Definitions of the 303 New Fives in OWL2 by WHAT (see - Page 1 of 6
This file created 27-Oct-09 is at:
ABAYA - ABAYA n pl. -S a long loose robe worn by Arab women
ABLED - ABLED adj capable of unimpaired function
ADZED + ADZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool)
ADZED - ADZ v -ED, -ING, -ES to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool)
AGITA - AGITA n pl. -S a feeling of agitation
AHING - AH v -ED, -ING, -S to aah
ALKIE - ALKIE n pl. -S alky
AMNIO - AMNIO n pl. -S a surgical insertion of a needle into the uterus
AMPED - AMP v -ED, -ING, -S to amplify
ANCHO - ANCHO n pl. -S a chili pepper
ANDRO - ANDRO n pl. -S a steroid sex hormone
ANGLO - ANGLO n pl. -S a white North American of non-Hispanic or non-French descent
ANYON - ANYON n pl. -S a subatomic particle
ARAME - ARAME n pl. -S an edible seaweed
ARENE - ARENE n pl. -S an aromatic compound
AREPA - AREPA n pl. -S a cornmeal cake
AZUKI - AZUKI n pl. -S adzuki
BANDA - BANDA n pl. -S a style of Mexican dance music
BARCA - BARCA n pl. -S a double-ended boat
BEEDI - BEEDI n pl. -DIES bidi
BELON - BELON n pl. -S a flat oyster
BENTO - BENTO n pl. -S obento
BERKS - BERK n pl. -S a foolish person
BESES - BES n pl. BESES beth
BICEP - BICEP n pl. -S biceps
BIDIS - BIDI n pl. -S a cigarette of India
BIGGY - BIGGY n pl. -GIES biggie
BIGOS - BIGOS n pl. -ES a Polish stew
BILBY - BILBY n pl. -BIES a small nocturnal mammal
BINER - BINER n pl. –S a soldier armed with a carbine
BIOGS - BIOG n pl. -S a biography
BIROS - BIRO n pl. -S a ballpoint pen
BLAFF - BLAFF n pl. -S a West Indian stew
BLOGS - BLOG n pl. -S a website containing a personal journal
BOHOS - BOHO n pl. -S a bohemian
BOINK - BOINK v -ED, -ING, -S to have sexual intercourse with *deemed offensive*
BOODY - BOODY n pl. -DIES the buttocks *deemed offensive*
BORKS - BORK v -ED, -ING, -S to attack a candidate in the media
BRISS - BRISS n pl. -ES bris
BRITH - BRITH n pl. -S bris
BRUNG - BRUNG a past tense of bring
BRUTS - BRUT n pl. -S a very dry champagne
BUBBA - BUBBA n pl. -S a white working-class man of the southern United States *deemed offensive*
BUBUS - BUBU n pl. -S boubou
BUNAS - BUNA n pl. -S a synthetic rubber
BUPPY - BUPPY n pl. -PIES buppie
BURKA - BURKA n pl. -S a long loose outer garment worn by some Muslim women
BURQA - BURQA n pl. -S burka
BUTES - BUTE n pl. -S a drug for treating arthritis
CALOS - CALO n pl. -S a Spanish argot used by Chicano youths
CAMOS - CAMO n pl. CAMOS a camouflage pattern
CAPIZ - CAPIZ n pl. -ES a bivalve mollusk
CEILI - CEILI n pl. -S ceilidh
CENTU - CENTAS n pl. CENTAI or CENTU a monetary unit of Lithuania
CHAIS - CHAI n pl. -S spiced tea with honey and milk
CHICA - CHICA n pl. -S a girl or young woman
CHIRU - CHIRU n pl. -S a Tibetan antelope
CHOLA - CHOLA n pl. -S a Mexican-American girl
CNIDA - CNIDA n pl. -DAE a stinging organ in a jellyfish
COLBY - COLBY n pl. -BYS a mild cheese
COPAY - COPAY n pl. -PAYS a fee required by a health insurer to be paid by the patient
CREDS - CRED n pl. -S credibility
CRITS - CRIT n pl. -S criticism
