Meeting Minutes

November 13, 2006

Present: Dick Diestelhorst (Chairman), Dan Mullen, Murray Wilcoxen, Bruce Heman, Mike Hinrichsen, Dave Cusac, Greg Long (District Superintendent), Rebecca Deitrick (Treasurer)

Absent: Virginia Seib (excused)

Guests: Jonathan Heiple (Heiple Law Offices), Kevin Hannel (Project Engineer – Farnsworth), Wayne Zimmerman (Home Owner, 6 Roth Ct), Cindy Lambin (Field Rep - Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund), Dale Jones (Project Manager – Bowen)

The Chairman called the meeting to order and declared that a quorum was present. October Meeting Minutes were reviewed and corrected, and Mullen motioned that the minutes be approved. Wilcoxen seconded this motion and the Board approved.

Treasurer (Deitrick) reported:

1) November 1, 2006, Treasurer’s Report

2) Bills for November totaled $100,762.53.

3) Area 1 - August/September/October


Metered (gallons) 15,005,929 14,975,241

Billed ($) $93,850.95 $84,425.10

Active Accounts 1,824 1,738

4) 3-Month CD is up for renewal - 4.51% dividend rate, 4.61% annual yield

Last 3 months rates – 4.26% dividend rate, 4.34% annual yield

Motion made by D Mullen and second by D Cusac to renew the CD for another 3

months. All approved.

5) Robert Zimmerman, Jr (211 Murphy Ln) received a water credit of $565.36

do to misread of a meter.

6) Steven Crisler (216 Lawndale Ct) received a water credit of $10.50 due to our meter leak.

7) Roy Thommen (110 High St) received a water credit of $182.75 due to

misread of a meter.

8) Mary Crawford (209 Sunset Ln) received a water credit of $513.11 due to a

misread of a meter. Mary Crawford also requested relief on the remaining

water bill balance due to an abnormal high usage of 90,000 gallons.

Abnormally high usage was due to a water spigot left on outside the home.

Normal usage estimated at 22,000 gallons. Mullen motioned to deny the relief

request and was seconded by Wilcoxen. All agreed.

9) The Board of Trustees of the Caterpillar Trail Public Water District “Order to

Distribute Salary Payments” was distributed to all the board members, for

Caterpillar Trail Public Water District salaried employees effective

September 1, 2006. The Order stands until revoked.

10) Corrections to pay requests listed in October minutes as follows:

G.A. Rich & Sons (Div A) Pay Request #1 $297,946.80

Leander Pay Request #4 $237,655.80

G.A. Rich & Sons (Div C) Pay Request #3 $77,496.64

FGI Bowen $67,981.82

Wayne Zimmerman (6 Roth Ct.) requested that his $1,004.55 water bill be split 50/50 with the Water District due to a malfunctioning Remote readout on the outside of his home, resulting in a monthly accumulation of unknown water usage and a delay in full billing of actual water usage until the inside master water meter was changed. This discrepancy was found when Zimmerman’s home was updated to a new Neptune radio read meter from the current Badger water meter. Caterpillar Trail Public Water District is still in process of replacing all Badger meters with radio read meters.

Long stated that the inside Badger water meter in Zimmerman’s home was tested and found to be within the 3% accuracy range,was recording 97% of the actual usage.

Cusac motioned that Mr. Zimmerman’s water bill be lowered 50% to share the faulty remote meter reading water usage discrepancy and Mullen seconded the motion. The Chairman requested a Board vote and the motion was accepted 5-1. Board acceptance of the motion also requires the following action:

All residential water billing discrepancies (1,000+ gallons) caused by inside master meter/outside remote discrepancies, that result in a “delayed billing” of the accumulation of actual water usage (remote reading recording lower than actual inside meter usage), will be shared 50% with the Caterpillar Trail Public Water District. The discrepancy gallons will be billed at the lower 9,000-30,000 gallon 2005 rate ($4.85 per 1,000 gallons). This action will be retroactive to April 1, 2006 reflecting the start of Badger water meter replacement with the new Neptune radio read meter system.

District Superintendent (Long) reported:

1) 14,760,600 gallons was pumped in the month of October

2) Bacteriological test results were OK.

3) Fluoride test results had not been received yet.

4) Woodford Heights water creek crossing project was completed by Hoerr.

5) The 1990 truck was sold for $300.00

6) Bought a used 2002 S-10 truck w/ 30,000 miles for $8,832.00

7) Meeting with T-Mobile Cellular

a)Long informed T-Mobile that T-Mobile is responsible for all expenses to conduct investigation in the installation of an antenna on the tall tower.

b)T-Mobile has visited the tall tower site.

c)T-Mobile will request a set of drawings from CBI to review the structural integrity of the tall tower.

d)Long requested that the antenna installation subcontractor provide employee and proof of insurance information.

e)Antenna installation timeframe would be approximately March 2007.

f)Radio read meters installed: October – 460, November – 608.

