. – Solid state physics

Prof. Luigi Sangaletti


Students will acquire the experimental and theoretical foundations of the properties of solids relating to the translational symmetry of the crystal lattice, with particular focus on aspects relating to the electronic structure of crystals and vibrational spectra. The lectures will be supplemented with discussions of problems pertaining to condensed matter physics. The experimental aspects will be addressed primarily with reference to the quantum theory of radiation-matter interactions.


Programme worth 6 ECTS credits for the second-level degree in physics:

1. From the Drude model to the Sommerfeld theory of metals.

Limits of the free electron model.

2. Structural order and disorder. The crystal lattice. The reciprocal lattice. Diffraction of x-rays by crystals. Bravais lattices and crystal structures.

4. Electron levels in a periodic potential. Bloch theorem.

5. Electrons in a weak periodic potential. The tight-binding method. The Kronig-Penney model: energy levels in a periodic structure of quantum wells: computation of allowed energy bands.

6. The Fermi surface.

7. Band structure of metals.

8. Classification of solids. Cohesive energy.

9. Pure and doped semiconductor materials. Homojunctions, heterojunctions and semiconductor devices. Low-dimensional systems.

10. Classical theory of the harmonic crystal. Quantum theory of the harmonic crystals and specific heats in solids.

11. Electron structure beyond the independent-electron approximation.

12. Radiation-matter interaction. Dielectric function. Electron transitions in metals and semiconductors. Electron spectroscopy.

13. Plasmons, polaritons and polarons.

14. Dielectrics and ferroelectrics.


Neil W. Ashcroft - N. David Mermin, Solid State Physics, Saunders College, Philadelphia.

C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, John Wiley, New York,

1995 (Trad. it. Boringhieri Torino).

Reference textbooks :

F. Bassani - U. M. Grassano, Fisica dello Stato Solido, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2000.

G. Grosso - G. Pastori Pallavicini, Solid State Physics, Academic Press, 2000.


Lectures. Seminars.


Oral examination.


Prof. Luigi Sangaletti is available to meet with students during the hour following each lecture.