Date of Origin: 071016Updated on: 112916

UPDATE/STATUS / This will be completed in May of 2017 / Refer to capability workplans for updates / Consortium director has participated in 4 ‘Joe Shows’ and represented consortium members on these forum as well as the PHPAC. Consortium Director also attends NWWIHCC meetings on behalf of consortium member agencies. / All consortium members are currently compliant with this deliverable. Will continue to monitor and encourage to add to current numbers. / 1st 6 month check is complete. 2nd 6 month check to occur in February 2017 / CURRENT. 1st consortium level drill complete. Documentation of results available on consortium website. 2nd quarter drill to occur in December 2016. / CURRENT. Consortium director attends meetings on behalf of member agencies. Exercise design process is being co-led by consortium director and HCC Coordinator. / Up to member agencies. All currently have preliminary budgets complete. Contact Brian for questions/information. / Local responsibility. Please contact Brian for technical support. / NO TEMPLATE FROM STATE AT THIS POINT. / COMPLETE in VM OPS CHECKLIST OF PHEP AND TOOLS/RESOURCES under VM / 3rd Exercise Design meeting complete. TTX PPT and EEG’s to be disseminated in mid December for local use. Area and Regional Exercise Dates set. See website for details.
Contract Language / Complete online CPG Survey on PCA Portal / Improve on a minimum of 9 CPG gaps within Priority CPG’s
(NOTE: Capability WORKPLAN) / As feasible, participate in webinars, meetings, expert panels and workgroups / Maintain 3-5 Emergency contacts on PCA Portal / LPHA staff
With PCA access to review and update profile every 6 mos / Maintain local WEAVR Admin and conduct quarterly messaging drills with WEAVR members / Participate in regional healthcare coalition / 3 budgets uploaded to PCA / Update POD LIST / MCD 1st Responder and CIS Dispensing Plan / Incorporate baseline background check procedure into local volunteer management plans / Exercise or Real Event and AAR/IP
STRATEGY / Group CPG Completion /
  1. Identify common gaps
  2. Provide tools/templates/resources to close gaps
  3. Adopt/implement tools/templates/resources
  4. Educate partners and staff on new initiatives
  1. Listen in to ‘Joe Show’ when available
  2. Director to represent members on;
  • HCC Advisory Committee
  • Region 1 HCC
  • Expert panels as feasible
  1. WWPHRC BOD meetings
  2. WWPHRC sponsored trainings
  3. DHS sponsored trainings
/ Members Monitor list; request changes thru Director. Director makes changes/updates on behalf of member agencies. Director now has both HO and Alerting Admin rights in PCA / Director to send out two reminders to members.
Members review and update PCA Profiles (time stamp in PCA as evidence) /
  1. Identify local WEAVR Admin
  2. WWPHRC Director work to become WEAVR Admin for all members
  3. Local admin and Director coordinate quarterly notification drills
  4. Document drills and results
  1. Director to represent members on HCC 1
  2. Provide updates at WWPHRC BOD meetings and as appropriate
  3. Members participate in HCC meetings/events as feasible
Prod state for template. Localize to meet jurisdictional needs.
Director to coordinate. / Update VM Ops Checklist with basic background check procedure
Educate members
Educate partners / Explore feasibility of participating in state led exercise
Explore feasibility of consortium exercise
Real Event
Immunization Exercise
WWPHRC / Facilitate CPG Group Completion /
  1. Gap analysis
  2. Create tools/template/resources
  3. Educate partners on tools/templates/resources
  1. Provide ‘Joe Show’ calendar
  2. Represent on committees as stated
  3. Facilitate WWPHRC BOD meetings
  4. Facilitate/coordinate trainings
  5. Coordinate DHS trainings
/ Gain Admin Rights in PCA/Everbridge as both HO and Alerting for all member agencies / Send out two reminders to members during BP5 / Work to become WEAVR admin for all members - Ongoing / Director to attend Region 1 HCC meetings on behalf of members and provide regular updates / Provide link to and reminders to members to complete budgets / Provide link to and reminders to members to complete POD List Update / Prod state
Edit template as appropriate
Provide to members
Educate members / Obtain or develop basic background check procedure
Add to VM Ops Checklist
Provide to members
Train members / Determine whether state led or consortium exercise is most appropriate
Develop exercise
Conduct exercise
Coordinate AAR/IP
Provide support on real event AAR or Immunization AAR
MEMBERS / Participate in Group CPG Completion /
  1. Participate in workgroups as appropriate
  2. Adopt/localize/implement tools/templates/resources
  3. Educate staff on new initiatives
  1. Participate as feasible in strategy outlined
  2. Continue to represent PH on LEPC’s (priority)
/ Monitor PCA 3-5 list; request updates/additions as necessary to consortium director / Review and update PCA Profile upon reminders / Identify Local WEAVR Admin / Attend HCC meetings as appropriate
Participate in LEPC’s (priority) / Complete 3 budget snapshots via PCA / Complete POD update on PCA Portal upon reminders / Localize/adopt and add plan to current PHEP
Educate partners / Adopt and localize basic background check into local VM Plans - VM Ops Checklist / Participate in exercise – 2 page Exec Summary and IP
Real event – AAR/IP
Immunization – AAR/IP
Document as needed
DEADLINE / Deadline – June 30, 2017
Group Workgroup – Proposed May 2017 / Deadline – June 30, 2017
Gap Analysis- August 30, 2016
Tools/templates/resources – December 2016 / Throughout BP5 / Throughout BP5
Note: Director will send out 2 reminders during BP5 to request updates / Two times during BP 5:
(September 2016 and May 2017) / 4 times throughout BP5.
Director will coordinate with local WEAVR Admins / Throughout BP5 / Proposed – October 1, 2016
Actual – February 10, 2017
End of Year – August 15, 2017 / 2 reminders will be provided to members during BP5 / June 30, 2017 / June 30, 2017 / June 30, 2017