The Conejo Valley Unified School District Child Nutrition Department is requesting proposals from interested business agents to provide distribution, delivery and/or storage for frozen, cold and dry food supplies. It is the intent of the District to develop a secure service relationship between the agent and the District in a competitive atmosphere. The District is, therefore, willing to consider any and all options that will make service more effective and price more economical while providing reasonable income and security of contract to the agent. Service and price are of equal concern. It is the intent of the District to have a single source supplier for the year, but the District reserves the right to award separately for frozen, dry goods & snack items if it is in the best interest of the District.
Service will be based upon the ability to meet the Districts requirements for both storage and the ability to distribute commodity, surplus and purchased products to numerous sites and schedules. Service requirements outlined in section 3.
The consideration for price will be based on a combination of fees for service and overall price of purchased products. Fees outlined in section 1 – Price of products outlined in section 4.
Any response to the District will be considered a price quote which outlines the terms and conditions for all financial aspects and service aspects of doing business as the District’s agent in these areas. The proposal will be the basis for an agreement, under which the successful proposer will sign an agent agreement with the District to provide service outlined therein. All proposals will be specific as to time lines and charges for goods and services.
The District is looking for flexibility in regard to method of purchases and services to be provided. The following items should be considered in a response.
- Fees:
Agents should consider and address the following in their response:
- Fee for service arrangement for processed commodity items.
- Charge for drop ship
- Charge for site deliveries if different than drop ship
- Cost plus terms on normal business
- Fees for storage
- Time and terms and discounts available
- USDA commodities
The District Requires:
- An Agent agreement for the delivery of commodities
- The transshipping of commodities
- The receipt and storage of commodities on the District’s behalf by its agent, as
outlined in the approved guidelines on Fee For Services handling of food in the
State of California, but not limited to Fee For Services.
- The District reserves the right to work directly with manufacturers regarding
processed commodities.
The District is a member of the Super Commodity Co-op, which is administered by DJ Concepts.
Co-op membership may restrict the District as to activities regarding processing, delivery and/or
storage of raw and processed commodities. Any response should take this into account as the
cooperative contract will take precedence where conflict arises.
- Service:
The interested vendor should consider some of the following activities:
- Minimum Stops- Will there be any minimum volume per delivery stop?
- Three (3) weekly deliveries to the Central Kitchen not later that 6:30 A.M.
- Deliveries to be on the same day every week as agreed on by the District and vendors.
- In addition to the Central Kitchen, there are currently 16 school sites requiring a weekly
delivery on the same day to be scheduled no later than 10:30 A.M.
- Lead Time – The District will place orders one week prior to delivery. Special arrangements will be considered for special orders or unusually large quantities.
- Product Availability – The District treats its menu as a contract with the students and holds this contract sacred. The menu is, therefore, not subject to change without notice. An assurance that the agent can manage and maintain a product inventory to supply the needs of the District.
- Ordering Procedure – The District will order by fax directly to the vendor.
- Fee for Service Activities – The District has agreements with several commodities processing manufacturers to provide Fee for Service business to the DISTRICT. This includes but not limited to processed meats and cheese products.
- Back hauling and Storage – The District requires a separate cost structure for shipping raw products to manufacturers & returning processed products to storage or District.
- Storage – The District may require the vendor to provide storage services at the prevailing frozen storage rates and monthly inventories of all products with-in five (5) days of the month.
- Other services offered such as tracking volume rebate, or contracts with commodity processor to provide ease of billing, tracking etc. should be indicated in response.
- Prices
Prospective vendors will fill in the following information per each item listed on request for quote:
The quantities shown are estimated usage of the District for the bid period. The District reserves the right to purchase more or less of the units specified. The District will order in quantities best suited to needs and storage facilities within limits of conditions of vendor.
- Cost of the products to vendor F.O.B. their dock.
- Cost of the product delivered to the district.
- A statement of the percentage markup to be used as the standard by vendor. The percentage markup will be based on the cost to the vendor F.O.B. their dock. It is not to be based in markup off the selling price to the District.
- If the vendor is recommending a two level markup to the District, one percentage markup to the Central Kitchen warehouse and a separate percentage markup to site drops, the vendor must supply two separate costs.
- At least once a year the District will review the cost of items sold by the vendor to the District. This review can be considered an audit to assure that the vendor is living up to its agreement.
- The District reserves the right to maintain any business direct with manufacturers as necessary.
- Response Deadlines:
Responses are due to the District by June 24, 2005 at 12:00 noon.
In awarding the business, the District will consider:
- Service record for timeliness, accuracy, and completeness of order.
- The ability to provide the range of service to benefit the District.
- A price quotation. The price quotation will be compared by adding up a month’s weighted average of purchases based on the price quotation for each vendor.
- Terms:
The contract will be awarded July 11th and will run for one year from July 11, 2005 through June 30, 2006. The District reserves the right to extend this agreement on a year-by-year basis. Extensions may include price adjustment for specific items based on verified cost of goods from manufacturer. Extensions will be made in writing and signed by both parties prior to June 30th of that year.
The vendor agrees to furnish the items specified at the prices so indicated, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the bid documents and this agreement.
The agreement shall be effective July 11, 2005 through June 30, 2006. The prices set forth herein are for 90 days.
The quantities shown are estimated usages of the District for the bid period. The District reserves
the right to purchase more or less of the units specified. The District will order in quantities best
suited to needs and storage facilities within limits of conditions of Vendor. It is anticipated that the District will probably split their annual usage of large quantities into several small deliveries over the year.
