Entrance Fee: 20p per entry. Prize Money £2, £1.50, £1

except Classes 629 and 683: £4, £3, £2

Please note for 2017 exhibits must be in place by 9.30am

Prize-winners are asked to collect their prize money from the Secretary’s Tent on show day. Prize monies will be paid upon receipt of the winner’s ticket(s). Prizes not claimed on the day may be claimed by sending the winners ticket(s) and a stamped addressed envelope to the Show Secretary at 23 Raleigh Road, Ivybridge PL21 9UT by no later than 30th September. Monies not claimed by this date are forfeit.

A minimum of FIVE entries qualifies for a pass to the field. (see end of Section for Cups & Prizes).

Only vases and plates supplied by the Show to be used. (Bowls not supplied).

TWO entries per class may be submitted. Bench cards will be placed in the position where Exhibits are to be staged. It is important that all exhibitors keep a note of their entries as NO exhibit numbers will be produced.


Entries to be sent to Mrs J Case, 53 Belle Cross Road, Kingsbridge, TQ7 1NL.

Section A Cottagers and Allotment Holders.

Limited to Amateur Gardeners within the Kingsbridge Union. Persons who employ gardeners for more than eight hours per week are excluded from this Section.

Vegetables – Section A Judge: Mr D Bradford & Mr M Harvey

607. Three Carrots, stump rooted, tops trimmed to 3ins.

608. Three Carrots, long or intermediate, tops trimmed to 3ins.

609. Three Parsnips, tops trimmed to 3ins.

610. Three Turnips, garden grown.

611. Pair of Marrows, maximum 15ins.

612. Three Courgettes, shown with flowers, maximum length 6ins.

613. Three Beetroot, red round, tops trimmed and tied.

614. Any other Vegetables not on schedule; multiple or single

615 Cherry Tomatoes on the Vine. Size not to exceed 35mm in diameter.

616. Two Cabbage Lettuce.

617. Eight Runner Beans.

618. Three Leeks, blanch (over 150mm – 6ins).

619. Two ridge Cucumbers.

620. Two Cucumbers grown under glass.

621. Six Tomatoes with stems.

622. Six fronds of Parsley in a jar.

623. Collection of cut Herbs, three varieties, two stems of each in a jar, space 1ft x 1ft.

624. Four Kidney or Oval Potatoes, white.

625. Four Kidney or Oval Potatoes, coloured.

626. Four round Potatoes, white.

627. Four round Potatoes, coloured.

628. Collection of Potatoes, three dishes of distinct varieties, four potatoes in each dish.

629. Tray of any three of the following five vegetables: 3 potatoes, 3 tomatoes (with stems, 3 onions (trimmed and tied), 6 runner beans, 3 carrots (tops trimmed to 3ins). Size of tray 18ins x 12ins.

630. Eight Shallots, hybrids.

631. Eight Shallots, any other variety i.e. banana shape etc. (not hybrids).

632. Three Onions, not sets, trimmed and tied. *

633. Three Onions, globe, from sets, trimmed and tied. *

634. Three Onions, flat, from sets, trimmed and tied. *

635. String of hybrid Shallots. Length of string: 12ins – 15ins.

636. String of Shallots other than hybrids. Length of string: 12ins – 15ins

637. String of Onions, NOT shallots. Length of string: 15ins – 18ins

* See Rule No. 12

Dahlias – Section A Judges: Mr J Collins & Mrs Mayhew

638. One vase three Dahlias, large or giant decorative.

639. One vase three Dahlias, medium decorative, between 152mm and 203mm diameter.

640. One vase five Dahlias, small decorative 102mm and 152mm diameter.

641. One vase five Dahlias, Pompon, not exceeding 52mm diameter.

642. One vase three blooms, cactus or semi-cactus Dahlias, medium, between 152mm and 203mm diameter.

643. One vase five blooms, small cactus or semi-cactus Dahlias, between 102mm and 152mm


644. One bowl five blooms mixed Dahlias. Space 2ft x 2ft. Height optional

645. One vase five blooms miniature ball Dahlias, not exceeding 102mm diameter.

Cut Flowers and Plants – Section A Judges: Mr J Collins & Mrs Mayhew

646. One bowl mixed Garden Flowers. Space 2ft x 2ft. Height optional.

647. One Fuchsia in pot. Pot not to exceed 10ins.

648. One Pot Plant in bloom. Space 2ft x 2ft.

649. One vase five blooms double Asters.

650. One vase five blooms single Asters.

651. One vase three spikes Gladioli.

652. One vase three stems Antirrhinums.

653. One vase one kind of any other annual not on schedule.

654. One vase three mixed blooms hybrid tea Roses.

655. Six Fuchsia heads. Boards supplied.

656. One Specimen Rose.

657. Six Pansies (boards provided by the Society).

658. 1 Spike of Gladioli.

