Abstract Submission Instructions
International Conference:
Individual, family, society - contemporary challenges,second edition,
4 to 5 October 2017, Bucharest, Romania
Common conditions for the abstracts that are based on a field research and for the abstracts that are based on reviews and updates, theoretical research, viewpoints are the following:
no longer than 400 words; the entire material may not exceed one page including title, authors, affiliations, keywords;
written in English; ensure that your paper is written in a correct scientific English before submission; all abstracts must be proofread;
abstracts submitted should be an original piece of work, which later might be developed for full paper and presentation (must be standalone);
the abstract should not include formulations like "in my paper I will argue that...or "I selected for this work"... or "we analyze theoretically", instead impersonal phrases like:"this study argues that"... or "were selected for this work"... or "theoretical analyses reveal that" will be used;
the abstract will not have abbreviations without explaining them;
the abstract will not have references;
the title of the abstract will be bolded and centered;
after a blank line below the title, the FAMILY NAME (capital letters) and then the given name of the author (authors) will be written, followed by the institutional affiliation and email address of each contributor); in the case of multiple authors, a corresponding author must be indicated; centered;
abstract structure (see abstract structure below) will be bolded;
use the following fonts: Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1,0, without paragraph;
page setting: Top, Bottom, Left, and Right: 2,5 cm, Gutter: 0 cm, Gutterposition: Left.
Abstracts that are based on a field research should be structured as follows:
Material and methods.
after a blank line Keywords: 3-5 separated with semi colon (;) keywords end with a dot (bold, font size 12).
Abstracts that are based on reviews and updates, theoretical research, viewpoints could be structured ad libitum. Also after abstract there should be written 3–5 Keywords, separated with semicolon (;) all ended with a dot (bold, font size 12).
The abstracts that do not satisfy the above conditions will be returned to the author(s).
Abstracts, written in English should be word-processed and sent as an attachment by email until 31st March 2017ONLY TO ONEof these addresses:
CONSTANTIN Marin, e-mail: <>
CROITORU Cătălina, e-mail: <
DORONDEL Ştefan, e-mail:<>
FALUDI Cristina, e-mail: <>; <>
MARINESCU Valentina, e-mail: <
MILICI Nicoleta, e-mail: <>
NEAGU Alexandra, e-mail: <>
PÂRLOG Mihail Cristian, e-mail: <>
PĂNESCU Oana Madlene, e-mail: <>
RADA Cornelia, e-mail: <
SMOCZYNSKI Rafal, e-mail: <
After evaluation, carried out independently by two specialists, the abstracts written in Englishwill be published in the online journal, Studii şi Cercetări de Antropologie (ISSN 2360-3445; ISSN-L 2360-3445) [
Thank you for your participation !
An example of an abstract that is based on the field research is below
Intergenerational family support in Romania
Rada Cornelia (1) POTOCOAVA Mary (2)
(1)“Francisc I. Rainer” Anthropological Institute of the Romanian Academy, e-mail:
(2)“Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara, Romania, e-mail:
(corresponding author)
Objectives.Parents are the most important and closest source of support for children until adulthood and even thereafter. There comes a time for the elderly when their adult children are the nearest source of support. These parent–child relationships are a natural part of the life cycle. The objective of this study was to determine Romanian intergenerational family support and the impact of sociodemographic variables on this support. Of this study are. Of this study are. Material and methods.In 2011–2012, data were obtained from 1215 urban and rural respondents aged 18–74 years relatively homogenously distributed in the variables of environment, sex, educational level, and age group. An omnibus questionnaire of 96 items was used, with a focus on topics related to family functioning: domestic economics, education, cohesion, solidarity and sexual reproduction. From this three items were focused on in the present study. A questionnaire was used. A questionnaire was used. A questionnaire was used.
Results.One hundred individual face-to-face interviews were conducted in the manner of recounting the life problem. From these interviews, the three sequences that addressed time were used. The main beneficiaries of support from respondents were, in descending order, parents, grandparents, siblings and grandchildren. Respondents with low and medium income provided less support to their parents (p<0.05), grandparents (p<0.005) and siblings and grandchildren (p< 0.001). Urban respondents provided less help to their parents (p<0.005), grandparents (p<0.001) and siblings (p<0.05). Grandparents helped their grandchildren more often than their grandchildren helped them. Men are more permissive than women regarding x (p<0.001). Men are more permissive than women regarding x (p<0.001). Men are more permissive than women regarding x (p<0.001). Grandparents helped their grandchildren more often than their grandchildren helped them. Urban respondents provided less help to their parents (p<0.005), grandparents (p<0.001) and siblings (p<0.05).
Conclusions.This study shows that there is no question of a lower intergenerational solidarity, but that these intergenerational participation issues are generated by the variables of family, income, and geographic proximity, among others. The main problem of intergenerational support is elderly with low income. Lives of children, adults and elderly could be improved by intergenerational collaboration for the benefit of all. Intergenerational cohesion is essential for a healthy society, especially during these uncertain times and economic challenges. This study shows the need for y. This study shows the need for y. This study shows the need for y.
Keywords: elderly; family life cycles; grandparents; solidarity; generations.