State Performance Plan Indicator 13
Region 13 Report
Items from Checklist – Compliance and Quality Analysis
The IEP meets the requirements of Indicator 13.
Frequency / PercentYes / 1152 / 58.6
No / 813 / 41.4
Total / 1965 / 100.0
Items from Checklist for Measurement of Indicator 13 – Compliance and
Quality Analysis
1. The IEP includes measurable postsecondary goals.
Frequency / PercentYes / 1501 / 76.4
No / 464 / 23.6
Total / 1965 / 100.0
2. Initial transition services discussion occurs no later than the first IEP to be in effect when the student turns 16.
Frequency / PercentYes / 1824 / 92.8
No / 42 / 2.1
NA / 99 / 5.0
Total / 1965 / 100.0
3. Age appropriate transition assessments are completed.
Frequency / PercentYes / 1517 / 77.2
No / 448 / 22.8
Total / 1965 / 100.0
4. Student strengths and needs are identified.
Frequency / PercentYes / 1715 / 87.3
No / 250 / 12.7
Total / 1965 / 100.0
5. The IEP is reviewed and updated at least annually.
Frequency / PercentYes / 1870 / 95.2
No / 95 / 4.8
Total / 1965 / 100.0
6. Annual IEP goals facilitate movement toward postsecondary goals.
Frequency / PercentYes / 1629 / 82.9
No / 336 / 17.1
Total / 1965 / 100.0
7. The student is invited to ARD/IEP meeting.
Frequency / PercentYes / 1861 / 94.7
No / 104 / 5.3
Total / 1965 / 100.0
Quality Analysis
Q. 3. Degree to which student participated in ARD and development of IEP.
Frequency / Percent1 / 214 / 10.9
2 / 1347 / 68.6
3 / 284 / 14.4
4 / 120 / 6.1
Total / 1965 / 100.0
1 Student was not in attendance.
2 Student attended ARD committee meeting and contributed somewhat to the development of
the IEP.
3 Student led a small portion of the ARD committee meeting and helped in the development of the IEP.
4 Student led discussion components of ARD committee meeting and participated fully in the development of the IEP.
8. Student preferences and interests are taken into consideration in the development of the IEP.
Frequency / PercentYes / 1808 / 92.0
No / 157 / 8.0
Total / 1965 / 100.0
Quality Analysis
Q. 2. Student needs, strengths, preferences, and interests were fundamental in the development of the IEP.
Frequency / Percent1 / 358 / 18.3
2 / 744 / 37.8
3 / 863 / 43.9
Total / 1965 / 100.0
1 Needs, strengths, preferences, and interests were recorded but were not used or used very
little in the development of IEP
2 Needs, strengths, preferences, and interests were moderately (50%) addressed in the IEP
and were easily identified.
3 Needs, strengths, preferences, and interests were fully integrated into the development of the
9. Student needs, taking into account student strengths, preferences and interests are reflected in identified postsecondary goals.
Frequency / PercentYes / 1632 / 83.1
No / 333 / 16.9
Total / 1965 / 100.0
10. Based on student needs, transition services in the form of coordinated activities include instruction, related services, community experiences, development of employment/adult living and if appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and provision of functional vocational evaluation.
Frequency / PercentYes / 1616 / 82.2
No / 349 / 17.8
Total / 1965 / 100.0
If response to previous question is “No,” circle the areas NOT included in the form of coordinated activities. (choose all that apply)
Frequency / PercentNA, previous question was YES / 1613 / 65.5
Instruction / 173 / 7.0
Related Services / 125 / 5.1
Community Experiences / 219 / 8.9
Development of employment/adult living skills / 220 / 8.9
If appr., acquisition of daily living skills / 49 / 2.0
If appr., functional vocational evaluation / 64 / 2.6
Total / 2463 / 100.0
Quality Analysis
Q. 1. Degree to which yearly progress was made toward postsecondary goals using coordinated set of activities.
Frequency / Percent1 / 497 / 25.3
2 / 394 / 20.0
3 / 1074 / 54.7
Total / 1965 / 100.0
1 Coordinated set of activities was not well-defined and little or no student progress was made
toward postsecondary goals.
2 Majority of coordinated set of activities was well-defined, but little or no student progress was made toward postsecondary goals.
3 Coordinated set of activities was well-defined and student progress was made toward reaching post-secondary goals.
11. The IEP includes a course of study that supports postsecondary goals.
Frequency / PercentYes / 1667 / 84.8
No / 298 / 15.2
Total / 1965 / 100.0
12. With the consent of parents or adult student, any agency responsible for providing transition services is invited to the ARD/IEP meeting.
Frequency / PercentYes / 484 / 24.6
No / 247 / 12.6
NA / 1234 / 62.8
Total / 1965 / 100.0
13. The ARD committee reconvenes to develop alternative strategies when participating agencies failed to provide transition services.
Frequency / PercentYes / 159 / 8.1
No / 72 / 3.7
NA / 1734 / 88.2
Total / 1965 / 100.0
Quality Analysis
Q. 4. Materials/information for higher education connections were shared with the student.
Frequency / PercentYes / 992 / 50.5
No / 973 / 49.5
Total / 1965 / 100.0
Q. 5. If response to the previous statement is “Yes,” please identify all materials and/or information that were shared with the student. (Check all that apply.)
Frequency / PercentSkip, Previous response "No" / 979 / 26.9
Brochures for colleges/universities / 408 / 11.3
Financial aid information / 390 / 10.7
Registration Information / 283 / 7.8
Website on disability accommodations / 136 / 3.7
Website on living arrangements / 96 / 2.6
College/Univ. information fairs / 311 / 8.5
Individual session w/school counselor / 450 / 12.4
GEAR UP / 12 / 0.3
Achieve Texas / 87 / 2.4
Other / 486 / 13.4
Total / 3638 / 100.0
TEA Division of IDEA Coordination
October 2008