CUVEE - CUVEE n pl. -S wine blended in casks
CYBER - CYBER adj pertaining to computers
DEBAG - DEBAG v -BAGGED, -BAGGING, -BAGS to remove the pants from someone
DELTS - DELT n pl. -S a deltoid
DEMIC - DEMIC adj pertaining to a deme
DENAR - DENAR n pl. -NARS or -NARI a monetary unit of Macedonia
DIFFS - DIFF n pl. -S a difference
DINOS - DINO n pl. -S a dinosaur
DIRAM - DIRAM n pl. -S a monetary unit of Tajikistan
DOBRO - DOBRO n pl. -S an acoustic guitar having a metal resonator
DOODY - DOODY n pl. -DIES feces
DOULA - DOULA n pl. -S a woman who assists another woman during childbirth
DROID - DROID n pl. -S an android
DUFUS - DUFUS n pl. -ES doofus
DUMBO - DUMBO n pl. -S a stupid person
EBOOK - EBOOK n pl. -S a device for reading books in electronic format
EMAIL - EMAIL v -ED, -ING, -S to send a message to by computer
EMMYS - EMMY n pl. EMMYS an award for a notable achievement in television
ESNES - ESNE n pl. -S a laborer in Anglo-Saxon England
EXING - EX v -ED, -ING, -ES to cross out
EYASS - EYASS n pl. -ES eyas
FEDEX - FEDEX v -ED, -ING, -ES to send by Federal Express
FEEBS - FEEB n pl. -S a wimp (a weak or ineffective person)
FESTS - FEST n pl. -S a gathering for an activity
FEZZY - FEZ n pl. FEZES or FEZZES a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East FEZZED, FEZZY adj
FILMI - FILMI n pl. -S music composed for Indian films
FINCA - FINCA n pl. -S an estate in Spanish America
FLIRS - FLIR n pl. -S an electronic heat sensor
FOLEY - FOLEY n pl. -LEYS a process for creating sounds for films
FOLIC - FOLIC adj derived from folic acid
FUBAR - FUBAR adj disastrous *deemed offensive*
FUDDY - FUDDY n pl. -DIES a fussy person
GADJE - GADJO n pl. GADJE a non-gypsy *deemed offensive*
GADJO - GADJO n pl. GADJE a non-gypsy *deemed offensive*
GARDA - GARDA n pl. -DAI a police officer in Ireland
GATER - GATER n pl. -S gator
GAZOO - GAZOO n pl. -S the anus *deemed offensive*
GINZO - GINZO n pl. -ES an Italian *deemed offensive*
GITES - GITE n pl. -S a vacation retreat in France
GLAMS - GLAM n pl. -S glitzy attractiveness
GLUMS - GLUM n pl. -S glumness
GLUTE - GLUTE n pl. -S a gluteus
GOMER - GOMER n pl. -S an undesirable hospital patient
GOPIK - GOPIK n pl. GOPIK a monetary unit of Azerbaijan
GORMS - GORM v -ED, -ING, -S to gaum
GOTHS - GOTH n pl. -S a morbid style of rock music
GROKS - GROK v GROKKED, GROKKING, GROKS to understand intuitively
GWINE - GWINE a present participle of go
GYOZA - GYOZA n pl. -S a stuffed and fried pocket of dough
HAINT - HAINT n pl. -S a ghost
HAKUS - HAKU n pl. -S a crown of flowers
HALAL - HALAL n pl. -S meat prepared in accordance with Islamic law
HALON - HALON n pl. -S a compound of carbon and bromine
HAYEY - HAYEY adj resembling hay
HEAPY - HEAPY adj resembling a heap (a group of things piled one on another)
HENGE - HENGE n pl. -S a circular Bronze Age structure in England
HIJAB - HIJAB n pl. -S a head covering worn by Muslim women
HIJRA - HIJRA n pl. -S hegira
HIPLY - HIPLY adv in a hip manner
HIREE - HIREE n pl. -S one that is hired
HOMIE - HOMIE n pl. -S homey
HONGI - HONGI v -GIED, -GIING, -GIES to greet another by pressing noses together
HOSER - HOSER n pl. -S an uncouth man
HOSEY - HOSEY v -SEYED, -SEYING, -SEYS to choose sides for a children's game
IGGED - IGG v -ED, -ING, -S to ignore
INRUN - INRUN n pl. -S the approach ramp of a ski jump
JELLO - JELLO n pl. -S a gelatin dessert
JIGGY - JIGGY adj -GIER, -GIEST pleasurably excited
JOMON - JOMON adj pertaining to a Japanese cultural period
JUCOS - JUCO n pl. -S a junior college
JUKUS - JUKU n pl. -S an additional school in Japan for preparing students for college
KANZU - KANZU n pl. -S a long white garment worn in Africa
KELTS - KELT n pl. -S a salmon that has spawned
KENTE - KENTE n pl. -S a colorful fabric made in Ghana
KLICK - KLICK n pl. -S a kilometer
KLIKS - KLIK n pl. -S klick
KNAWE - KNAWE n pl. -S knawel
KOBOS - KOBO n pl. -BOS a monetary unit of Nigeria
KOJIS - KOJI n pl. -S a fungus used to start fermentation
KOMBU - KOMBU n pl. -S kelp used in Japanese cooking
KORAS - KORA n pl. -S a stringed African musical instrument
KORMA - KORMA n pl. -S an Indian dish of meat or vegetables with spices
KREWE - KREWE n pl. -S a private group participating in the New Orleans Mardi Gras
KUFIS - KUFI n pl. -S a brimless hat
KVELL - KVELL v -ED, -ING, -S to exclaim joyfully
LASSI - LASSI n pl. -S a beverage of yogurt, water, and flavorings
LAXES - LAX n pl. -ES a vowel articulated with relatively relaxed muscles
LAYIN - LAYIN n pl. -S a type of shot in basketball
LESBO - LESBO n pl. -S a lesbian *deemed offensive*
LESES - LES n pl. -ES a lesbian *deemed offensive*
LEVIS - LEVIS n/pl blue denim jeans
LILOS - LILO n pl. -S a type of inflatable mattress for use on land or water
LOGIN - LOGIN n pl. -S the process of identifying oneself to a computer
LOGON - LOGON n pl. -S login
LOIDS - LOID v -ED, -ING, -S to open a spring lock by using a piece of celluloid
LOUMA - LOUMA n pl. -S luma
LUMAS - LUMA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Armenia
LUREX - LUREX n pl. -ES a metallic thread
LYCRA - LYCRA n pl. -S a synthetic fiber
MANAT - MANAT n pl. -S a monetary unit of Azerbaijan
MANGA - MANGA n pl. -S a Japanese graphic novel
MARAS - MARA n pl. -S a cavy of Argentina
MARKA - MARKA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Bosnia and Herzegovina
MASAS - MASA n pl. -S dough made of dried corn
MAXED - MAX v -ED, -ING, -ES to reach the upper limit
MELTY - MELTY adj resembling a melted solid
MEMES - MEME n pl. -S an idea or practice that spreads from person to person
MERCH - MERCH n pl. -ES merchandise
MERCS - MERC n pl. -S or -ES a mercenary
METOL - METOL n pl. -S a powder used as a photographic developer
MILDS - MILD v -ED, -ING, -S to diminish
MIRIN - MIRIN n pl. -S a sweet Japanese cooking wine
MUCHO - MUCHO adj much, many
MYLAR - MYLAR n pl. -S a polyester film
NAFFS - NAFF v -ED, -ING, -S to fool around
NAIRU - NAIRU n pl. -S the lowest rate of unemployment at which there is no inflation
NAKFA - NAKFA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Eritrea
NALAS - NALA n pl. -S nullah
NAPAS - NAPA n pl. -S a soft leather
NAPPA - NAPPA n pl. -S napa
NEDDY - NEDDY n pl. -DIES a donkey
NENES - NENE n pl. -S a Hawaiian goose
ODAHS - ODAH n pl. -S oda
ONCET - ONCET adv once
ONLAY - ONLAY n pl. -S something laid over something else
ORLON - ORLON n pl. -S an acrylic fiber
PACEY - PACEY adj PACIER, PACIEST keeping a fast pace (rate of speed)
PARAE - PARA n pl. PARAS or PARAE a woman's status regarding the bearing of offspring
PERES - PERE n pl. -S father
PERPS - PERP n pl. -S a person who commits a crime
PERVS - PERV n pl. -S one who has been perverted
PITTA - PITTA n pl. -S a perching bird of Asia, Australia, and Africa
PLEON - PLEON n pl. -S the abdomen of a crustacean PLEONAL, PLEONIC adj
POBOY - POBOY n pl. -S a large sandwich on a long split roll
POMOS - POMO n pl. -S the postmodern movement
POOED - POO v -ED, -ING, -S to defecate *deemed offensive*
PREOP - PREOP n pl. -S a patient being prepared for surgery
PUNJI - PUNJI n pl. -S a sharp bamboo stake placed and concealed so as to impale an enemy
PUPUS - PUPU n pl. -S a dish of Asian foods served as an appetizer
PURTY - PURTY adj -TIER, -TIEST pretty
PYREX - PYREX n pl. -ES heat-resistant glassware
PYROS - PYRO n pl. -ROS a person who has a compulsion to set fires
QADIS - QADI n pl. -S cadi
QUBIT - QUBIT n pl. -S a quantum bit
QUOLL - QUOLL n pl. -S a small spotted marsupial
RAGGS - RAGG n pl. -S a wool fiber
RAITA - RAITA n pl. -S an Indian salad made with yogurt and chopped vegetables or fruits
RAKUS - RAKU n pl. -S a form of Japanese glazed pottery
RAMAL - RAMAL adj pertaining to a ramus
RAMEN - RAMEN n pl. RAMEN Japanese noodles in a broth with bits of meat and vegetables
RECIT - RECIT n pl. -S a part of a story in which the events are related without enhancement
RHEME - RHEME n pl. -S a statement of fact or opinion
RINDY - RIND n pl. -S a thick and firm outer covering RINDED, RINDY adj
RODES - RODE n pl. -S a cable attached to the anchor of a small boat
ROSHI - ROSHI n pl. -S the spiritual leader of a group of Zen Buddhists
RUBBY - RUBBY n pl. -BIES an alcoholic given to drinking rubbing alcohol
RUBEL - RUBEL n pl. -S a monetary unit of Belarus
SABAL - SABAL n pl. -S a palmetto
SARGO - SARGO n pl. -GOS a silvery marine fish
SAYED - SAYED n pl. -S sayyid
SCUZZ - SCUZZ n pl. -ES a dirty or contemptible person
SHLUB - SHLUB n pl. -S schlub
SHOGI - SHOGI n pl. -S a Japanese game like chess
SHWAS - SHWA n pl. -S schwa
SIDHE - SIDH n pl. SIDHE a hill inhabited by supernatural beings in Irish folklore
SIGLA - SIGLUM n pl. SIGLA an abbreviation to indicate the source of an edited text
SIGNA - SIGNA v write on the label -- no other form of this imperative verb is used
SIKAS - SIKA n pl. -S a small deer native to Asia
SKANK - SKANK v -ED, -ING, -S to dance in a loose-limbed manner
SKELL - SKELL n pl. -S a homeless person
SKORT - SKORT n pl. -S a pair of shorts that resembles a skirt
SMUSH - SMUSH v -ED, -ING, -ES to smoosh
SNARF - SNARF v -ED, -ING, -S to eat or drink greedily
SOBAS - SOBA n pl. -S a Japanese noodle made from buckwheat flour
