Academic Strategies Committee: Rural Access and Success Priority Area Feb. 2010
Goal Two: Improve Program completion and credential attainment
Potential Action Item / Current Situation / Action w/o Funding Adjustment / Action Possible Through Reallocation / Action Requiring New Funding / Information/Data Needs to Support Next Steps /Develop new regional “open campus” processes and agreements to remove barriers to attendance at multiple institutions / EOU distance program with 16 regional centers.
OSU/Linn Benton Open Campus
OSU Cascades w/COCC developing home campus model w/outreach centers – CCOC Madras & Prineville campuses for gateway courses/advising
Multiple CC/OUS MOUs / Gather stakeholders to consider creating seamless CC/OUS open campus agreements at one or more institutions and determine needed statutory or other approvals / Willing partners could allocate staff development funds/reassigned time for joint work by faculty on aligning courses, enrollment/admissions on systems requirements
financial aid formulas for sharing costs/income
Seek statutory approvals / Provide funds for the Eastern Oregon Collaborative Colleges Consortium with this work as its major charge.
OSU Extension w/TBCC, COCC in Prineville.
Pilot fiscal support for 2 or more remote sites for advising and support staff to help students navigate degree planning, financial aid, study skills / Collect statewide data on current alignment agreements
Assess faculty capacity to collaborate on course and program alignment.
Coordinate with UEE on this work.
Apply “hub-and-spoke” education model to increase enrollment and capacity to serve specific needs / 50% of EOU enrollment is through distance delivery. Nine majors and 19 minors are offered in traditional disciplines. Largest campus major is “Liberal Studies” MBA available at distance. / Greater OUS/CC outreach to communities re current options for beginning or completing degrees through different institutions. / Establish joint OUS/CC committee to determine feasibility of using extension offices, public libraries, local k-12 schools for on-site courses and/or on-line access.
Involve IT staff to determine system compatibilities and requirements to increase.
Involve PR staff in creating comprehensive materials. / Seek state investment in enhanced rural broadband infrastructure
Pilot fiscal support for several rural access points for preparatory/gateway courses in remote areas.
Provide financial incentives for CC/OUS to develop curricular hub and spoke strategies. (See next 2 actions for examples). / Assess capacity to offer courses and programs
Develop a system-wide Oregon “Interdisciplinary Degree” Option / Degree completion options possible through variety of institutions, but majors are limited and it is difficult to monitor quality/alignment of courses within and among institutions See information on EOU in previous in box above. / Review existing “liberal studies” and other degree completion options for quality and employment value Promote EOU option. / Establish OUS/CC faculty/advisors committee to develop a model template for an independent degree permitting students to draw from multiple institutions, with strong advising for transcript evaluation, include rigorous process for assessment of prior experiential learning, and require individually designed capstone experiences.
Need to address residency requirements and formula for FTE sharing / A new syste-wide degree would require financial support for release time for faculty and initial development and coordination. / Community engagement and interest assessment through scheduled town hall meetings
Consider implementing applied Bachelor of Science degree using hub and spoke model. / Under review, with discussion about ensuring essential learning outcomes for Bachelor of Science
OIT currently providing Bachelor of Science completion sites for tech and allied health. OSU/Cascades programs exist as well. / Increase PR re current options to participate in OIT /OSU Cascades applied programs. / N/A / Provide fiscal support to OIT or OSU and at least one CC partner serving rural students to propose a joint applied Bachelor of Science in a specific technical field.
Seek Board approval / Monitor work on applied baccalaureate
Promote Assessment of Prior Experiential Learning or similar / Example: Student assistance through EOU’s regional center directors with assessment conducted by EOU program faculty / At institution level, review current use and successes and identify future potential for this option focused on rural residents / Assess rural residents’ interest/need through planned town-hall meetings (currently budgeted through SB442) / Provide funding to increase advisors and provide professional development.
Compensate faculty for review of prior learning in their discipline areas. / At institution level, review current use and successes and identify future potential for this option focused on rural residents