Q:\DATA\EMP_REL\ABradford\FSLRG\FSLRGform31plus form21.DOC

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ACADEMIC YEAR ______/____

Name / Grade / Employment Status [Please tick]For Pro Rata please
state percentage
Department / PL/SL/L / Probation FT Pro rata%
Scheduled Teaching Responsibilities [See over : Notes 1, 2 & 3]
Course, Year and Subject / Number of Students / *Lec
[Hrs]Wk] / *TLSS
[Hrs/Wk] / Shared Course
Yes/No / Number of teaching weeks / Course duration in weeks / Actual Teaching Hours / Adjusted Total
[see **** below]
* TLSS = Tutorials, Laboratory periods, Studio work and Seminars.
**** Paragraph 3.2 of the Procedure for Allocating Staff Duties and Timetables which is part of the Staff Handbook says that Formal Scheduled Teaching Duties will include recognition of the work involved in examinations or equivalent work on assessment as specified in the approved course documentation. The adjusted total incorporates this recognition [see notes 3.2 and 3.3 overleaf] / TOTALS
Management and Administrative Duties [see over: Note 2.2]
Duties / Comments
Substantial Research and Scholarly Activity [Additional to self-managed period: see Note 2.3]
Duties / Comments
External Activities taken into account in determining workload [eg Academic Trade Union, Leicester Expertise Ltd]
Duties / Comments

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Management and Administrative Duties [See over : Note 2.2]
Substantial Research and Scholarly Activity [Additional to self-managed period : see Note 2.3]
External Activities taken into account in determining workload [eg Academic Trade Union, DM Expertise]
Duties / Description of load and band

Bands; A = 81-100%; B = 61-80%; C = 41-60%; D = 21-40%; E = 11-20%;

F = 6-10%; G = 1-5% of a normal working week.


Head of Department


Extracts from the Staff Handbook

1.Working Hours:

Formal scheduled teaching responsibilities should not exceed 18 hours in any week or a total of 550 hours in the teaching year. This provision does not apply in subject areas identified in section 1.3.3. of the National Text of the Staff Handbook where the nature of the curriculum and teaching style make it inappropriate such as aspects of Teachers' Education, Art and Design, Performing Arts, Music; in these subject areas, scheduled teaching will be determined in accordance with paragraph 1.3.2 of that Text.


2.1Section 1.3.3 of the National Text of the Staff Handbook stipulates "formal scheduled teaching responsibilities should not exceed 18 hours in any week or a total of 550 hours in the teaching year". This provision does not apply in subject areas identified in section 1.3.3. The figures of 18 hours and 550 hours are not stipulated as an average or norm.

2.2Specific management of administrative duties (e.g. Course Leader, Subject Leader, Placement Tutor, Admissions Tutor) are likely to vary depending on a number of possible factors e.g. nature of the course, the recruitment market and problems, the amount of and nature of placement work etc.

Whilst such duties should be taken into account in the overall determination of an individual's workload - it is clearly not possible to agree any standard formula and becomes a matter of professional judgement between the parties concerned. However, the principles used in the overall allocation of duties will be applied in a clear and consistent manner across the institution.

It is recognised that where an individual holds responsibilities for such duties it is unreasonable for them to undertake, at the same time, a maximum load of formal scheduled teaching responsibilities.

2.3Anyone required to undertake research of scholarly activity of a substantial nature, a significant proportion of which requires work during term time, will have that taken into account in determining his/her overall loading and will not be expected to undertake, at the same time, a maximum load of formal scheduled teaching responsibilities.

3.Scheduled Teaching Responsibilities:

3.1Formal scheduled teaching responsibilities include lectures, tutorials, seminars, direct supervision of the project and/or dissertation elements of courses, direct supervision of higher degrees by research, laboratory and studio work, field course supervision and residential work, as specified in the approved course documentation.

3.2It is agreed that formal scheduled teaching responsibilities will include a recognition of the work involved in examinations or equivalent work on assessment as specified in the approved course documentation.

3.3Guidance is available in the Document entitled Procedure for Allocating Staff Duties and Timetables (Appendix to Section 1.5 of the Staff Handbook), sections 1.3 and 1.4 of the National Text of the Staff Handbook and the Document of Agreement entitled "Guidance for Determining Fair and Reasonable Workloads" which includes further guidance including examples.

4.Evenings and Weekends:

These elements are covered by the agreement in the Staff Handbook referred to below.

Relevant Documentation:

(1)The Individual Contract Form.

(2)The National Text of the Staff Handbook.

(3)Local Agreement Documents in the Staff Handbook - Sections titled "Evening and Weekend Working - Teaching Staff" and "Procedure for Allocating Staff Duties and Timetables".

(4)Document of Agreement:- "Guidance for Determining Fair and Reasonable Workloads".

Copies of these documents have been previously distributed. For the benefit of those staff who for particular reasons do not have a copy, each School Office and many Departmental offices will retain copies for reference purposes