Diocese of Oregon
Academy for Formation and Mission
Application to Participate in Spring 2018 Classes
The Academy is in session from 5:00 Friday evening through 5:00 Saturday evening.Students are encouraged to participate in discussions focused on baptismal, diaconal, and presbyteral formation that begin at 5:00 on Fridays.Students are invited to build community through sharing a meal from 6:00-7:00.The core classes meet on Friday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00, Saturdays from 8:45-11:45 and 2:00-5:00.Morning Prayer begins our time together on Saturday (8:30) and we celebrate Eucharist at 11:45. Students participate liturgically in our services, through preaching, reading, assisting, and more. During the lunch break students with field-education placements meet for a debriefing seminar.
We meet these weekends:9/10February, 9/10 March, 13/14April, 11/12May, and 8/9June.All classes will meet at St. Francis in Wilsonville, just east of Exit 282(B) on I-5.
Academy classes provide a rich experience in education and spiritual formation to lay people, those preparing for ordination as deacons or priests, and ordained people who seek continued education.Enrollment is limited, but we are dedicated to developing classes that enable all participants to grow more fully in their ministries.
One should view an Academy course as a commitment of time and energy, represented by the payment of tuition, regular and punctual attendance, and thoughtful participation.One’s admittance to a class constitutes an agreement to pay tuition ($230 per Saturday class/$175 for Friday class/$60 for Field Ed seminar, or a total of $575).Tuition is not refundable after the term has begun.
Please complete the attached application by 2February 2018and send the document electronically to .
Thank you for your interest in the Academy and its work. We will be in touch with you soon after the closing application date about your participation.
Yours in Christ,
Maureen-Elizabeth Hagen, Director
Diocese of Oregon
Academy for Formation and Mission
Application to Participate in Spring 2018 Term
Telephone number(day) (evening)
Home church Clergy reference
New Students: Please have an ordained or lay leader in your church provide a letter of recommendation, sent electronically to .
On a separate page, please
- Tell us why you are interested in the Academy courses and what abilities and background you would bring to them.
- Indicate your prior educational experience and any college degrees.
- Provide a Spiritual Autobiography (300-500 words)
The Academy relies on tuition for operational costs, and one’s admittance to a class constitutes an agreement to pay tuition of $575 for a full schedule ($175 for Friday class; $230 for each Saturday class; $60 for field ed). We ask that a $100 refundable deposit accompany this application to hold your place in the class; the balance must be paid by 28February 2018.Please make your check payable to Diocese of Oregon, with Academy for Formation and Mission in the memo line.
_____Liturgical Leadership ($175) Friday evening
_____Ethics in the Anglican Tradition($230)Saturday morning
_____Historical Theology II($230) Saturday afternoon
_____Field-Education Seminar($60) TBD
_____Total Tuition owed ($575 for full-time)
Please sign and date this agreement, and send this application, your deposit and your accompanying information by2February 2018, to:
Academy for Formation and Mission
3030 SE Bybee Boulevard
Portland, OR97202