National Society of Black Engineers

Houston Space Chapter

PO Box 58494

Houston, TX 77258

Chapter Executive Board (CEB) Minutes

October 12, 2004


National Society of Black Engineers

Houston Space Chapter

PO Box 58494

Houston, TX 77258

Cathy Anderson

Regina Blue

Byron Coleman

Pat Gailord

Marlo Graves

Irvin Gonzalez

Robert Howard

Eugene Jackson

Jennifer Scott-Williams

National Society of Black Engineers

Houston Space Chapter

PO Box 58494

Houston, TX 77258

The meeting was held at the Sony Carter Training Facility, Room 2043, and was called to order at 5:00 p.m. with opening remarks from NSBE HSC President, Dr. Robert Howard. Dr. Howard conducted an overview of the Career Development Packet (CDP), its requirements, and the intent for our chapter to seriously compete for the $1000 completion award.

Mr. Irvin Gonzalez provided a status of the information fact sheets being complied for HSC chapter participation in the October 27, 2004 JSC Safety and Total Health Day. Mr. Gonzalez will provide the data that the Chapter will present and Dr. Regina Blue took the action to organize the data into completed pamphlets for the event.

Mr. Gonzalez also discussed the status of the Africa “Well” project in Ghana, Africa and shared two options participation options: 1) to fund a refurbished well or 2) to fund a new well. It was decided that the cost of funding a new well was not attainable at this time; however, a motion was carried and second that Region V would take the lead on funding a refurbished well (approx. $1000.00) by each CEB member donating $25 to obtain the first $250. Ms. Jennifer Scott-Williams took the action (with Ms. Marlo Graves as back-up) to coordinate with at least four (4) other Region V chapters and get them to pledge $250 each. Additionally, to increase the visibility of the project and to promote additional funding Ms. Scott-Williams will host a small local activity. The tentative date for the event is November, 13, 2004, place TBD.

Ms. Marlo Graves provided a status on the FE exam review meetings and encouraged increased participation. Ms. Graves took an action to ensure that no laws concerning the sharing of data are being abused relevant to the distribution of material. Ms. Graves also presented the treasurer’s report and reported an account balance of $332.35 as of October 11, 2004.

Dr. Howard presented the Solar car project and informed the CEB that our chapter has been invited by Mr. Lee Willis and Mr. Mike Ewert to participate by way of professional expertise or as a learning conduit. Additionally, this could be an opportunity for a technical project between BEST and FIRST. A motion was carried and second that this opportunity would be presented at the next General Body meeting, October 19, 2004. Dr. Howard also presented the idea of an officer point system to address how the chapter would handle tracking metrics on CEB participation/effort per National requirements. Additionally, this idea would serve as a springboard to reward top performers as well as objectively identify any opportunities for improvement. Several options were discussed, but none were decided upon. Each CEB member was asked to think of ideas and the topic will be treated at the next CEB meeting.

The logistics of having a vendor booth at the up-coming Professional Development Conference (PDC) were discussed and Dr. Howard took the action to email the vendor application form for detailed information.

Cathy Anderson reported on her PDC sponsorship efforts in obtaining vendor support for the PDC. PDC packets will be mailed out to all vendors contacted to date (approx. 20). Ms. Anderson shared that she will need help in following up with the recipients of the PDC packets to ensure each vendor completes and submits vendor application requests.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m.


Original Signed by

Dr. Regina B. Blue

NSBE HSE Secretary