Accountability Under REAP
Adequate Yearly Progress
For districts that have received three or more years of funding under either the REAP grant programs, or have exercised REAP-Flex authority for three or more years, or a combination thereof, specific accountability requirements take effect:
- If the district is making AYP after the third year of its participation in REAP, it may continue to receive a SRSA or RLIS REAP grant, or exercise REAP-Flex authority, assuming that it still meets the eligibility requirements of these programs. The district continues to have the broad flexibility available under REAP.
- If the district is not making AYP after the third year of its participation in REAP, a REAP eligible district may continue to receive a SRSA or RLIS REAP grant, and/or exercise REAP-Flex authority only if its uses its REAP funds or REAP-Flex authority to carry out the requirements of section 1116 of the ESEA.
School Improvement Title I, Section 1116 activities include:
• Incorporate scientifically based learning in core academic subjects.
• Identify and implement strategies that have the greatest likelihood of improving student achievement.
• Address professional development needs of instructional staff.
• Include specific measurable objectives for identified low achieving students.
• Address fundamental teaching and learning needs in the schools and the specific academic problems of low-achieving students.
• Incorporate, as appropriate, before and after school and summer supplemental student academic improvement programs for low achieving students.
• Incorporate strategies to promote effective parental involvement in the school.
• Incorporate activities that support an improvement plan developed under section 1116.
• Support school choice activities and/or supplemental educational services required under section 1116.