14th Solar Keymark Network meeting -

Initial draft agenda

(18/1, 2013, jen)

Meeting time:

Tuesday, March 12th , 2013, 13:00 - 19:00

Wednesday, March 13th 2013, 08:00 - 14:00

Meeting location:

SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden

Västeråsen, Brinellgatan 4

Meeting Room: Will be announced in the reception (Brinellgatan 4)

Info on meeting place and transportation:

http://www.estif.org/solarkeymarknew/images/meetings/meeting14/2013 March SP Directions.pdf

Google Maps, how to get there

Recommended hotel:

Best Western Hotel, Borås (http://www.hotellboras.se/main.aspx?pageID=74)

40 rooms are pre-booked until: 12th February

Phone from outside Sweden: +46 33 799 01 00, from inside Sweden: 033 799 01 00

NB. When booking give reference “SP”(prices: 1120-1234 SEK/night incl. breakfast & wifi)

Online registration for the meeting (deadline 12th February): See restricted area in web site

(use “Members login” in lower right corner of the page)

Meeting starts: Tuesday, March 12th , 2013, 13:00

Sandwiches / light lunch are served from 12 o’clock




/resolution potentially required




Related documents / comments / details

1 / Opening of the meeting (HD)
Short welcome and some practical information (Jaime Fernandez)
2 / Introduction of participants (All)
3 / x / Approval of the agenda (All)
4 / Comments to the minutes of the 13. meeting (HD / All) / N0205R0 pdf
5 / x /
Date and place of next meeting(s) (HD)
·  15th meeting: September 24-25 2013, DIN CERTCO, Berlin
·  16th meeting: March ?-?, 2014, ?
Note: Dates of the next CCB meetings …
6 / x / Any new equivalent absorber coatings ?
7 / x / Any new equivalent glazing ?
8 / x / Brand names / OEM / OBL - results from dedicated working group:
WG: Sören Scholz (Chair), Ralf Köbbemann-Rengers, Christian Stadler, PD, Costas Travasaros, François-Xavier Ball, Vincenzo Delacqua, Jaime Fernandez Gonzalez-Granda.
The following questions to be answered by the working group and the group of certifiers:
- What are the minimum required documents for OEM and OBL labelling?
- Is it possible that OEM and OBL certificate holders apply for another OBM/OBL certificate based on an existing one?
- Validity period: Shall this be the same as in the original certificate?
- Format of datasheets? If a new certificate is based on an old one with only one page, should the new one than have also only one page or two pages as status today?
- What fee should be charged?
- How to deal with surveillance procedures?
- What happens with the OEM/OBL certificates if the holder of the main certificates cancels his certificate or if his certificate is cancelled?
The working group consisting of the above mentioned persons shall elaborate a document providing answers to the questions mentioned above to be presented at the meeting. / Document to come / Sören Scholz
9 / x / Discussion and decision on Scheme rules for PV/T collectors
Uli Fritzsche and others / N0211R0 docx
10 / x / List of documents required by certification bodies - see item 15 in minutes of last meeting (Stamatios Babalis / Costas Travasaros) - still an issue? / N0165R0 doc
11 / x / Internal checks of certification bodies, inspectors and test labs (and sub contractors)
- Description of the currently available procedures for complaining (this procedure will be posted to the Solar Keymark website. This will also provide information where to post the complains)
- Proposal for a procedure dealing with complains. A key element of this will be a so-called “board of advise” acting as a clearing body.
The tasks mentioned above will be performed by a working group consisting of the following persons:
Andreas Bohren (Chair), Stephan Fischer, Uli Fritzsche, Sören Scholz, Danjana Theis,
Jef Profke, Vinod Shama, Stefan Mehnert, Henry Rosik, Stamatios Babalis, Julien Heintz, Alberto Garcia, Franz Helmlinger, Jaime Fernandez Gonzalez-Granda, Carsten Lampe, Harald Dehner, Achim Sadenwater / Documents to come /Andreas Bohren
12 / x / Sanctions against absent representatives obliged to participate in the Solar Keymark network meetings?
ITC (ES) recognised by AENOR (ES)
Pa.L.Mer. (IT) recognised by ICIM (IT).
