space and contents). Learning centre may be able to house it. RB to contact Prof Dent, inviting him to present on the content of the museum- CB offered to assist with the application, audit and photograph, possibly generate income. Project 2015: to look at other ways of doing the museum- carried over to next meeting 2 June
Neurosciences Building(UCT space) /
- LVW requested info from architects, norms not adhered to, assessed by physical planning unit. NH received presentation, would let LvW to review, to be presented at PPC in parallel with what PPU would be doing. Noted CA concern that systems had been bypassed, threat for occupants to move out. NH to invite them to present at PPC.
- Small imaging facility
- New institute of non-communicable Diseases
- Renovation of a room, drawings provided by Carin, space available, donation funding will be utilised, first floor CBB.
- Restructuring of CBB, request for space, requires a PG hub 50m2for 16 people, no funding required at this stage, will happen when the institute is approved.
Noted / KS
Next Meeting: Tuesday 21July2015 at 14h00 in the Dean’s Committee Room