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Ab Kettleby Parish Council minutes of the meeting held on 10th November 2015

1 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr North. Those present were Cllrs King, Boardman, Parker, Turner and Warwick. Borough/County Cllr Orson was also present. The Clerk was in attendance.

2 Declaration of personal or prejudicial interests and to receive and approve any dispensations from members.


3 Announcement of Reporting Protocol

4 Public Participation


5 Confirmation of minutes 13th October 2015. These were agreed without amendment

6 Matters arising

6a Village Pond

Cllr Parker advised that work was to begin in the new year. Cllrs expressed their thanks to Cllr Parker. C/Fwd

6b Play Area Ab Kettleby

MBC had advised that their legal department was still dealing. One letter of objection had been received re the proposed play area and Cllrs agreed to place an item in Village Life advising that time would be given at the next meeting to discuss the proposal.


6c Neighbourhood Plans

The Clerk had now received the necessary plan of the Parish and would be writng to MBC to request that the Parish be designated as a Neighbour Plan area.


6d Notice Board

Cllr North had been mandated to purchase a board up to a maximum of £1300 plus VAT.


6e Ab Kettleby School – 20mph speed limit

LCC had advised that the scheme to provide signs had now closed and no funding was available for new schemes. However the PC could fund such a scheme and the Clerk is to ask for an estimate.


7 Planning

7a Determinations – Mr I Brental, 11 Belvoir Avenue, Ab Kettleby – single storey front and rear extension and two storey side extension – permit.

7b Applications – Spencer Property Solutions Ltd, Ab Kettleby Methodist Church, Chaple Lane, Ab Kettleby – conversion of Chapel and School Room into a two storey 2 bedroomed dwelling. Demolition of toilet accommodation to the rear of the building.

Cllrs had no objections to this application.

8 Highways

8a Hedge Sugar Loaf to Clawson Lane

The owner had still not cut the hedge.


9 Correspondence

9a MBC – Liaison Meeting

Cllrs were advised that the meeting had been cancelled.

9b LRALC – Branch Meeting

Cllr Parker agreed to attend the meeting on 8th December


10 Financial Statement

The Clerk reported as follows


Rent£ 235.00

£13732.38 Deposit £13047.25

Current A/C£ 685.13


Cllrs unanimously agreed that the following accounts be paid;

Clerks salary£ 89.70

Expenses£ 25.00

Summerlands £ 100.00

Room Hire£ 113.92

Royal British Legion£ 150.00£ 478.62

Balance to be taken forward£13253.76

10 Reports from Meeting


11 Date of Next Meeting

This was set for 8th December.

12 Any other Business


There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.00pm
