Career Academy Integrated Unit Plan
Academy Name: Academy of Design and Manufacturing Technology School: Mainland High School
Integrated Unit Plan Title: Sustainable HouseCourses to integrate: English II Drafting and Illustrative Design II
Grade Level: 10th
Timeline & Duration: 3rd quarter, Weeks 3 – 6
Unit Summary:
Overview of Activities/Lessons per Course
Course / Drafting Ill Design II/Intro to Engineering Design / English II
Activity/Lesson / Create set of floor plans and elevations rendering, section drawings / Take background notes on novel/story
Guided notes during the reading
Lesson Instructions for _____ Drafting Design I/Intro Engineering Design______(course):
Standards (Performance Tasks or Course Frameworks or Sunshine State Standards ):Rigor & Relevance (quadrant): Quadrant B, 05.01, 05.04, 08.02, 08.03, 23.01-23.09
Instructions to Teacher: Review dimensioning and sketching with students. Make sure students understand due dates.
Instructions to Students: Based off readings and notes from English II, design a sustainable building that would fit in the setting of the current novel/story you are reading in English class.
· Floor plans (dimensioned)
· Listing of all the sustainable elements of your home
· A short essay on why your house “fits” in the setting of the story
· Elevations (annotated)
· 3D rendering of your house design
· Section drawing showing the structure of your wall
Instructions for Student Accommodations:
Extra time as needed. Reciprocal teaching.
Assessment for Activity:
Students’ work and observation.
Approximate Length of Time for Activity:
2 - 3 weeks
Materials Needed:
Computer with Internet access. AutoCAD, Inventor, drafting kit, plotter.
Resources Needed: Access to the Internet.
Attachments: Rubric for architectural drawings.
Lesson Instructions for ____ English II block______(course):
Standards (Performance Tasks or Course Frameworks or Sunshine State Standards ):Rigor & Relevance (quadrant): LA.A.1.4.3, LA.A.1.4.4, LA.A.2.4.5, LA.B.2.4.1, LA.B.2.4.3, LA.C.1.4.3, LA.C.1.4.4, LA.C.3.4, LA.E.1.4.3, LA.E.1.4.4, LA.E.2.4.1, LA.E.2.4.2; Quadrant C
Instructions to Teacher: Review background on Jewish Faith and history of the Jewish Migration. Pre-teach literary terms. Preview Guided Notes. Set-up clips of film. Reinforce plot/story line. Address techniques for public speaking and oral presentations. Practice speech writing.
Instructions to Students: View background film & take notes of ancient Rome. Keep active notes of literary terms & rhetorical devices & figurative language in action. Track plot. Draft speech and practice effective oral communication techniques, including visual presentations.
Instructions for Student Accommodations: Extra time as needed. Print version of teacher notes. Abridged text. Graphic Organizers.
Assessment for Activity: Class Discussion. Student notes. Comprehension & Analysis test. Speech rubric. Writing rubric.
Approximate Length of Time for Activity: 3-4 weeks
Materials Needed: Handouts, text book, highlighter, pencils, paper.
Resources Needed: Text book, projector, power points, films, audio files, computer
Attachments: NA