8) Suzanne Hagan (S. Maple Ln) water bill was $25 higher than normal, and was

requesting relief. Hagan requested Arnold & Sons Plumbing to investigate and

a leak was found in the crawlspace under the home. The Chairman commented

that a motion to grant relief could not be taken since it was not on the agenda.

9) Letter of Complaint from the Village of Germantown Hills – the ditch cut-out

across Fandel Road has been filled and covered with asphalt. The square patch

cut-out just north of the ditch will also be covered with asphalt when weather


Jonathan Heiple reported:

1) Woodland Knolls easements – 13 of 16 received

a)Ricky Inman was supposed to call but has not yet.

b)Mark & Mary Walka have not yet signed for 2 properties. Mary has indicated that she will sign.

2) Woodford Heights Out-lot A

a) Waiting on Greg Schumacher and Rodney Osborn to sign easements;

owners of properties using Out-lot A as an easement.

c)Ken Silverthorn, Farnsworth Group - Surveyor, has finished the plats.

Kevin Hannel reported:

1) Ameren CILCO needs an easement to locate electrical power to the new water

treatment plant. Dale Jones requested that an easement be signed quickly

before the end of 2006 to meet construction deadlines. Diestlehorst motioned that CTPWD grant

the easement and was seconded by Hinrichsen. All approved.

2) The following contractor Pay Requests totaling $591,718.94 were submitted:

a)Leander Construction (Div A, Pay Request #5) $259,455.46

b)GA Rich (Div A, Pay Request #2) $145,712.70

c)Koener Electric (Div A, Pay Request #2) $18,422.17

d)GA Rich ( Div C, Pay Request #4) $54,034.05

e)FGI/Bowen $114,094.56

Hinrichsen motioned to pay all Pay Requests, which was seconded by Wilcoxen. All approved.

3) Div B – Test well bore is proceeding well.

4) Div C –

a) 12” Water Mains almost completed.

b) 8” Main on Fandel Road in service; old main out of service.

c) 3 weeks of work remaining for 16” Main along 10 Mile Creek Road

d) 1 week of work remaining for 8” Main

e) 30 days of work remaining for 8” Main along Woodland Knolls Rd; dependent on weather and maybe delayed until Spring. Also contingent on Inman’s signing easement. Also a problem that the township road has wandered over the years and the right-of-way has not been established.

5) The Germantown Village Engineer would like to schedule a “coordination meeting” with the Caterpillar Trail Public Water District to develop a master plan for future growth for the area. Kevin will make the contact to schedule a meeting.

6) Briarwood Point Development – Kevin has not been able to contact the developer to set a meeting to discuss possible water service from the District.

The Board would also like to discuss routing a 10” main between the fronts of the development and Tazewood County Line Rd, for future growth and fire protection. Diestelhorst will make an attempt to contact the developer.

Dale Jones reported:

1) The storage tank construction is completed and waiting for 50F temperature weather to paint the tank.

2) CBI is doing a great job.

3) Building concrete is complete.

4) Block work has started and 4 masons are on the site.

5) April 15th milestone may be made by early March, weather permitting.

6) Block mockup of the new facility is available by the contractor trailer.

7) Altitude Valve Vault Pit – Asked if the Board would approve the early installation of a ¾” conduit, switch, and miscellaneous hardware for future installation of a sump pump. The cost was estimated to be $946.83. Mullen made motion to approval the early installation and was seconded by Cusac. All approved.

8) Overall project is progressing very well and well ahead of the past Forsyth

project progress at this point in time.

Cindy Lambin provided a benefit summary of the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IRMF). She also passed out booklets at the Board meeting detailing the information. Currently, the IRMF is conducting a “Cost Analysis” for 5 employees of the Water District. The study takes 6-8 weeks and should be completed in December 2006.

Diestelhorst requested a motion to approve Darlene Ford (Whispering Oaks Subdivision) as an addition to the Caterpillar Trail Public Water District Board. Wilcoxen motioned to approve and was seconded by Mullen. All approved. V. Seib will submit Darlene’s name to the County.

After no further business was noted, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10pm.

Virginia M. Seib

Virginia M. Seib, Secretary

Meeting minutes taken for Virginia by Bruce Heman

NEXT MEETING….December 11, 2006…7:00pm

Please call & be excused if you cannot attend.