Academic Program Curriculum Map – Fall 2008
Worksheet #1: List of Program-level student learning outcomes (3 to 5 outcomes)
Degree program: BA-ART with All-Level Certification (Fall 2008)
Program Goals (Optional) / Program Student Learning Outcomes1. After completing Drawing I (ARTS 1316), students will demonstrate a working knowledge of the basic elements of design and techniques of drawing--line, tonality, form, texture, color, and composition--as they are used in direct observational drawing. They will also be able to utilize appropriate vocabulary competently in discussing these techniques and elements.
2. Students completing degrees in ARTS will attain basic technical proficiency in at least two media, and demonstrate understanding of the vocabulary used to discuss art in those media.
3. Student completing degrees in ARTS will be prepared to continue producing their work for personal self-realization and growth after graduation, and/or to display and exhibit their work in a professionally coherent way to public audiences.
Worksheet #2 – Program Checklist – List required courses and indicate level/s of delivery
By putting (I, E, R or A) into Each Box
Degree Program: BA-ART with All-Level Certification (Fall 2008)
Program-level outcomes addressedList of courses required for the degree / #1 After completing Drawing I (ARTS 1316), students will demonstrate a working knowledge of the basic elements of design and techniques of drawing--line, tonality, form, texture, color, and composition--as they are used in direct observational drawing. They will also be able to utilize appropriate vocabulary competently in discussing these techniques and elements. / #2. Students completing degrees in ARTS will attain basic technical proficiency in at least two media, and demonstrate understanding of the vocabulary used to discuss art in those media. / #3 Student completing degrees in ARTS will be prepared to continue producing their work for personal self-realization and growth after graduation, and/or to display and exhibit their work in a professionally coherent way to public audiences. / #4 / #5
1303 / I / I
1304 / I / I
1311 / I
1312 / I
1316 / I, E, R, A / I, E, R, A
1317 / I, E, R, A / I, E, R, A
2316 / I, E, R, A / I, E, R, A
2323 / I, E, R, A / I, E, R, A
2346 / I, E, R, A / I, E, R, A
2356 / I, E, R, A / I, E, R, A
3308 / E, R, A / E, R, A / I, E, R, A
3309 / E, R, A / E, R, A / I, E, R, A
3310 / E, R / E, R
3324 / ERA / ERA / IERA
3330 / ER / ER
3335 / ERA / ERA / IERA
3352 / ER / ER / IER
3353 / ER / ER / IER
3365 / ERA / ERA / IERA
4173-4473 / ERA / ERA / IERA
4301 / ERA / ERA / IERA
4303 / ERA / ERA / IERA
4304 / ERA / ERA / IERA
4324 / ERA / ERA / IERA
4332 / ERA / ERA / ERA
4333 / ERA / ERA / ERA
4334 / ERA / ERA / ERA
4361 / ERA / ERA / ERA
4365 / ERA / ERA / ERA
Worksheet #3 - Order Courses by Outcome and Level of Delivery (Courses may be listed more than once) Indicate level of delivery by checking the appropriate box) Add cells as necessary
Degree Program:BA-ART with All-Level Certification (Fall 2008)
Program-level outcome addressed (write out each program level outcome) / Level of Material Delivery (List classes in order of material delivery) / CoursesList courses (or groups of courses) in order of material delivery for each outcome (I, E, R and then A). Courses may provide more than one level of material delivery. / Curriculum Component/s (Class Activities) that Address Outcome / Means of Assessment
I / E / R / A
#1 After completing Drawing I (ARTS 1316), students will demonstrate a working knowledge of the basic elements of design and techniques of drawing--line, tonality, form, texture, color, and composition--as they are used in direct observational drawing. They will also be able to utilize appropriate vocabulary competently in discussing these techniques and elements. / x / X / X / x / 1311, 1312, 1316, 1317 / Make compositions utilizing basic elements of art in 1311 & 1312. Variety of materials introduced; tests/quizzes, drawing exercises, museum/gallery reports. / Evaluation of work (in 1316) by a minimum of three visual arts faculty, only two of which will be full-time TAMIU faculty in studio art; self-critiques in 1316.
#2 Students completing degrees in ARTS will attain basic technical proficiency in at least two media, and demonstrate understanding of the vocabulary used to discuss art in those media. / X / X / X / X / 2316, 2323, 2326,2333, 2346,2356
(NOTE: outcome #1 is E,R,A here as well) / Assignment-specific art-making projects, quizzes and tests. / Quiz/test averages; ARTACS (dept.-designed questionnaire)
#3 Student completing degrees in ARTS will be prepared to continue producing their work for personal self-realization and growth after graduation, and/or to display and exhibit their work in a professionally coherent way to public audiences. / X / X / X / X / 3308, 3309, 3323, 3324, 3335, 3365
(NOTE: outcomes #1 and 2 are E,R,A here as well) / Assignment-specific art-making projects (with more input from student on assignment design) involving professional grade materials and higher expectations of student; quizzes and tests. / See 4333 comments in box directly below.
X / X / X / x / 4301, 4303, 4304, 4324, 4332, 4333, 4334, 4361, 4365, 4173-4473 (NOTE: outcomes #1 and 2 are E,R,A here as well) / Art-making projects based on student- driven proposals. / Holistic grade assessed by committee of at least three visual arts faculty (only two of which are full-time TAMIU faculty in studio art) on student’s senior exhibit encompassing quality of work, professionalism of display and artist’s statement (in 4333 only, which is required for degree); post-grad survey.
Worksheet #4 - Needed Modifications, if any, for Curriculum Alignment
Goal: Degree programs are coherent in that they demonstrate 1) sequencing, 2. progression or increasing complexity, and 3) linkages between and among program core courses.
Curriculum Modifications Needed / Why Needed?