The list of resources in this section includesboth free databases and subscription databases. The latterare onlyavailableto patrons onsite at the Library of Congress or at other subscribing institutions.Some of the databasesfocus specificallyon Ukrainian business/economy, but most of them provideaccess to data on a range of subjects and countries.
Databases of Russian / NIS Publications
Access limited to onsite patrons and other subscribers
Publisher: Eastview
Provides a collection of articles, news alerts, and statistics on the Newly Independent States (NIS) including Ukraine.
EIU Country Data
Access limited to onsite patrons and other subscribers
Publisher:Economist Intelligence Unit.
Contains annual, quarterly and monthly macroeconomic data on 150 countries including Ukraine.
Emerging Markets
Access limited to onsite patrons and other subscribers
Publisher: Internet Securities, Inc.
A collection of business information on developing countries including Ukraine.
Global Financial Data
Access limited to onsite patrons and other subscribers
Publisher: Global FinancialData
Contains macroeconomic data on 150 countries including Ukraine.
Free Access.
Publisher: InternationalTradeCenter
Web-site developed by InternationalTradeCenter, an international development organization which aims to promote the economic development of developing and transition countries through export.Contains information on export and links to institutionswhich support trade.
International Country Risk Guide
Onsite access only.
Publisher: The PRS Group
Data provides risk assessment for the countries including Ukraine. Focuses on political (subjective), financial and economic (objective) analysis.
International Monetary Fund
Free access.
An official site of theInternational Monetary Fund, an international organization focusing on global macro-stabilization, financial integrity, and economic development. Contains numerous analytical reports, brief world and country overviews, and data on world and country economic conditions.
ISI Emerging Markets.
Access limited to onsite patrons and other subscribers
Publisher: Internet Securities, Inc.
Web-site that provides access to news and research materials on both particular industries and general economic topics and development in different countries including Ukraine.
Publisher: NationMaster
Free access.
Web site provides data on different countries including Ukraine. Contains statistics collected fromtheCIA World Factbook, UN, and OECD.
State Statistics Committee of Ukraine
Free access.
An official Ukraine government web-site which contains data mainly on demography and economy. Selected content in English.
The Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
Free access
An official Ukrainian governmentweb-site providing information on Ukraine’s international economic integration and data on major macroeconomic indicators. Selected content in English.
World Bank
Free access.
An official web site of theWorld Bank, an international organization whose goal is supporting developing and transition countries in their socio-economic development through consulting and financing reform programs. Contains analytical materials and statistics.