A Uniformed Youth Inclusion Programme

Parent’s Consent &

Confidential Candidate Medical Form

Information provided is in the strictest confidence and for CT use only

Emergency Contacts: Captain Simon Dean (mobile - 07770 570012)

Lieutenant Jo Morris (mobile - 07971 139605)

Candidate’s details

Name: ______Date of Birth: ______

(Please print)

Address: ______Tel No: ______

______Mobile No: ______



Height: ______Weight: ______Chest:______Waist:______Shoe size:______

Ethnic Group: ______Gender: ______

Swimming Ability (E.g. Weak/Acceptable/Strong): ______

Next of Kin / Emergency Contact Details

Next of Kin: ______Relationship: ______

Address: ______Tel Numbers:

______(daytime) ______

______(evening) ______

______(mobile) ______

Medical Details

Does your son/daughter/ward suffer from any allergies? If so please record them below.



Is your son/daughter/ward taking any regular medication? If so please list below.



Is your son/daughter/ward allergic to any medication? If so please list below.



Does your son/daughter/ward have any dietary restrictions or special food needs? If so please list below.



To the best of your knowledge, has your son/daughter/ward been in contact with any contagious or infectious diseases or suffered from anything in the last 3 months? Please give details



Does your son/daughter/ward suffer from anything of which you think we should be aware?



Is there any other physical or psychological history that may affect your son/daughter/ward in specific activities? (If you would feel more comfortable discussing any area privately with us, please put ‘to be discussed’ and we will contact you)



Does your son/daughter/ward suffer from any of the following? Delete as appropriate

Asthma YES/NO

Other Chest and Heart Conditions YES/NO

(Other than mild chest infections, a chest or heart condition may be significant; this includes any history of bronchitis or wheezing)

Epilepsy YES/NO

Any loss of consciousness or blackout YES/NO

(This includes any history of fainting episodes)

Ear or sinus problems YES/NO

Severe headaches YES/NO

Any other major illness or injury (Specify)…………………………………...... …...... YES/NO

Any conditions requiring regular prescribed medication YES/NO (Specify)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Any condition requiring regular care or visits to a doctor or hospital specialist YES/NO (Specify)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Any other disability (Specify)………………………………………………………………………………….. YES/NO

Has your son/daughter/ward received a tetanus injection in the last 5 years? YES/NO

Details of candidate’s GP

Name: ______Telephone Number:______

Address: ______



Please note that the adult in charge after due consultation with a First Aider or other member of the medical team, has the authority to refer the candidate to hospital for treatment in accordance with the injury.

In case of emergency, I give my consent to authorise all medical and/or surgical treatment for my child/ward during Challenger Troop activities.

Signature: ______Date: ______

(Person with parental responsibility for candidates under 18 years of age)


Delete as appropriate

I give my full consent to the participation of my son/daughter/ward in the

Challenger Troop Programme and agree to fully support them and CT with my YES/NO

son/daughter/ward’s development.

I give my consent to CT taking video/photographs for the purposes of YES/NO

programme, marketing or school reports. Please state if this is not the case.

I acknowledge the need for my son/daughter/ward’s obedience and responsible

behaviour. I understand that if my son/daughter/ward breaks the rules agreed with YES/NO

them, then they may be removed from the programme.

I agree that in the event of my son/daughter/ward causing deliberate damage to

Challenger Troop equipment, then I may be charged accordingly in order to YES/NO

repair / replace the damaged items. This will be capped at £100.

I agree to inform the school and/or Challenger Troop if any of my

son/daughter/ward’s medical circumstances change in the time between signing YES/NO

this form and the end of the programme.

I understand the extent and limitations of the insurance provided. YES/NO

I understand Challenger Troop has no affiliation or association with the Ministry of Defence (MOD), the Reserve Forces & Cadets Association (RFCA) or any of their related defence organisations.

Supervised under qualified staff the following activities may possibly include:

Kayaking – Canoeing – Rafting – Swimming – Outdoor Exercise including travelling in Vehicles and Foot patrolling - Mountain Biking –Physical Training in Gymnasium or out of doors – Command Tasks – Tug of War – Laser Tag – Survival

Signature: ______Date: ______

(Person with parental responsibility for candidates under 18 years of age)

Name: ______(Please Print)

Challenger Troop, Challenger House, TA Centre, St John’s Rd, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 9UU. Tel: 01892 543150