Abdul Hamid Abdul Aaty Mahmoud

Personal Data

Qualifications / BA degree in the English Language, Faculty of Al-Alsun, Ain Shams University, May 1993, General Estimate: Good, Second Foreign Language: French
Date of Birth / 23/10/1971
Marital Status / Married
Military Service / Exempted
Address / 1 Sayyed Ateyya St. from Dr. Lashin St., Al-Kum Al-Akhdar, King Faisal Street, Giza, Egypt
Tel. / 02 3534352
Cell phone / 0102068904
E-mail / ,

Professional Career

From 21/1/2004 till 26/5/2006

GD Arabia, Tabuk, KSA , an offshoot of GD

Title: Senior Interpreter/Translator

Major Responsibilities:

-Senior interpreter/translator for the world leader in the filed of armored vehicles especially the M1A1, M1A2 and M60A3 Abrams full-tracked tanks

-Preparing and translating lesson plans and supplemental texts for the courses given by the American military instructors

-Putting the nucleus of and developing a uniform military glossary for the company

-Assisted in delivering high standard technical training on TWIGGS (Tank Weapon Integrated Gunnery Simulation System), U-COFT (Unit Conduct of Fire Training), MILES (Multiple Integrated Laser Engagements System) … etc.

-Providing simultaneous and consequential interpretation as well as written translation both in class and onsite.

-Translated a large number of technical manuals

-Interpretation tasks for a large number of Saudi military commanders starting from Battalion Commanders up to Brigade and Area Commanders

-The total number of simultaneous and consecutive interpretation hours is about3080.

From 1/4/2002 till 10/1/2004

Dar El-Farouk for Publishing and Distribution

Title: Vice President of the Publishing Department


-From a mediocre publishing house with a notorious reputation in technical translation and an almost lose-the-ground attitude to one of the best publishing houses in Egypt and the Arab World: this is the gist of four years of hard work with Dar El-Farouk

-Participated in a dramaticchange in the company’s policies, strategies and status in the market

-Opening up more than EIGHT lines of production

-The efforts exerted in the House were crowned by the following awards:

  • The Best Scientific and University-targeted Publisher in Egypt 2000
  • Ranked No. 4 all over the world in translating IDG books especially the most renowned Bible series in Frankfurt Bookfair 2000
  • The Best Scientific and University-targeted Publisher in Egypt 2001
  • The Creativity Award in Egypt 2002
  • The Best Publisher of Children Books in Egypt 2003
  • The Best Publisher of School Books in Egypt 2003
  • The Best Publisher of Translated Books from and into Arabic in Egypt 2003

Major Responsibilities:

-Responsible for the ins and outs of the Publishing Department including, but not limited to, normal day-to-day operation, supervision, follow-up and monitoring

-Completely responsible for opening up new lines of production, setting the infrastructure and recruiting the manpower in charge of the new line

-Putting the strategy of the Department within the framework of the company policy

-Completely responsible for perusing the foreign publishers’ catalogs and booklists and selecting suitable titles for publishing in Arabic

-Studying the review copies sent by the foreign publishers and checking their validity for publishing in Arabic

-Managing correspondences with copyright managers in the foreign publishing houses in order to reach a final agreement

-In cooperation with the publishing manager, I decided the number of print-runs, the would-be final layout and size of the books to be published

-Monitoring and supervising the work cycle in the company between the different departments, including the Translation, Graphic Design, Layout, and the Internet

-Providing feedback reports and tips to the Marketing Department so that asuitable marketing plan will be implemented for each product or line of products

-Completely responsible for negotiations and holding meetings with other local publishers in case of co-publishing

-Complete responsibility for all advertising and promotional materials that support the final products

-Securing projects for the house with other bodies or entities which have the same orientations or tendencies or those who would like to publish their own stuff

-Studying the international publishing market as well as the local and regional publishing activities and prospectsin order to take the initiative and track an objective course

From 1/4/2000 till 30/3/2002

Dar El-Farouk forpublishing and Distribution

Tip-Top Arabization and translation Services

Title: Translation Manager

Achievements and Major Translation and Arabization Projects

  • Arabization of OpenText Livelink. Approx. 400.000 words. Please visit
  • Translation, DTP and layout of the ICDL course material for Cairo UNESCO Office. Approx. 350.000 words. Please visit
  • Translation, DTP and layout of 6 Science Books for Macmillan. Approx. 1500 pages. Please visit
  • Translation, DTP and layout of 4 Islamic Books for the American Open University in Washington. Approx. 1200 pages. Please visit
  • Major translation projects for Oracle Egypt, Sahm Software, Khalifa Computer Engineering, Research and Development Engineering ... etc.

