Palmetto High School
804 North Hamilton St.
Williamston, SC 29697
Teacher: Mr.Hollifield, .S. History
School Website: Office: 864-847-7311
Passing the South Carolina US History End of Course Test. If the textbook is damaged or stolen, it is student’s responsibility to pay for a replacement.
Course Description and Objectives
This course is designed to teachthe story of the American people from colonial settlement to the present day. Students will utilize critical thinking skills as well as writing techniques to discover how historical events have shaped their lives and the world today.
- Examine the relationship of the present to the past and use knowledge of the past to make informed decisions in the present and to extrapolate into the future.
- Analyze, interpret, and synthesize social studies information to make inferences and draw conclusions.
- Analyze and draw conclusions about the locations of places, the conditions at places, and the connections between places.
- Explain contemporary patterns of human behavior, culture, and political and economic systems.
- Explain how groups work to challenge traditional institutions and effect change to promote the needs and interests of society.
- Summarize the distinct characteristics of each region including religious, social, political, and economic differences.
- Explain development and effectiveness of the governing documents throughout US History (i.e. Articles of Confederation, Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc.).
Course Outline
This course meets every day for ninety minutes for one semester. The course outline is subject to change.
UNIT 4- CIVIL WAR / days
UNIT 7-BOOM AND BUST (1920s-New Deal) / days
UNIT 9-TURBULENT TIMES: 1960S AND 1970S / days
Supply List
Palmetto High School
804 North Hamilton St.
Williamston, SC 29697
School-issued iPad
Blue or black pens
Number 2 pencils
Palmetto High School
804 North Hamilton St.
Williamston, SC 29697
Description of Standards
The South Carolina state standards for U.S. History and the Constitution will be taught during this course. Please refer to the South Carolina Department of Education for detailed listings of standards. (
End of Course Examination
This course is a requirement for graduation. The state-created End of Course Exam (EOC) counts as 20% of your final grade. You are expected to be study all semester in preparation for the EOC.
Breakdown of Grades
Major Grades Minor Grades
Tests Quizzes
Projects Classwork
Class Rules
*You must be in class BEFORE the tardy bell.
*Tardy students will quietly enter and sign the tardy log.
*Be in your seat and ready to start class when the bell rings.
*Bring required materials every day.
*All assignments are due at the deadline given.
*Make restroom stops BEFORE or AFTER class.
*Be alert-get plenty of rest AT HOME.
*Follow instructions the FIRST time.
*Respect the rights and property of others.
*Sit quietly during instruction. Do not talk while the teacher is talking.
*No gum, food, drinks, etc. in the classroom.
*Use of any electronic device, other than school-issued iPad, without permission will result in confiscation.
*When the bell rings the TEACHER WILL DISMISS YOU.
Policies / Procedures
- Homework- Homework is expected to be completed as assigned and turned in at the beginning of the class period. If a student does not complete a homework assignment, they will be assigned detention before or after school to complete the assignment.
- Class Work- At times, students may be asked to complete and turn in work during the allotted class time. If a student has not finished their work in the allotted time, they should make arrangements with the teacher. If a student chooses not to work on their classwork in class, extra time will not be provided.
- Make-up work- Announced work is due the day the student returns. It is the students’ responsibility to request missed work!It is also their responsibility to schedule a time with the teacher to make up major assignments. PowerPoints and notes will be online after the lesson has been taught.
- Late Work-If a student does not complete a assignments counted as a minor grade, they will be assigned detention before or after school to complete the assignment. A late assignment can earn a maximum grade of a 70.
- Academic honesty- Receiving or giving information for an assignment is cheating and when caught in the act students will neither receive credit nor receive the opportunity for make-up. Plagiarism is not acceptable: If a student takes information from the Internet or any printed resources without a citation, it is considered plagiarism and will result in a zero.
What to Expect in this Course
- Homework-
- Key Terms- Students will be responsible for defining key terms as they read. Key terms should be hand-written and will be turned in for a minor grade on the day of each unit test.
- In-class
- Readings- Students will be assigned readings from the textbook to prepare for the concepts covered in class. Students will be assigned readings daily at the beginning of each class.
- Reading Journals- On days that students are assigned a reading, they must complete a Reading Journal entry. Students will turn in their Reading Journal by the end of class, unless other arrangements are made with the teacher. Reading Journals will count as a minor grade. You will also be responsible for keeping all journal entries in your notebook after they are graded.
- Lecture and Notes- Students will be provided more information on the topics of their reading during class time. This activity is teacher-led and ensures that students understand all material. Students will be provided fill-in-the-blank notes on their iPad. Students are responsible for taking notes and saving them to their iPad for future use.
- Extension activities- On some days that students learn new material, they will meet with a group to complete extension activities. These activities help students to use the information they learned to increase comprehension and memory. If students are not on-topic or participating in extension activities, their grade will reflect this lack of participation.
- Content Quizzes- Students will be given a short quiz on each day that they learn new material. These quizzes provide students with practice of the types of multiple-choice questions that they will encounter on the EOC.Daily quizzes will count as minor grades.
- Tests- Students will be tested between three and five times each quarter. Each test will be multiple-choice and cumulative. Students should be reviewing all notes and materials for each test in order to prepare for the EOC.
Additional class resources are available on my website. I encourage all students to take advantage of these resources especially as we approach the EOC.I am happy to tutor individual students who need assistance. I am available Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. Other tutoring sessions can be set by appointment.
*The teacher reserves the right to adjust the course work and/or differentiate instruction as needed to meet the needs of students and ensure academic success.
Please sign and return this formby Tuesday. The syllabus can be placed in the student’s notebook. By signing this syllabus for Mr. Hollifield’s US History Course, you are acknowledging that you have read the requirements outlined.
*Student Name (print) ______
*Parent Email Address______
*Student Signature ______Date______
*Parent Signature ______Date______