English 11 Ms. Yang Name:

Quotation Integration Practice

Please smoothly integrate the quotes into yourargument. Make sure that your sentences are grammatically correct, easy to read, and concise. You do not need to use the entire quote (in fact, please do not do that); only take the essential parts of the quote that best support your argument.

-Use [ ] if you are changing words in the quote.

-Use … if you are omitting a word or words in the quote.

-Make sure the verb tense of the quote is in agreement with your own words.

-The order of punctuations should be “(page #).

  • Eg. Joe’s food choices are questionable because he loves eating “old and stale bread” (31).
  1. Your argument: Mr. Summers takes his job very seriously and does not mind amending old customs as he sees fit.

Quote: Chips of wood, Mr. Summers had argued. had been all very well when the village was tiny, but now that the population was more than three hundred and likely to keep on growing, it was necessary to use something that would fit more easily into the black box. (6)

Your integrated quote:




  1. Your argument: The lottery has evolved over time, yet there are fundamental elements of it that the villagers would never consider changing.

Quote:There had been, also, a ritual salute, which the official of the lottery had had to use in addressing each person who came up to draw from the box, but this also had changed with time, until now it was felt necessary only for the official to speak to each person approaching. (7)

Your nicely integrated quote:




  1. Your argument: People used to be much more accepting of the lottery's results. This may signal the community's potential for doing away with the lottery entirely.

Quote: The crowd was quiet. A girl whispered, "I hope it's not Nancy," and the sound of the whisper reached the edges of the crowd.
"It's not the way it used to be." Old Man Warner said clearly. "People ain't the way they used to be." (68 – 69)

Your brilliantly integrated quote:




  1. Your argument: Tess Hutchinson is clearly willing to sacrifice members of her own family if it means she can avoid the lottery.

Quote: Bill Hutchinson was standing quiet, staring down at the paper in his hand. Suddenly. Tessie Hutchinson shouted to Mr. Summers. "You didn't give him time enough to take any paper he wanted. I saw you. It wasn't fair!" (46)

"There's Don and Eva," Mrs. Hutchinson yelled. "Make them take their chance!"
"Daughters draw with their husbands' families, Tessie," Mr. Summers said gently. "You know that as well as anyone else." (50)

Okay, I’m ready to hear your amazing quote:




  1. Your argument: villagers are organized as a patriarchy. Families are defined by male heads of household.

Quote: "Daughters draw with their husbands' families, Tessie," Mr. Summers said gently. "You know that as well as anyone else." (51)

Wow, who wrote this fantastic quote?


