American Government

Unit 2: The U.S. Constitution

Key Learning(s): / Unit Essential Question(s): / Assigned Readings:
The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the United States. It establishes the basic structure of our government, defines the government’s powers and duties, and protects the rights of all Americans. / How does the U.S. Constitution provide the basic structure of our government, establish (and limit) the powers of the government, and protect the rights of Americans? / Ch 3 “The Constitution”
Ch 4 “National and State Powers” Sec. 1,2
Ch 13 “Constitutional Freedoms” Sec. 1-5
Ch 14 “Citizenship and Equal Justice” Sec. 3,4
Concept / Concept / Concept / Concept
2.1 The Structure of the U.S. Constitution / 2.2 Key Principles of the U.S. Constitution / 2.3 Constitutional Rights / 2.4 A Living Constitution
Lesson Essential Question(s): / Lesson Essential Question(s): / Lesson Essential Question(s): / Lesson Essential Question(s):
How is the text of the Constitution organized? What is the purpose of the preamble, articles and amendments of the U.S. Constitution? / How does the U.S. Constitution place limits on the government’s power? / How does the U.S. Constitution protect the rights of individuals? / Why is the U.S. Constitution considered to be a living document? How is the U.S. Constitution able to adapt to advances in technology and evolving societal values?
Vocabulary / Vocabulary / Vocabulary / Vocabulary
Bill of Rights / *Separation of Powers
Legislative Branch
Executive Branch
Judicial Branch
*System of Checks and Balances
Veto Override
Confirmation Power (Senate)
Ratification Power (Senate)
Power of the Purse
Judicial Review
Supremacy Clause
Full Faith and Credit / Establishment Clause
Free Exercise Clause
Pure Speech
Symbolic Speech
Self Incrimination
Double Jeopardy
Probable Cause
Exclusionary Rule / Amending Process
Judicial Interpretation
Strict Constructionist
Loose Constructionist