/ Higher degree by research (PhD) scholarship opportunity to evaluate models of care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women with polycystic ovary syndrome

We are seeking talented candidates who wish to apply for a full-time scholarship to pursue a PhD. Applications for a Masters by Research degree may also be considered. You should ideally have a background in health broadly with an interest in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women’s health, health service delivery and models of care, reproductive health and provision of culturally appropriate care. Your research will be part of an extensive range of new knowledge projects to be undertaken by the Centre for Research Excellence (CRE) in the origins, outcomes and optimal management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). You will work closely with several of the CRE research teams and partner organisations. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are strongly encouraged to apply.

About the CRE in the origins, outcomes and optimal management of PCOS

PCOS is a common, under recognised and increasingly prevalent condition with major and sometimes devastating health impacts, affecting one in five young Australian and one in four Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women This multisystem condition has reproductive, metabolic and emotional implications including obesity, infertility (primary cause of female infertility), pregnancy complications (miscarriage, fetal anomalies), diabetes (fourfold increase and younger onset), increased cardiovascular risk factors, psychological disturbance and poor quality of life. Many women are not diagnosed or see a number of health care providers before receiving appropriate diagnosis and management. First line management is often lifestyle change and prevention of weight gain which requires access to appropriate services.

The CRE is funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council for five years (2015 – 2020) to address key research priorities, support translation, build capacity and foster collaboration. Within the CRE the lead investigators for PCOS in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are Dr. Jacqueline Boyle at Monash University and Dr. Alice Rumbold at the University of Adelaide.

The details of the PhD project will be developed in consultation with relevant stakeholders but will focus broadly on improving the detection and management of PCOS among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, including models of care.

University fees

Australian citizens and permanent residents will be exempt from tuition fees. International students will be required to provide evidence of how they will manage their university fee requirements for the duration of their candidature.

Qualifications and financial Support

Students with an Honours or Masters degree with H1 equivalent are encouraged to apply. Students meeting the requirements for a Masters by Research may be considered. An initial, one year scholarship (equivalent to Australian Postgraduate Association stipend) for 2016 is guaranteed, with opportunities to apply for further scholarships in subsequent years. Preparation of scholarship applications will be supported and successful applicants will be eligible to apply for additional local top-up scholarship funds.

How to apply

Email your CV, a cover letter and a copy of your academic transcript to before June 1st 2015.