Birds versus Boaters: What to do with new islands?
Rachael Pacella, DelmarvaNow
9:23 a.m. EDT August 10, 2015
Boaters have started using a new island in Isle of Wight Bay that was created as bird habitat this spring.
There’s an island inIsle of Wight Baywhere Melanie Wooldridge knows her 4-year-old can play safely.
Kids can Boogie Board on mild waves, play in the sand and wade in shallow water. Boaters can barbecue and enjoy the camaraderie of others while avoiding crowded spots south of Ocean City and what they say is a nerve-wracking trip under the Route 50 bridge.
“My son named it Pirate Island,” Wooldridge said.
For her family it’s a convenient distance from their home inOcean Pines, and she’s been enjoying the island ever since it was created this spring.
Pirate Island is dog-friendly, too. But there’s a problem with Pirate Island: It was never meant to be used by people, it was meant to be habitat for migratory bird species looking for a place to nest in Maryland, including an endangered species, the black skimmer.
The two uses aren’t compatible, officials say.
When boaters learned they may lose access to the island because of the birds, they started fighting back with a petition.
The island was built on the footprint of an old island that faded away because of erosion: Collier Island.
Islands created in Sinepuxent and Isle of Wight Bays are all wildlife management areas, designated by law almost two decades ago, according to Jonathan McKnight of theMaryland Department of Natural Resources. The planning for this new island began in 2013 with federal, state and local officials.
“These areas were built specifically for bird conservation,” McKnight said. “They are public land. The fact that they’re public wildlife land doesn’t mean that they’re public party islands.”
That word — public — is where the petition’s leader gets hung up.
“I’m going to be adamant that this island remain open for the boaters,” Chuck Idol said. “My taxes paid for the dredging.”
TheArmy Corp of Engineerscreated this island and three similar islands in the coastal bays over the past year using dredge material taken from channels that needed to be cleared. The project was paid for with Hurricane Sandy recovery funds.
Idol spent five days on the island collecting signatures in support of keeping the island open to boaters. He has also sent letters to state officials asking for the island to remain open at least two years to give residents a chance to weigh in on the issue.
He respects the work of groups like theMaryland Coastal Bays Program, he said, but to him the island is a resource that has helped relieve stress from the bay area.
“My statement to everybody is, ‘I’m very sorry for the bird,’” he said. “I hope we do find a way to cohabitate, but what has happened is just phenomenal, an incredible resource for those who boat.”
The island is filled with people on a sunny day.(Photo: Image courtesy of Chuck Idol)
The boaters who visit the island have been well behaved, McKnight said, and he encourages them to continue to respect the vegetation that has been planted on the island.
“We don’t have plans to kick people off of there this year,” McKnight said.
But next April, when it is time for the birds to nest again, may be a different case.
If terns or skimmers were to nest on the island, one possible consequence of human interaction could be that the parent birds would be scared away. In such a sandy habitat, things heat up quickly, and without care the chicks could cook in their shells.
Officials also say the island should be left alone because the terns and skimmers are running out of space. Without the four new islands they would have been gone from Maryland by 2020.
The birds prefer bare sand to nest on. On the new island, some grass has been planted to help keep the sand in place, but McKnight said that is compatible with the habitat the birds need.
“The traditional habitat for these birds is Ocean City,” McKnight said. “For many thousands of generations the birds used the barrier island for their home.”
The skimmers and terns first ran into trouble in 1933, when aNor’eastertore a hole in Ocean City, separating it fromAssateague.
That event did two things to the terns and skimmers. The inlet that formed sparked the area’s tourism industry, which meant the place birds were nesting before was ruined for them, built up with roads, hotels and restaurants. However, when theInletwas carved, it also became necessary to dredge channels for boaters to use. That material was used to build 29 islands — new habitat for the birds.
Over time, those 29 islands began washing away. Today, only three are left, no longer suitable for the birds, because they are overgrown with vegetation and eroding away.
The decline in islands is directly tied to the decline in nesting bird populations along Maryland’s coast, Roman Jesien, a scientist with the Maryland Coastal Bays Program, said.
There was one black skimmer nest in Maryland this year, on Skimmer Island, which is a naturally formed island just north of the Route 50 bridge, made from sand that floats in through the Inlet. That nest was so precariously placed, officials had to issue a warning to boaters not to make a wake in that area so it wouldn’t be washed away.
“The birds have no other place to go,” Jesien said. “It’s more important for the birds than the folks that need to recreate.”
Birds using those sandy islands indicate a healthy ecosystem, Jesien said.
“A lot of people like to come here because of the natural resources we have,” Jesien said. “If we start to lose those things, that means that we’re tipping the scale in the wrong direction. That’s the balancing act we’re trying to maintain.”