Regular Minutes
February 10, 2015
Riverview CCSD #2 regular School Board Meeting was called to order by President Steve Tiezzi on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 6:30pm in Room 111, Superintendent’s Office at Riverview Grade School.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call Taken: Evan Ruach, Stephanie Gale, Steve Tiezzi, Tracey Koenig, Angi Schalk
Absent: Robert Doty and Amy Lynn Robinson
Others present: Superintendent Michelle Lee, Dianne Maxheimer, David Pistorius
Motioned by Evan Ruach, 2nd by Angi Schalk to approve to amend the agenda for February 10, 2015.
Ayes: 5
Nays: None
Absent: 2
Motioned by Evan Ruach, 2nd by Stephanie Gale to approve the amended agenda as presented.
Ayes: 5
Nays: None
Absent: 2
Robert Doty arrived at 6:33pm.
Superintendent’s report
FOIA Request – There have not been any FOIA requests in the past month.
First Midstate – David Pistorius – Mr. Pistorius spoke to the school board about working cash bonds. He informed them that Riverview could levy as high as $570,000 working cash bond. Mr. Pistorius handed out information regarding working cash bonds and also a partial listing of schools that his firm does business with. He told the school board the steps that are required to get the working cash bonds ready for issuance. Mr. Pistorius stated that we will have to post in the paper of general circulation that Riverview intends to issue a working cash bond. After 30 days there would be a hearing to approve the issuance of the working cash bond. If no problems arise then issuing the bonds would take place shortly after that.
Board Member Code of Conduct – I shall avoid any conflict of interest or the appearance of impropriety which could result from my position, and shall not use my board membership for personal gain or publicity.
5 Essentials Survey – The district will be participating again this year in the 5 essentials survey. The teachers, parents,and junior high students will be completing a survey and this information will be gathered and shared on the School Report Card.
Vision 20/20 Board Resolution – This resolution is in support of the Vision 20/20 initiative to make much needed changes to public education in Illinois. School Boards throughout the state have been asked to make a board resolution.
Review Board Goals – Ms. Lee we are working on getting a better price for the new language arts curriculum.
Board Election –Ms. Lee informed the school board that Thursday, February 5th was the last day to file as a write-in candidate. At this time there are only 2 people on the ballot with 3 seats open for the April 7, 2015 Consolidated Election.
Combining Service Joint Committee – Ms. Lee stated that the committee will be meeting within the next few weeks and we have Steve Tiezzi and Amy Lynn Robinson going as Riverview’s liaison.
Updated Board Policies – Ms. Lee stated that the board policy committee met last month before the board meeting in January and tonight we need to approve the minutes and policies as the committee deemed appropriate.
Board Action Items
Motioned by Stephanie Gale, 2nd by Angi Schalk to approve the Regular Board Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2015, the Executive Session Board Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2015, and the Board Policy Committee meeting minutes of January 13, 2015.
Ayes: 5
Nays: None
Absent: 1
Abstain: 1
Motioned by Evan Ruach, 2nd by Angi Schalk to approve the February accounts payable check #12470 through check #12505 totaling $120,863.55.
Ayes: Robert Doty, Stephanie Gale, Tracey Koenig, Evan Ruach, Angi Schalk, Steve Tiezzi.
Nays: None
Absent: Amy Lynn Robinson
Motion Carried.
Motioned by Robert Doty, 2nd by Evan Ruach to approve the financial Reports.
Ayes: Tracey Koenig, Stephanie Gale, Evan Ruach, Angi Schalk, Robert Doty, Steve Tiezzi.
Nays: None
Absent: Amy Lynn Robinson
Motion Carried.
Motioned by Angi Schalk, 2nd by Robert Doty to approve the Vision 20/20 Board Resolution.
Ayes: Stephanie Gale, Evan Ruach, Tracey Koenig, Robert Doty, Angi Schalk, Steve Tiezzi.
Nays: None
Absent: Amy Lynn Robinson
Motion Carried.
Motioned by Robert Doty, 2nd by Evan Ruach to approve the board policies 4:110, 4:120, 4:150, 5:10, 5:185, 5:220, 5:250, 6:20, 6:60, 6:110, 6:280, 6:340, 7:50, 7:100, 7:270 as stated in the board policy committee minutes.
Ayes: Angi Schalk, Evan Ruach, Robert Doty, Stephanie Gale, Tracey Koenig, Steve Tiezzi.
Nays: None
Absent: Amy Lynn Robinson
Motion Carried.
Motioned by Stephanie Gale, 2nd by Angi Schalk, to enter into closed session at 7:31pm on February 10, 2015 to discuss (A) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity. 5ILCS 120/s (c)(1).
Ayes: Stephanie Gale, Angi Schalk, Robert Doty, Tracey Koenig, Evan Ruach, Steve Tiezzi.
Nays: None
Absent: Amy Lynn Robinson
Motioned by Robert Doty, 2nd by Stephanie Gale to return to open session at 8:38pm on February 10, 2015.
Ayes: Robert Doty, Stephanie Gale, Tracey Koenig, Evan Ruach, Angi Schalk, Steve Tiezzi.
Nays: None
Absent: Amy Lynn Robinson
Motion Carried.
Motioned by Evan Ruach, 2nd by Stephanie Gale to adjourn the February 10, 2015 Board of Education meeting at 8:39pm
Ayes: 6
Nays: None
Absent: 1
Motion Carried.
Steve Tiezzi, PresidentTracey Koenig, Secretary
Riverview Board of EducationRiverview Board of Education