Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 16th July 2018


Parish Cllrs: D Brampton; S. Sheldon; D. Moore; and J Amsden.

Apologies: N Oliver

Parish Clerk: Mrs G Harrison, also Responsible Financial Officer.

Members of the public

1 / Consideration of Apologies for Absence
Nick Oliver offered his apologies. This was accepted by the Parish Council
2 / Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on
The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on the 21st May 2018 were approved as a true and correct record.
3 / Declaration of interest.
4 / Clerk’s Report
The matter of the motorcycles using Lane and the bridleway/footpath to Low Thoresby. It was resolved that the clerk should write to NYCC as Nigel Metcalfe YDNPA suggested it was a highways issue.
4.1. / Carperby Playing Fields Association – standing item
The pavilion booking system has been reviewed and there are still a couple of amendments required.
Cllr Sheldon is to liaise with Janice Peacock.
All the details will be uploaded to the parish website.
4.2 / Parish Communications – standing item
4.2.1 – Newsletter – Next issue will be June
4.2.2 – Website – updating the website on a continual basis
The newsletter is now received electronically by 40% of residents. Of 117 residences there are 60 paper copies that are printed and distributed, and 41 electronic copies issued. Other properties are second homes or holiday lets. 40% or households are connected on Facebook.
The next newsletter will be September
4.3 / Grass cutting and general Village maintenance – standing item
The playground is to be painted by Graham Hodge. Graham is to be offered an hourly rate for his work. The council recognises the importance of and appreciates volunteers in the village.
4.4 / RDC – Upper Dales Area Partnership – standing item
Meeting not held yet
4.5. / Local health issues – standing item
The A&E will remain open at Darlington Memorial
Dr Alex Scott is the new Dr to replace Dr France and is now in situe.
There is currently a shortage of NHS dental provision, but this is set to improve imminently.
4.6. / Parish Lands
No update yet to the access to Town Tussocks.
Walling of Parish lands – Cllr David Moore has this in hand.
5. / Financial Matters
5.1 / Bank accounts –
Current Financial status as of 08.07.18
Pavilion reserve account – Balance as at 08.07.18 £4025.60 (not included in the total)
Barclay’s Deposit account – Balance as at 08.07.18 £2877.90
Barclay’s Current account – Balance as at 08.07.18 £6393.71
Total £9271.61
Committed/Budgeted Funds
Monies to be held in reserves: By-election £800
50% running costs £2,550 Total: £3350
Clerk’s salary up to March 19 / months @ 175.19 / £1576.71
Unpresented Cheques / £0
Cheques for signing / £175.45
Total committed to end March 19 = £1752.16
5.2. / Payments/Purchases/Income –
The following payments were authorised; -
  1. Simon Winstanley - £135.95 – Mower parts
  2. Steve Sheldon – Printer ink - £40.50

5.3 / Review of Asset register
Copy attached to meeting notes – reviewed and approved
6. / Planning
6.1. / New Applications:
6.2. / Enforcement Issues/ YDNPA – Parish Forum Standing item
The meeting was advised that Manor Grange are actively promoting a camp site with open fires and have been doing so for the last few weeks putting the adjacent woods at risk. Cllrs said that something needs to be put in place so that this does not reoccur.
It was It was resolved that the clerk is to contact the YDNPA to seek guidance and advise of the further issues that residents have highlighted because of the camping activity as follows: -
  1. RDC advised that they don’t have a record of a registered campsite at Manor Grange.
  2. Open Fires
  3. No official toilet facilities
  4. No commercial waste collection
  5. No appropriate/approved signage
  6. Invasion of privacy

7. / Items from External Organizations
7.1 / Report from RDCCllr.
Cllr Amsden said he was looking into the recycling, i.e. what happens exactly to the separated items.
He also advised the meeting that a new grant was available for up to £5000 for disabled adaptions to the home for the under 19’s. This is a means tested grant.
8. / Correspondence Received
YLCA – annual accounts - these reviewed and noted
9. / Items for next meeting agenda
WW1 celebrations
10. / Date of next meeting.
17thSeptember 2018, 7.30 pm. Village Institute, Carperby.
Meeting closed 8.40pm

Signed Parish Clerk:……………………………………………………………………………………..Date:………………………………………………