JANUARY 12, 2004

The meeting was held at Citizens Fire Hall and was called to order at 7:03 p.m.

There were 18 residents in attendance along with Board members; Joe Coakley (President), Phil Larcomb (Vice President), Bill Strange (Treasurer), Bob Tansill (Board Member), Ginna Bird (Secretary), and Joe Case (PMP Manager).

The minutes from the previous Association meeting on October were read and accepted. There was a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the previous Board meeting due to little business to report. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report:

$40,555.07 in Reserve fund

$6,652.90 in the Association Fund

The Association gave $100 to a woman in JeffersonCounty for Christmas. The woman lost her leg after being shot by her husband. The Association received a thank you note which stated that she was able to buy Christmas gifts and food for her children with the gift certificates she was given. There was a motion to accept the report. Motion passed.

PMP Report:

Ballots for revisions to the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws were 94% in favor and 6% against. A total of 167 ballots were returned with 157 voting yes, 9 voting no and 1 ballot without a vote marked. Joe Coakley stated that our current Bylaws dictate that we can not make any changes without 70% approval. We will interpret this as 70% of those ballots returned.

Nominating Committee:

Doris Walsh submitted the nominating committee’s report for the slate of officers for the year 2004. The nominations were: President Joe Coakley

Vice PresidentPhil Larcomb

SecretaryGinna Bird

Treasurer Bill Strange

Board Member Bob Tansill

Tom Ashby will remain the head of the Street and Sign Committee.

Joe Coakley asked for open nominations form the floor. No nominations were received. Nominations were closed.

Election: The vote was unanimous for the slate of officers to remain for 1 year.

President’s Report:

Joe Coakley reported that a resident on Tall Oak/North Ridge Drive had a new car vandalized. The car was scratched along the length and on the hood. The Sheriffs Department was notified, but he asked that we all watch to avoid problems in the future.

The speed bumps are not in place, yet. We now have a handyman to install them. A resident asked if the planning commission would allow speed bumps in the subdivision. Doris Walsh stated that she has written permission/approval for speed bumps from the planning commission.

Joe Coakley has noticed an increase in litter. Unfortunately, we can not do much except pick it up when we see it.

Joe Coakley has driven around the development and noted the pole numbers with lights out. He will call the power company to come out and replace the lights. He suggests that residents call the power company when they notice a light is out.

The Association Attorney, Mike Castle, sent a letter stating that he will not be able to handle the deed transfer. Braun Hamstead will handle the deed transfer from Al Hooper.

The Fire Hydrant in front of the office has been broken since last spring. The city of Charles Town was informed and a letter was sent to all fire departments. A city employee called Mr. Coakley to report that the parts or on order.

The cable company has buried cable throughout the development. They left a mess in a couple of places and will be notified if it is not cleaned up.

Doris Walsh asked why the city is digging up the area on Berkeley Court. Joe Coakley reported this was due to a leak in the water line.

Parks and Recreation Report:

Bob Tansill reported that there had not been any vandalism since the last meeting. The parks have not been used by many residents lately due to the cold weather.

Garden Club Report:

Doris Walsh reported that the Garden Club plans to hold a spring plant and Bake sale.

Joe Coakley stated that some potholes have been repaired. Newcastle and Webhannet will be recapped this spring. Packett Drive may be recapped next. The sinkhole on Deerfield and Albare will be filled by the road crew. There is a concrete barrier with rebar in it which will suspend the road. So, there is no risk of the road collapsing. Any work orders for the handyman, Gary Scott, will go through Joe Coakley or Joe Case.

Bill Strange reported that he and his wife, Dorothy, spoke with the Post Mistress, Ms. Mann regarding the new 911 addresses. The Post Mistress does not want the Tuscawilla box number as part of our address. She is adamant that a legal address consists of only three lines. Joe Coakley and Dorothy Strange will set up a meeting with the post mistress to clarify this concern. A resident suggested that Jeff Pulsinki, the head of the 911 task force, be contacted at 725-8484. A representative from the Sheriff’s department stated that they have the new 911 numbers, but will have difficulty finding the house unless the new numbers have been put up.

New Sign:

A new sign has been designed and Joe Case will be asking for bids. The Association plans to replace the signs on both sides of the Highway 51 entrance. A resident asked if Al Hooper had liability insurance. Joe Coakley stated that he is looking in to this.

A Carol Lane resident complained that his street was not plowed until 3 days after the snow. Joe Coakley asked that all complaints be telephoned to himself or Joe Case so that the snow plows can be sent to missed areas more promptly.

PMP will conduct a tour of the property this spring, looking for covenant violations, unlicensed vehicles, etc. A resident reported that Gary Scott has 6 to 8 vehicles in front, and 3 to 4 vehicles in the back of his property.

Motion to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. Motion passed.

The next Association meeting will be held on April 12th at the Citizens’ Fire Hall.

Meeting minutes were respectfully submitted by Ginna Bird, Secretary.