Leadership Team Meeting Minutes
September 30, 2015
Members Present: Kim Sprague, Pam Doyle, Connie Powers, Kristina Vogt, Pam Neal, Kaitlyn Blandford, Denise DuBois (Connersville/YM Arch Council)
Absent: Chris Smith, Christine Beiriger
Opening Prayer: Kim
Review and Approval of August Minutes: approved by all present
Treasurer report: $4,053.06; membership dues are continuing to come in.
Membership and Registration-
§ 65 registered as of 9/30/15; 41 paid/15 free/8 unpaid
§ Presence at Mass/ Lunch with the Archbishop- less prizes; will wait to see what is planned for next year
Communication Report
§ Communications/Newsletters are Fantastic
§ List of upcoming events to APCL website that are not already listed on OCE notes
§ Follow up to make sure APCL link continues on OCE notes
Mentor Liaison/ Deanery Rep Update
§ YM Arch Council- Denise representative
§ Deaneries that have no reps- Indy West/Tell City/ Terre Haute
§ Deaneries that could add reps- Indy South/Indy North/Seymour/New Albany
§ Are Deanery reps spreading APCL information within their deanery? - facilitate communication in the deanery, if the deanery has 2 reps, one can be a new DRE/YM. If there is 1 deanery rep they must be vet.
§ Job description for Deanery Reps, so they know what they are supposed to be doing and that they are connecting with all of the parishes (even those w/out DRE/YM’s.
§ Look at guidebook to see what addendums need to be added to aid reps and leadership team.
Winter Retreat
§ Dr. John Wood speaking on Mercy; springmill Park
§ February 1st and 2nd; working on final price
§ ICCL constitution was approved.
§ Evaluating the need for ICCL (Gary, Evansville, Indy have diocese catechetical groups). Is ICCL doing double duty?
June Discernment
§ Decided to keep discernment as a separate event (away from spring celebration).
§ Have discernment gathering after the spring celebration on the 7th in to 8th, at a different location. Final decision in November.
Action Items:
§ Guidelines for ADLF, payment for APCL events; add to APCL guidelines book.
§ Kim will check on Faith at Work; is it available again?
§ Kristina will make sure APCL link continues to appear on OCE notes; upcoming events on website
§ Review APCL guidebook, see what addendums need to be added to aid reps/leadership team
§ Continue to find reps for Tell City, Terre Haute, and Indy West
§ Review Goals in November
Closing Prayer: Kim
Next Meeting: November 3; 10-Noon (St. Ambrose, Seymour)
Respectfully Submitted by Kaitlyn Blandford