From: Moffett, Nelle
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2003 3:55 PM
To: SCC - Everyone on Exchange
Subject: SCC e-News 8-22-03
Attachments: Distribution of Self Study.doc; FA03 New Faculty-staff & Relocations.xls; FA03 Student Services Moves_.doc; Division Office locations.doc; Form1 #03-04-01.doc; Attachment - #03-04-01.doc; Form1 #03-04-02.doc; Pres response #02-03-15.doc; Pres response #02-03-23.doc; Staff Resource Center memo.doc
Accreditation Site Visit. The Accreditation site visit team will be on campus October 14-16. Team members will be interviewing many people on campus as well as holding open forums. An interview schedule will be developed before the team arrives. Site visits will be occurring simultaneously at all the district colleges. SCC has not yet received the roster of team members. SCC's Self Study Report is currently being distributed according to the list below. Extra copies are available in the Planning Office for anyone who would like one (supply limited). The full report is also available at this web link.
New Faculty/Staff & Relocations. Here are lists of the locations of new faculty and staff as well as the current location of faculty and staff who have moved.
Classified Staff Handbook. The Classified Handbook is now accessible on-line. Contact Stephanie Smith (ext. 2106) if you have any questions.
Standing Committee Memberships. Current tri-chairs and members of Standing Committees can be accessed on-line. There is also a description of the charge of each committee and the day and time of the meetings. If you are interested in serving on a standing committee, contact your constituency president.
Master Plan in Progress. The architectural firm of Stafford, King, and Wiese is working with SCC to develop the Facilities section of the Master Plan for Student Success. A Master Planning Group began to meet with the architects in July 2003. The Master Planning Group will start with the Programs and Services plans to develop a college-wide vision. The architects will interpret this vision into a long range facilities plan for the college. Check this web link frequently to access the Programs and Services plans as well as minutes, documents, and progress reports of the Master Planning Group as the project develops.
Students Needed. ASG needs your help in identifying students who may be interested in serving on a college standing committee. It is very important to include student representation in SCC's governance process as much as we can. Please send your suggestions of student names - with contact information - to the ASG President (email: SCC - Assoc. Student Govt).
Executive Council Activities. Executive Council met on August 20 and heard two new Campus Issues (#01:Name Change for College & Community Relations, #02:Extend roof of Student Center to cover patio) and heard the President's Responses which close out two old issues (#15:Joe Serna Memorial and #23: Memorial Tree).
Welcome to New Interim Administrators. We are fortunate to have found three willing and highly capable people to fill in the vacant administrative positions on an interim basis this year. The position of Interim Dean of the Learning Resources is filled by Yvonne Maller; Interim Dean of the Technology Division is filled by Joe Armstrong; and Interim Associate VP for Instruction for General Education and Outreach is filled by David Blackwell. David Blackwell's position as Dean of the Math/Statistics & Engineering Division is filled on an interim basis by Ron Hatton. Ron Hatton's teaching commitments will be covered by a full-time temporary faculty position. The college will be working to get all three positions advertised in the Spring for a July 1 start date.
Staff Resource Center Reorganization. In response to the loss of state budget for staff development, the Staff Resource Center was reconfigured to provide continued support. Here is a memo from Bob Harris and Debbie Travis detailing these changes.
SCC e-News will keep you informed about activities of the standing committees, accomplishments across the campus, resource materials available to you, issues that may impact the college, and other related topics. Past issues are archived in public folders under SCC Community/SCC e-News. Nelle Moffett, Planning, Research & Institutional Effectiveness, Sacramento City College, 916-558-2512