Award will be made to the Bidder whose offer is the most advantageous to the District from the standpoint of suitability to purpose, quality, service, previous experience, price, ability to delivery, or for any other reason deemed by the Food Service Director to be in the best interest of the District and, as such, will not be determined by price alone. Price does matter, of course; we will be seeking the least costly outcome that meets the needs of the Food Service Department as specified.
Where a particular brand or number is mentioned in connection to any item, they are standards or quality and utility. A bidder may submit on an article other than that named, but such an article must be equal in quality and utility to the brand and number specified. Substitutes for items specified must be approved, prior to delivery, after submission of a sample to the District.
A company may indicate on the bid the total cases or combination necessary for delivery.
All discounts will be considered in selection of bid items. Please indicate if price reflects use of bonus commodities.
Bid awards will be made by July 11, 2005 and bidders will be notified in writing as to the status of the RFP.
In connection with any discount offered, the discount period shall begin on the date of delivery and acceptance at destination, and/or on the date the correct invoice is received, and/or on the date final approval of payment is authorized if any adjustment is necessary due to damage, whichever is later. Payment is deemed to be made for the purpose of earning the discount on the date of mailing of the warrant.
Invoices shall be submitted in triplicate to the School District and shall contain the following
Information; Purchase Order number, item number, item description, quantity, unit price, extended
totals, and applicable discounts for items delivered. Failure to enter the above information on the
invoice may cause a delay in payment. Payment shall be made on partial deliveries accepted by the
All items ordered under this Agreement shall be delivered F.O.B. destination to the 16 sites listed on the attached sheet on pre-numbered or open purchase orders issued by the Child Nutrition Office
of the School District.
All meat, and/or frozen/refrigerated food products must be delivered via refrigerated truck. All meat shall be Federally graded and conform to the grade standards set up by the United States Department of Agriculture; all meats shall pass inspection of the State or Federal Meat Inspector.
Please specify delivery days in our area. Deliveries are to be made to the above-specified sites between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
Inspection and acceptance of all items shall be at destination. Items found to be defective or not in
accordance with the bid specifications shall be replaced by the Vendor at no cost to the District.
- INSURANCE – Vendor agrees to maintain, at its own expense, occurrence from public
liability insurance during the entire term of its agreement(s) to provide goods and/or services to the DISTRICT. The insurance policy shall include, but not limited to, coverage for claims of bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury to protect the DISTRICT against any liability to the public, resulting in any manner from VENDOR’S delivery of goods and/or services to the DISTRICT. VENDOR shall furnish to the DISTRICT a certificate of liability insurance, which contains an additional insured endorsement page, in a form satisfactory to the DISTRICT, from an insurance company approved by the DISTRICT in the amount of ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000) to indemnify against the claim of any (1) one occurrence and TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2,000,000)
combined single limit in the aggregate. The Certificate of Insurance shall be placed on file with the District at least five (5) business days before any agreement to provide goods and/or services to the District becomes effective. VENDOR is to obtain a written obligation on the part of the insurance carrier to notify the DISTRICT, in writing, at least thirty (30) days prior to any cancellation thereof. Said Certificate of Insurance and endorsement shall also state that such insurance shall be determined to be primary over any other coverage available to the DISTRICT.
- HOLD HARMLESS—VENDOR agreed to indemnify and hold the DISTRICT harmless from all losses, expenses, fines, lawsuits, proceedings, claims, damages, actions, and judgments of any nature whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected with:
1)the conduct of management of the Premises of any DISTRICT facility or location, or any work or thing whatsoever done, or any condition created in or about the Premises of and DISTRICT facility or location during the term of this agreement;
2). the act, omission or negligence of the VENDOR or Any of the VENDOR’S sub-
vendors or licensees or the partners, directors, officers, agents employees, invitees or
contractors of VENDOR or of VENDOR’S sub-vendors or licensees;
3)any accident, injury or damage whatsoever occurring in or at the Premises of any DISTRICT facility location. VENDOR hereby expressly indemnifies the DISTRICT for the consequences of any negligent act or omission of the DISTRICT, its agents, servants and employees, unless such act or omission constitutes negligence or intentional misconduct.
C.FINGERPRINTING (if applicable) – In accordance with Education Code section 45125.1, VENDOR agrees to submit to fingerprints to the Department of Justice for all it’s agents,
servants or employees who may have contact with any pupils at any DISTRICT facility or
location in the course of conducting business. VENDOR also agrees to submit fingerprints
to the Department of Justice for all agents, servants, or employees of any of its sub-vendors,
licensees who may have contact with pupils at any DISTRICT facility or location in the
course of conducting business. VENDOR is responsible for fully complying with all
applicable legal requirements, such as submitting all applicable fingerprints in a manner
authorized by the Department of Justice together with a fee determined by the Department
of Justice that is sufficient to reimburse the department for its cost incurred in processing
the fingerprints.
VENDOR fully agrees to certify in writing to the DISTRICT that none of the agents, servants or employees of the VENDOR of any of its sub-vendors or licensees who may
have contact with pupils at any DISTRICT facility or location in the course of conducting business have been convicted of a felony as defined in Education Code section 45125.1. Except as specifically provided for in Education Code section 45125.1, VENDOR shall not permit any of the aforementioned employees to come in contact with pupils until the Department of Justice has ascertained that the employee has not been convicted of a felony as defined in the Education Code section 45122.1.
Signature of Representative: ______
Print Name: ______Date: ______
Company Name: ______
Executed at ______, California
The vendor certifies by delivery, that all items furnished under this Agreement meet or exceed CAL-OSHA codes.