In case representatives from the test labs mentioned above are not present at the next SKN meeting the respective certifiers (AENOR and ICIM) shall cancel their contracts. Furthermore these two test labs are excluded to perform Solar Keymark certification activities.
Presentation of modified version of the Solar Keymark network internal regulations that includes sanctions against absent representatives obliged to participate in the SKN meetings. Resolution to be made.
Working group for this issue: Sören Scholz (Chair), Jaime Fernandez Gonzalez-Granda, Allard Slomp, Harald Drück, Daniele Bernacchioni, François-Xavier Ball / Document to come / Sören Scholz
13 / x / Report from:
·  “Certification Body Group” / Sören Scholz
·  “Inspection Group” /Sören Scholz
Modification of internal regulations / scheme rules in order to secure active participation of all inspectors and certification bodies ? /
14 / x / Freeze resistance test
Presentation of proposal for resolution (based on the results of the HP_Qual project)
WG: Uli Fritzsche (chair), Stephan Fischer, Carsten Lampe, Alberto Garcia de Jalon, Bellenda Giovanni, Maria João Carvalho / Document to come /Uli Fritzche
15 / x / Dear Mr Nielsen,
on request by the software company Hottgenroth Software / ETU in Cologne I take care for the collector database of GetSolar (www.getsolar.de).
In this work the published solar keymark summary reports are very helpful. I must really thank you for the raw data that can be gathered from there.
Only two parameters are bothering me a bit. One is missing: the filling capacity of the collector modules, which should be added to the table which contains width, length and height.
The filling capacity is an essential value for calculating the initial filling volume of the collector circuit and has most influence on the generated steam during stagnation periods and consequently on the sizing of the expansion vessel.
The other is not definite enough: the value for the effective thermal capacity varies from 2,4 kJ/(m²K)* to 285 kJ/(m²K)**. It is obvious that some of these values are meant for the collector without fluid, some for the filled collector.
Personally I would prefer the "dry" value because it makes the calculation easier. Anyway during a simulation the thermal capacity of the chosen fluid must be calculated and there should be no need for subtracting the value for the tested fluid first. Besides that: you need the fluid capacity for this calculation.
I guess you have some influence on these questions, so hopefully I am looking forward to your answer.
Best wishes
Axel Horn, Ing. Buero solar energie information, Online: www.ahornsolar.de - e-mail: / * Solar Keymark 011-7S1675 F
** Solar Keymark 011-7S1942 R
16 / x / Recommendation for approval of SCF projects in 4th call / HD / Documents to come /JEN/HD
17 / Solar Certification Fund-1st Call - Status Reports/PD / Documents to come /PD
18 / Solar Certification Fund-2nd Call - Status Reports/PD / Documents to come /PD
19 / Solar Certification Fund-3rd Call - Status Reports/PD / Documents to come /PD
20 / Solar Certification Fund-3rd Call - Status Reports/PD / Documents to come /PD
21 / Update on CE marking
·  CPD (Stephan Fischer)
·  LVD (Stephan Fischer)
·  PED (JEN)
·  CE and Keymark (JEN)
22 / Status for “Global certification” /Jaime Fernandez Gonzalez-Granda /JEN
23 / Information on Energy Labelling /Gerard van Amerongen ?
24 / Information from CEN TC 312 /Costas Travasaros ?
25 / Update on new SK website (PD)
26 / Information from CEN/CCB / Hoang Liauw
·  CEN Keymark database
·  Any other issues
27 / Experience with misuse of Solar keymark - exchange of information
28 /
Any other business
-  …

29 /
Important national news/developments
-  …

End of meeting (HD)
Meeting ends Wednesday, March 13th 2013, 14:00

6 + 6 hours - 3 hours breaks = 9 hours = 540 minutes, xx issues => xx minutes in average per issue

HD: Harald Drück, ITW, Stuttgart University, Chairman Solar Keymark Network,

JEN: Jan Erik Nielsen, Solarkey Int., ESTIF Technical Consultant, Technical Secretary of Solar Keymark Network,

PD: PD, ESTIF Deputy Secretary General, Sdministrative Secretary of Solar Keymark Network, pedro.dias(at)estif.org

Items for next meeting September 2013: