Department: College Leadership Team (CLT)Job Title: Head ofCurriculum
Responsible to: Assistant PrincipaI,I, P,LE,I & CO/ Director, Curriculum Programmes, Learning and Quality/Director Business Development / DateApril 2018
Responsible for: Curriculum area staff members
Purpose of job:
- To lead and manage effectively a coherent group oflearners and diverse range of provisionwithin the Curriculum Area in response to the demands of stakeholders.
- To lead on themed cross college curriculum responsibilities, such as specific funding streams and/or Ofsted provision types, e.g. FE, HE, 14-16.
- To be responsible for the development of the curriculum to meet College priorities and targets, quality assurance, and staff and physical resources relating to these curriculum programmes
- To be an active member of the College’s leadership team and to make a positive contribution to the corporate management of the College.
A.Curriculum Leadership
- To contribute to and produce development, quality improvement and strategic plans for the Curriculum Area/cross college and manage resources to enable the successful implementation of these plans.
- To play a leading role in curriculum innovation and development, ensuring that the curriculum meets the needs of learners, employers and other key stakeholders.
- To provide curriculum leadership and ensure appropriate learning programmes are in line with the College’s strategic priorities and objectives.
- To ensure that delivery of funded provision fully meets the relevant funding rules and/or policy requirements
- To achieve targets for income generation and contribution.
- To maintain effective communication across the College and report on national strategies including the development of new qualifications and initiatives.
- To lead ILT and e-learning developments and the delivery of English and maths within and across the Curriculum Area.
- To liaise with external stakeholders, employers and with the College marketing team to promote education and training programmes and to identify new sources of income.
- To ensure the effective deployment and use of eLearning resources, Oustanding Performance Payment (OPP) recipients and Teaching & Learning Coaches to enhance the quality of teaching and learning.
- To ensure that effective arrangements are made for the assessment of learners and provision of support, advice and guidance to them.
- To monitor learners’ progress through the College’s tutorial process or process.
- To carry out agreed teaching duties commensurate with the role (to be reviewed annually).
- To oversee programme administration including examination registration.
- To maintain and improve (where necessary), the highest possible standard and quality of provision and the effectiveness of teaching and learning strategies within the areas of responsibility.
- To achieve targets in terms of learner recruitment, attendance, retention, achievement, and positive progression rates alongside other key performance indicators.
- To collect and collate course data and performance targets and use this to inform improvement strategies and to identify and share good practice.
- To manage internal and external verification to meet awarding body requirements and bring about continuous improvement or sustained high performance of curriculum programmes in the Curriculumarea.
- To be responsible for the Curriculum Area’s teaching timetables and to contribute to the college-wide timetable arrangements.
- To lead on the allocated cross-college responsibility working with CLT colleagues to ensure it meets its targets/objectives.
- To prepare reports and participate in the College’s system for monitoring performance including curriculum and quality reviews.
- To produce reports, statistics and other documentation as required for consideration by the CET, Academic Board, Governors and other bodies.
- To lead the Curriculum Area and team members by example and in line with the College’s Public Value Statement
- To undertake staff appraisal and teaching and learning observations,and to assess staff professional development needs.
- To address issues of poor performance of any staff in the area in accordance with the College’s Performance Management policy.
- To ensure that regular team meetings and course reviews take place and that action plans are formulated and implemented in accordance with the College’s quality assurance procedures and self-assessment processes.
- To safeguard children and vulnerable adults from harm and to report concerns in accordance with the College’s internal referral arrangements.
- To ensure effective management of health and safety in the provision of a safe working environment for staff and learners.
- To foster good relationships and advance equality of opportunity between different groups and eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
- To deal professionally with colleagues and external partners as required.
- To ensure the confidentiality and security of all the College’s documentation and information.
- To participate in appropriate staff development activities that support professional development and fulfil the corporate objectives of the College.
- To co-operate and take part in the College’s appraisal scheme.
- To perform such other duties as reasonably correspond to the general characteristic of the post and are commensurate with the level of responsibility.
POST TITLE: Head of CurriculumDATE: April 2018
Requirement / Essential /Desirable
/ ProposedSelection
- Curriculum development and delivery in FE
- Curriculum development and quality assurance of Higher Education in a Further Education setting.
- Curriculum development and delivery of Apprenticeships
- Curriculum management of 14-19 and/or adult provision
- Implementation & evaluation of e-Learning
- Recent and demonstrable experience of delivering high quality teaching and learning
- Monitoring and achievement of targets
- Managing a successful team
- Planning & managing budgets and resources
- Participated in OFSTED inspection
- Participated in QAA review
- Working with employers to develop and deliver programmes
- Planning and managing the effective and efficient deployment of assessors
- Degree or equivalent
- Certificate in Education/PGCE
- A minimum level 3 qualification in subject related to the curriculum area
- Level 2 Literacy & Numeracy
- Assessor Award
- Internal Verifier Award
Specialist Knowledge of:-
- Curriculum area specialist knowledge
- Self-Assessment process
- FE college policies & procedures
- HE policies and procedures
- Apprenticeships
- Full cost programmes
- Teaching & learning observations
- Analysis of retention, achievement & success rate data
- Common Inspection Framework
- National qualification framework and national credit framework
- ESFA funding & other sources including Apprenticeships, European funding and demand-led funding
- Key national developments impacting on the College Sector and their application
Skills & Abilities
- Presentation
- Organisation
- Communication - written and verbal
- Report writing
- Managing & motivating people
- Appraisal skills
- Budget planning & management
- Resource management
- Timetable preparation
- Change management
- Work under pressure
- Initiative
- Team Player
- Willingness to work flexibly making a positive contribution to the management of the College
- Committed and proactive approach to the advancement of the College
- Suitable to work with children, young people & vulnerable adults
Working arrangements and availability
- Willing to travel between sites
- Prepared to work variable hours when necessary to meet the requirements of the post
*A=Application FormI=InterviewP=PresentationT=Test