Buckskin Lake Improvement Association Annual Meeting Minutes
May 26, 2012 @ 7:05 pm
Todd Anderson introduced our guest speakers for the meeting from the Wisconsin DNR. Mr. John Kubisiak, marine biologist and Mr. Tim Hebert, game warden for our area.
Mr. Hebert spoke on the subject of the recent over/illegal harvest by certain tribal members the led to the Walleye "0" bag limit for line and hook sportsmen on our lake for the entire season. He explained that the originally declared and permitted harvest of 29 fish had been taken and accounted for by the DNR at the boat landing and that the illegal harvest occurred a few nights later. That night, 51 additional fish were recovered and processed for evidence at the landing after the tribal members pulled their boat up to their trailer. The subjects were given state boating violations and then were turned over to the tribal police for the over harvest. They were observed taking fish from the non-reservation side of the lake. He explained the Voight decision did not give DNR wardens jurisdiction in this type of matter and that it had to be handled via the tribal courts system.
He went on to let us know that tribal members can spear anytime they want and do not need to obtain permits or declare what they catch provided they stay within the reservation boundaries of the lake. If they go outside of them they can be cited for doing so. He also informed us that if we're concerned that someone is illegally spearing to call their hotline and report it.
The hotline # is 1-800-tip-wdnr, if you do call to report someone they have the ability to check a list provided to them daily as to whether or not someone has declared and obtained the needed paperwork to legally spear that night. If they are observed off reservation and spearing they will be cited.
We thanked Mr. Hebert for speaking and welcomed Mr. Kubisiak.
Mr. Kubisiak spoke about how back in the 1990's they stocked the lake in a rotating manner between Walleye and Musky. The fishery has since done very well on its own and hasn't needed the plantings on a regular basis, in the more recent years. He did however mention that Todd had spoken with Mr. Larry Waronowiecz a week or so earlier and the tribe has offered to do a couple of fingerling plantings.
One this year, 2012 and another next year, 2013 after the creel studies are finished in the fall on the lake. There is also a possibility of a planting of a million or so Frye in 2013, but that is subject to the results from the surveys as Frye have a much lower rate of survival. The tribe, Mr. Larry Waroniwicz, had offered this in good faith they/he certainly did not have to offer anything.
Mr. Kubisiak then answered a question from a member about how they came to the "0" Walleye bag limit ruling on our lake due to the over-harvest. He explained how it is a result of many previous years and the cycles reported from creel surveys showing fish numbers, sizes,year classes and so on. He then looks at the lower year cycles and the numbers related to those years surveys and then assesses a "safe harvest" number. Much like how they determine the bag limits on many speared lakes. They have to see what the tribes are declaring as far as numbers and species for declared spearing harvests, then the Wi DNR looks at their numbers to obtain a "safe harvest". According to their data they thought it best to set Buckskin Lake at a "0" bag limit for 2012 hook/line fishing.
He then used visual aids to demonstrate the surveys of some 20 years past to show the members the numbers used to reach their results.
He then offered handouts to further demonstrate these findings to the members. That concluded his speech and he was thanked by the audience.
Todd Anderson briefly spoke of the fingerling plantings offered by the tribe.
Erv Hemb was recognized with a plaque for the many years he has devoted to the lake and the founding of the Buckskin Lake Improvement Association. Without all of his hard work and years of help this lake would not be the great lake it has become. He accepted it and thanked all involved. He also thanked the hard work of many others on and around the lake for their contributions.
There was a motion to accept the minutes presented from the 2011 annual meeting by Marge Sholta and seconded by Colleen Holland, carried and unanimously accepted.
Todd then spoke about the troubles we had working with our O2 meter over the winter and the need to either repair or replace it. It was estimated by the manufacturer to repair it for $500 or we could trade it in and add $800 to buy a new one with three year warranty.
Motion to buy new was made by Erv Hemb and seconded by Dave Maurer. Motion was unanimously accepted.
Rollie Radtke spoke about notes that his father had taken about the lake and related and about how he would like to make sure they were added to any library of info that may already be accumulating. Todd Anderson said he would add them to the files he is holding on the lakes behalf in the hopes that the future members would forward them on with each new board of directors.
Todd Anderson was asked a question from a member about any future fish transplanting from lake to lake working with the WI DNR.
He answered with the explanation that it had been asked of the WI DNR and that they no longer have a program for that due to the fish disease VHS. It will no longer happen.
Todd Anderson mentioned that due to the volume of info that the new Wi DNR evasive species coordinator has been sending him he is filtering it and then forwarding it out to our membership. There has been a ton of it.
Dan Mack is recuperating from hip replacement surgery and is unable to attend this meeting. However, his son Andy Mack did come and brought with him the most recent lake level date that Dan Mack has been recording for the past few years. Todd then spoke briefly on the numbers recorded. Thank you, Andy.
Discussion was made about the lake levels and the ongoing dam site situation. Unfortunately there is no news on the issue. The property in question has again changed hands, 3rd owners since we have changed officers of this lake association. The new owners are RMK Co. and there are no changes to report. They have been contacted and their reply is the same as others, there are a lot of taxes due if the property was to be sold other than as a package with tax benefits in keeping it in forestry. That is not to say that there has not been work done in attempts to obtain the land because that is ongoing and will for as long as it takes.
On the lake level, Rollie Radtke and Todd Anderson flew over the outlet creek on the lake to ascertain why the level is temporarily holding only to say there is a lot of vegetation growing in the creek bed. They had a very hard time trying to see if the beavers were busy helping to dam up the lake but they just couldn't see due to air speed and altitude. As far as they were able to see there was no beaver activity at that time.
Todd Anderson did speak for a minute or so on the changes to the total amount we can carry in our association bank account. That number has risen to $50,000.00 in our non-profit status bank account. The donor is still offering the annual donations but we can not accept after the limit had been reached.
Rollie Radtke was asked to report on our rummage sales success. He thanked all that donated to make it a success and to all that helped with the sale itself. There is no need to continue with them at this time. If we need to revisit the need in the future we'll do so then.
Jay Garnhart suggested to the board and members that we lower the annual dues for our members now that we are doing well in our money reserves. Todd spoke to that directly with a suggestion that it be called to a special meeting to change the by-laws to reflect the needed changes. He stated it can be done but needed to be done with the required by law changes.
The treasurers report handout was looked over and no questions were raised about it. It was explained as reported. Motion was made to accept it by Judy Zingsheim and was seconded by Lori Garnhart. Treasurer’s report was unanimously accepted.
Two board member seats are up for election, Jerry Ford and Jay Garnhart. Todd Anderson made the required three calls for nominations from the floor, there were none. Both Jerry Ford and Jay Garnhart accepted to be re-elected. By a show of hands both Jerry Ford and Jay Garnhart were re-elected by a unanimous show of hands. Closed and accepted.
Erv Hemb thanked all for their work on the aeration system, Ruth and Rollie Radtke for their work in the garage sales and for BLIA annual picnics.
Thank you.
Motion to adjourn was made by Jerry Ford and seconded by Charlotte Anderson, unanimously accepted.
Meeting Adjourned meeting length 1 hr. 08 minutes