659. Three Zinnias.

VEGETABLES – SECTION B – OPEN Judges: Mr B Griffiths & Mr J Wallace

660. Three Carrots, stumped rooted, tops trimmed to 3ins.

661. Three Carrots, long or intermediate, tops trimmed to 3ins.

662. Three Parsnips, tops trimmed to 3ins.

663. Three Turnips, garden grown.

664. Pair of Marrows, maximum 15ins.

665. Three Courgettes, shown with flowers, maximum length 6ins.

666. Three Beetroot, red round, tops trimmed and tied.

667. Any other Vegetables not on the schedule; multiple or single

668. Largest Marrow. 1 entry.

669. Cherry Tomatoes on the Vine. Size not to exceed 35mm in diameter.

670. Two Cabbage Lettuce.

671. Eight Runner Beans.

672. Three Leeks, Blanch (over 150mm – 6ins).

673. Two ridge Cucumbers.

674. Two Cucumbers grown under glass.

675. Six Tomatoes with stems.

676. Six fronds of Parsley in a jar.

677. Collection of cut Herbs, three varieties, three stems of each in a jar. Space 1ft x 1ft.

678. Four kidney or oval Potatoes, white.

679. Four kidney or oval Potatoes, coloured.

680. Four round Potatoes, white.

681. Four round Potatoes, coloured.

682. Collection of Potatoes, three dishes of distinct varieties, four potatoes in each dish.

683. Collection of Vegetables: Six distinct kinds. Number of vegetables to be identical to

that specified in individual classes. Space 3ft x 2ft.

684. Eight Shallots, hybrids.

685. Eight Shallots, any other variety, i.e. banana shape etc (not hybrids)

686. Three Onions, not sets, trimmed and tied. *

687. Three Onions, globe, from sets, trimmed and tied. *

688. Three Onions, flat, from sets, trimmed and tied. *

689. String of hybrid Shallots. Length of string: 12 ins -15 ins.

690. String of Shallots other than hybrid. Length of string: 12ins – 15ins.

691. String of Onions, NOT Shallots. Length of string: 15ins – 18ins.

* See Rule 12

DAHLIAS – Section B Judges: Mr J Collins & Mrs Mayhew

692. One vase three Dahlias, large or giant decorative.

693. One vase three Dahlias, medium decorative between 152mm and 203mm.

694. One vase five Dahlias, small decorative, between 102mm and 152mm diameter.

695. One vase three blooms medium cactus or semi-cactus Dahlias, between 152mm and 203mm diameter.

696. One vase five blooms small cactus or semi-cactus Dahlias, between 102mm and 152mm


697. One vase five Dahlias, pompon, one colour, not exceeding 52mm diameter.

698. Two vases ten blooms pompon Dahlias, mixed colours, not exceeding 52mm diameter

699. One bowl seven blooms mixed Dahlias. Space 2ft x 2ft. Height optional

700. One vase five blooms miniature ball Dahlias, not exceeding 102mm diameter

701. One vase five blooms miniature decorative Dahlias, not exceeding 102mm diameter.

702. One vase one bloom giant decorative Dahlia.

CUT FLOWERS and PLANTS – Section B Judge: Mr J Collins & Mrs Mayhew

703. One bowl mixed Garden Flowers. Space 2ft x 2ft. Height optional.

704. One Foliage Plant in pot (including ferns). Space 2ft x 2ft.

705. One Pot Plant in bloom. Space 2ft x 2ft.

706. One Geranium or Pelargonium in pot (pot not to exceed 8ins).

707. One Fuchsia in pot (pot not to exceed 10ins).

708. One specimen Rose, hybrid tea.

709. One vase five mixed blooms hybrid tea Roses.

710. One vase one stem floribunda Rose.

711. One vase one spike Gladioli.

712. One vase three spikes Gladioli.

713. One vase three blooms reflex Chrysanthemums.

714. One vase three blooms incurved or intermediate Chrysanthemums.

715. One vase four stems spray Chrysanthemums.

716. One vase five blooms double Asters.

717. One vase five blooms single Asters.

718. One vase five Zinnias.

719. One vase three blooms Hydrangeas.

720. Six Pansies. Boards will be provided by the Society.

721. Six Fuchsia heads. Boards supplied.

A Challenge Cup presented by the Society (2007) will be awarded for the most points in Section A, to be won three years in succession or three times in five years before becoming the absolute property of the winner. 1st, 2nd and 3rd places respectively count 3,2,1 points. (2016 – A R Church)

A Challenge Cup presented by the Society (2003) will be awarded for the most points for flowers in Section B to be won three years in succession or three times in five years before becoming the absolute property of the winner. 1st, 2nd and 3rd places respectively count 3,2,1 points. (2016 – Philip Gilbury)

The Stewart Goodwin Memorial Cup presented to the competitor with the highest points from Section A, Cut Flowers and Plants, classes 647 - 659 inclusive. (2016 – Bob Gould)

The Arthur Hutchinson Limited Challenge Cup for best Dahlia Exhibit in Section A – Cottagers. (2016 – Mike Boules)

A National Vegetable Society Medal for the best vegetable exhibit for both section A&B; to include special Show Society prizes of £4 each (excluding Classes 629 & 683).

Show Society prizes of £4 each for the best flower or plant exhibit for both sections A&B (excluding classes 646 & 703).

The Avon Mill Garden Centre Vouchers for Best Bowl of Flowers in both section A&B classes 646 & 703.

A Special National Dahlia Society Medal Certificate for the best Dahlia Exhibit in Section B – open.

George Edwards Memorial Cup presented by Mr K Steer. To be awarded to the exhibitor in the potato classes who obtains the highest points in Section A Cottagers. (2016 –A R Church)

The Tony Church Perpetual Cup for vegetables in Section B (2016 – J Shore)

FRUIT CLASSES Judge: Mr D Bradford & Mr M Harvey

722. Five dessert Apples.

723. Five cooking Apples.

724. Collection of Apples, three dishes of distinct varieties.

725. Five dessert Pears.

726. Five cooking Pears.

727. Five items any other one fruit.