SOCAS - SOCA n pl. -S a blend of soul and calypso music
SOMAN - SOMAN n pl. -S a toxic chemical warfare agent
SORED - SORE v SORED, SORING, SORES to mutilate the feet of (a horse) so as to force a particular gait
SORTA - SORTA adv sort of
SPAMS - SPAM v SPAMMED, SPAMMING, SPAMS to send unsolicited e-mail to a large number of addresses
SPAZZ - SPAZZ n pl. -ES spaz *deemed offensive*
STENT - STENT n pl. -S a tubular device inserted into a blood vessel
STEWY - STEWY adj having the characteristics of a stew (food cooked by stewing)
STOTS - STOT v STOTTED, STOTTING, STOTS to bound with a stiff-legged gait
STOTT - STOTT v -ED, -ING, -S to stot
SUCKY - SUCKY adj SUCKIER, SUCKIEST extremely objectionable
TAKAS - TAKA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Bangladesh
TALLS - TALL n pl. -S a garment size for tall persons
TANGA - TANGA n pl. TANGA a former monetary unit of Tajikistan
TAUON - TAUON n pl. -S an unstable lepton
TAXOL - TAXOL n pl. -S a medicinal substance from a yew tree
TECHS - TECH n pl. -S a technician
TEGGS - TEGG n pl. -S a sheep in its second year
TELCO - TELCO n pl. -S a telecommunication company
TENDU - TENDU n pl. -S an Asian ebony tree
TENGE - TENGE n pl. TENGE a monetary unit of Kazakhstan
TETRI - TETRI n pl. -S a monetary unit of the republic of Georgia
THESP - THESP n pl. -S an actor
TIKKA - TIKKA n pl. -S an Indian dish of meat cooked on a skewer
TOEAS - TOEA n pl. -S a monetary unit of Papua New Guinea
TOLAR - TOLAR n pl. -LARS or -LARJEV a monetary unit of Slovenia
TORRS - TORR n pl. -S a unit of pressure
TORTA - TORTA n pl. -S an Italian pie
TROGS - TROG n pl. -S a hooligan
TYIYN - TYIYN n pl. TYIYN a monetary unit of Kyrgyzstan
UDONS - UDON n pl. -S a Japanese noodle made with wheat flour
UMAMI - UMAMI n pl. -S a taste characteristic of monosodium glutamate
UNJAM - UNJAM v -JAMMED, -JAMMING, -JAMS to undo things tightly crammed together
URPED - URP v -ED, -ING, -S to vomit
URSID - URSID n pl. -S a mammal of the family Ursidae
VEGES - VEG v VEGGED, VEGGING, VEGES to spend time idly
VENUS - VENUS n pl. -ES a marine shell
VIGIA - VIGIA n pl. -S a warning on a navigational chart
VOCAB - VOCAB n pl. -S vocabulary
VODOU - VODOU pl. -S vodun
WANKS - WANK v -S, -ED, -ING to masturbate *deemed offensive*
WAZOO - WAZOO n pl. -S the anus *deemed offensive*
WHUPS - WHUP v WHUPPED, WHUPPING, WHUPS to defeat decisively
WICCA - WICCA n pl. -S a form of nature-oriented witchcraft
WIFEY - WIFEY n pl. WIFEYS a wife
WOMYN - WOMYN n/pl women
WUSHU - WUSHU n pl. WUSHU Chinese martial arts
YABBY - YABBY n pl. -BIES an Australian crayfish
YAWEY - YAWEY adj pertaining to yaws (an infectious disease)
YCLAD - YCLAD adj clothed
YEAHS - YEAH n pl. -S an affirmative reply
YUPPY - YUPPY n pl. -PIES yuppie
ZINES - ZINE n pl. -S a magazine
ZONAE - ZONA n pl. -NAE a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals
ZOOEY - ZOOEY adj ZOOIER, ZOOIEST resembling a zoo
ZOUKS - ZOUK n pl. -S a dance music of the French West Indies
ZUZIM - ZUZ n pl. ZUZIM an ancient Hebrew silver coin