Major Responsibilities:

-Manager of 6 team leaders and more than 38 translators who translate the books published by the House and offer translation services to other customers

-I was charged to automate the system of translation as the company employed a computer-aided translation system instead of manual translation

-Receiving the books (or whatsoever projects) to be translated and assigning specific portions to each translator

-Revising sample files translated by the staff and writing down feedback reports and filling in revision forms

-Responsible for the follow-up of the translation projects the company undertook so that we could stick to deadlines

-Putting evaluation reports upon which translators are graded and recompensed

-Responsible for signing translation deals with customers and determining prices and dates of delivery

-Putting quarterly and annual reports on each translator and group managers

-Responsible for coordination between the Translation Department and other departments in the House such as the DTP, Graphic Design, the Internet ... etc.

-Securing sufficient dictionaries and domain-specific glossaries (most of them are soft copies) in the various fields of translation

-Providing and coordinating necessary training so that translators will be updated and armed with the latest technologies and the most recent translation tools

-Selecting new candidates when there are vacancies. I put exams, checked the candidates’ answers, interviewed them and issued the final decision on their eligibility for the job

-Responsible for the data, layout and design of the companies’ web sites. Please visit both and for reference.

From 1/1/1997 till 30/3/2000

Sakhr Software


Harf Information Technology


Title: Multilingual Translation Department Coordinator (latest title occupied in both companies)

Team Leader

Technical Writer




Major Responsibilities:

-A coordinator of the Translation Department (46 translators) and a team leader of the English Language Department (eight translators). I was charged to assign portions to each translator and check follow-up and on-time delivery.

-Translated, revised and proofread the Islamic software produced by the then Sakhr Heritage Center (now Harf Information Technology) such as Zakah for Individuals, Hajj and `Umrah, Tahfizh Al-Qur’an, Pioneers of Islamic Civilization ... etc.

-Revised and proofread the data of the software products of Harf such as the Holy Qur’an, Al-Bayan, Muezzin ... etc.

-Prepared, translated and proofread the data of Harf online site as well as the gigantic Islamic site powered by Harf This latter site was selected as the best Arabic and Islamic multilingual site on the Internet by Yahoo! Internet Life Magazine and this same site is now sponsored by the Saudi Ministry of Awqaf.

-Participated in writing Sakhr CAT Manual as I wrote the Dictionary Part and the Menus-related portions throughout the whole manual.

-Revised and filtered Sakhr English Arabic Dictionary which is embedded in Sakhr Dictionary and the CAT system

-Revised and filtered Microsoft database of technical terminology (more than 10.000 unique entries) which is used in technical translation both in Sakhr and Harf

-Revised Sakhr Technical Dictionary (more than 9.000 terms) which is bundled with Sakhr Localizer

-Translated and revised many translation and localization projects shouldered by Sakhr for other firms such as Mendez Language and Technology (localization), Ricoh (also localization) and Panasonic (translation)

-Built domain-specific glossaries and translation memories which were used in translating and localizing Sakhr and Harf products as well as other projects

-Participated in building up one of the best and most accurate Arabic search engineson the Internet. Please visit

-Prepared, compiled and revised more than 90% of the first electronic Islamic Dictionary produced by Harf

-Worked as a linguist and grammar-write in the Machine Translation Department. I was charged to conduct several linguistic researches in the field of Computational Linguistics on the lexical, semantic and syntactic spheres. The outcome of this voluminous project was the first online site to translate from Arabic into English and vice versa and the same English  Arabic machine translation was embedded in some of Sakhr most important and strategic products such as the CAT system and SET (Sakhr Enterprise Translation). Please visit for more details.

-Conducted comparative evaluation on the machine translation system produced by Sakhr (called SAT, standing for Sakhr Automatic Translator) and ATA system (Al-Mutarjim Al-Araby). This evaluation was based on the most recent researches made in the field by Wessex University.

From 10/9/1995 till 30/6/1996

Al-Bishry Establishment, Abha, KSA

Title: Translator

Major Responsibilities:

-Translated the manuals and brochures of the products imported by the Establishment

-Translated all correspondences and contracts made between the Establishment and foreign firms

From 1/8/1994 till 31/3/1995

MegaMind Egypt Ltd.

Title: Translator / Executive Secretary

Major Responsibilities:

-Translated technical manuals such as Nisus Writer, one of Apple Macintosh desktop applications

-Partially translated MINISIS (the computer system adopted by the Arab League headquarter in Cairo) manual

-Common secretarial tasks

From 1/6/1993 till 31/7/1994

Al-Attar Translation Bureau

Title: Translator

Major Responsibilities:

-Translated various stuff in almost all fields such as technical, engineering, medical, commercial spheres

Personal Achievements:

1-Figured out, translated, edited and proofread CompuNet Educational Series (the title of the series is mine too) which was the first integrated, all-comprehensive IT educational series in the Arab world. This series was published by Dar El-Farouk for Publishing and Distribution. Please visit for more details on the series. It includes the following titles:

  1. Computer and the Internet (Book 1 – First Primary)
  2. Computer and the Internet (Book 2 – Second Primary)
  3. Computer and the Internet (Book 3 – Third Primary)
  4. Windows 2000/Me (Book 4 – Fourth Primary)
  5. Windows 2000/Me (Book 5 – Fifth Primary)
  6. Word 2000 (Book 6 – Sixth Primary)
  7. Excel 2000 (Book 7 – First Preparatory)
  8. PowerPoint 2000 (Book 8 – Second Preparatory)
  9. Access 2000 (Book 9 – Third Preparatory)

2-Compiler of the first integrated Arabic site directories which include the following titles:

  1. Directory of Arab Sites
  2. Directory of Arab Sites– The Grand Directory (a voluminous 1700-page reference containing more than 35.000 sites and web pages)
  3. Directory of Islamic Sites
  4. Directory of Arab Companies Sites
  5. Directory of Exporters and Businessmen to African Sites
  6. Directory of ArabGulf States Sites

This series was published by Dar El-Farouk for Publishing and Distribution.

3-Author of several IT books such as:

  1. Learn E-mail in a Flash
  2. Learn Troubleshooting Windows in a Flash
  3. Learn the Internet in a Flash

This series was also published by Dar El-Farouk for Publishing and Distribution.

4-Revised, edited and proofread scores of books including, but not limited to, the following titles:

First: IT books

  1. International Directory of Web Sites
  2. C Language
  3. Hacker Attack
  4. Data Structure and Algorithm
  5. Creating Web Pages with HTML
  6. Exploring the Internet with Yahoo!
  7. Finding a Job on the Web
  8. Writing your First Computer Program
  9. Finding What you Want on the Web
  10. Upgrading and Repairing PCs
  11. TCP/IP
  12. Windows Me
  13. Windows XP
  14. Windows 2000 Professional
  15. Visual Basic Database Programming
  16. Visual Basic.NET
  17. E-Commerce
  18. Playing Games Online
  19. Online Medical Resources
  20. Active Server Pages 3
  21. ASP.NET
  22. Flash 5
  23. Surfing the Internet with WebTV
  24. Access 2000 Programming
  25. Using Visual InterDev
  26. MCSE
  27. SQL
  28. Oracle Developer
  29. Oracle Designer
  30. Oracle Discoverer
  31. PhotoShop 6
  32. PhotoShop 7
  33. 3ds MAX 3
  34. 3ds MAX 4

And other tens of titles

Second: Business and management books

  1. How to Beat your Competitors
  2. Performance Appraisal
  3. Improving Employee Performance
  4. How to Write a Marketing Plan
  5. How to Manage Organizational Change
  6. Be Positive
  7. Developing your Staff
  8. Successful Presentation Skills
  9. How to Run a Successful Conference
  10. Successful Project Management
  11. Making Millions on the Internet
  12. Online Shopping
  13. Winning through Negotiations
  14. Being a Successful Entrepreneur
  15. Great Customer Service
  16. Buying and Selling a Business
  17. Managing People
  18. Managing your Money
  19. Making Money in the New Millenium
  20. Marketing Basics
  21. Motivating People
  22. Online Investing
  23. Investing in the Stock Market

And other tens of titles

Third: Islamic Books

  1. Proofs of Islam in Modern Science
  2. Come to Islam
  3. Remembrance of Allah: Virtue and Formulas
  4. Prohibited Acts and Sayings in Islam
  5. Teach your Children How to Pray
  6. Avoid these Mistakes while Praying
  7. The Miracles of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon him)
  8. Fasting Ramadan
  9. Juristic Rulings of Zakah
  10. Hajj and `Umrah Rituals
  11. Al-Aqsa Mosque
  12. The Muslim Women’s Characteristics
  13. A Short Biography of the Prophet Muhammad’s Life

And other tens of titles

Fourth: scores of titles in the following fields:

  • Children’s Books
  • Cooking Books
  • Sports Books
  • Medical Books
  • Educational Books
  • Handcrafts Books

5-Prepared, translated, revised and proofread the data of many online sites such as:

(both from A to Z)

Sections of

Computer Knowledge:

-Very familiar with all versions of Windows staring from 3.11 up to XP

-Top-notch user of all versions of Office starting from 97 till 2003

-Very familiar with translation tools and workbenches such as Sakhr CAT (Aligner, Localizer and Translator) and Corel Catalyst. Deep understanding of Trados Workbench and IBM Translation Manager

-Very familiar with Apple Macintosh applications such as the Desktop Publishing

-Highly experienced Internet user

-Solid knowledge of web page localization and translation technicalities

Personal Characteristics:

Ambitious, self-starter, able to work under severe pressure with minimum or almost no supervision, able to shoulder responsibilities for voluminous projects while sticking to deadlines, organizational skills, a wide network of relations with almost all senior and middle managers working in the field, unparalleled recruitment skills, deep knowledge of translation and publishing markets all over the world, able to start a new line of business ... etc.


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