MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2013

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The Transition Meeting was called to order by Phillip Nelson, Vice President, at 10:15 am as Sharon Williams, President, was late due to traffic. Phillip Nelson called upon Stephanie Miller, Secretary, to read the minutes from the Spring 2013 Conference at Lake Guntersville State Park. Stephanie Miller summarized the minutes that had been distributed to all attendees.

Executive Board Members Present:

President: Sharon Williams

President-Elect: Kevin Ammons

Past President: Vickie Adams

Vice President: Phillip Nelson

Secretary: Stephanie Miller

Committee Chairs and Liaisons Present:

ACHE Liaison & State Legislative: Cheryl Newton

Archives: Wanda Bass

Awards & Recognitions & Nominations & Elections: Vickie Adams

Conference Chair: Kevin Ammons

Diversity: Dee Talley

Fall Local Arrangements & Professional Development: Phillip Nelson

Financial Review: Belinda Duett

Membership & Special Liaison to the President: Betty Edwards

Policies and Procedures & Scholarships: Dr. Bill Wall

Public Relations/Photos: Joan Waters

Special Projects: Stephanie Miller

Two Year Concerns: Amy Rowell

Vendor Coordinator: Tammy Spratlin

Incoming Executive Board Members Present:

President: Kevin Ammons

President-Elect: Stephanie Miller

Past President: Sharon Willams

Vice President: Lissa Powell

Secretary: Tammy Spratlin




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Incoming Committee Chairs and Liaisons Present:

ACHE Liaison & State Legislative: Cheryl Newton

Archives: Wanda Bass

Awards & Recognitions & Nominations & Elections: Vickie Adams

Conference Chair: Stephanie Miller

Fall Local Arrangements & Professional Development: Lissa Powell

Financial Review: Belinda Duett

Long Range Planning: Ben Baker

Membership: Betty Edwards

Policies and Procedures & Scholarships: Dr. Bill Wall

Public Relations/Photos: Donna Bass

Site Selection: Brian Quisenberry

Special Projects: Stephanie Miller

Two Year Concerns: Amy Rowell

Vendor Coordinator: Kristi Jones

Phillip Nelson, Vice President, called for a motion to accept the minutes. Kevin Ammons, President Elect, made a motion to accept the minutes. Vickie Adams, Past President, seconded the motion. Phillip called for the vote of the Executive Board to approve the minutes. The votes are as follows:

President: Sharon Williams – Not Present at Time of Vote

President-Elect: Kevin Ammons - Yes

Past President: Vickie Adams - Yes

Vice President: Phillip Nelson - Yes

Secretary: Stephanie Miller - Yes

Treasurer: Ann Campbell – Not Present

With a 4 of 6 vote by the Executive Board to approve the minutes, the minutes from the 2013 Spring Conference Minutes were approved.

Vice President, Phillip Nelson, called for the Officers’ Reports.




MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2013

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Kevin Ammons, President Elect, began the reports by speaking about his attendance at the NASFAA Leadership Conference and the SASFAA Transition Meetings since the 2013 Spring Conference.

Phillip Nelson, Vice President, spoke about the upcoming Fall Conference at Auburn University Montgomery would be held on October 25, 2013. He also stated that the 2013 Spring Conference New Aid Office Workshop that was conducted with Lissa Powell was a success with 15 participants.

Vickie Adams, Past President, stated that she enjoyed serving AASFAA these past couple of years and being a part of SASFAA and NASFAA. She also explained that Darryl Jackson had to resign as Treasurer Elect for 2013-2014 due to increased work load. Sharon Williams, President, requested that the special election be held by the end of the month. At this time, Kristie Jones from Nelnet has agreed to be on the ballot. Vickie announced that she is currently seeking names and hopes to meet Sharon’s request.

Stephanie Miller, Secretary, thanked everyone for allowing her the opportunity to serve AASFAA and is excited to continue in the upcoming years.

Kevin Ammons, President Elect, spoke on the behalf of Ann Campbell, Treasurer. Ann is currently traveling and will have the budget ready at the end of the fiscal year for the Board to approve.

Phillip Nelson, Vice President, called for the Committee Chair and Liaison Reports.

Cheryl Newton, ACHE Liaison, stated that all schools with allotted allocations had received all ASAP. She reported the 2013-2014 year will release budget to her and she will forward it to the school. Schools should receive award by July 15, 2013. She also reported that the College Counts Scholarship recipients had been announced.

Wanda Bass, Archives, stated that she was happy to be able to give a report. She spoke about bringing the archives to be displayed at the 2013 Spring Conference at Lake Guntersville State Park.

Kevin Ammons, President Elect, stated that we should take the time to document pictures and appreciate the “GREATS” like Dr. Wall. He felt atht we should ensure that we value the opportunity to




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grow older as an association and that we make a difference in people’s lives. He thanked everyone

who is working to preserve our history since the Financial Aid started in 1965 and AASFAA began in 1968.

Phillip Nelson, Vice President, spoke on the behalf of Ann Campbell, Treasurer, in regard to the Budget Committee. He stated that she would have the budget for the Executive Board Approval ready in the upcoming month.

With the arrival of Sharon Williams, President, she gave her Officer’s Report.

Sharon Williams, President, welcomed everyone to Trenholm and stated her appreciation to Trenholm and the Culinary Arts program coming in to cook on a Monday. She reported that she enjoyed being a part of the SASFAA Board as AASFAA President and will be on the SASFAA 2014 Conference Committee. She spoke about attending the SASFAA Transition meeting, but was unable to attend the NASFAA Leadership Conference as planned. She reiterated that we were seeking additional nominations for the position of Treasurer Elect and would like to see it resolved before July 1, 2013.

Upon Sharon’s report, the meeting continued with the Committee Chairs and Liaisons Reports.

Kevin Ammons, President Elect and Conference Committee Chair, stated that both the Fall Conference at AUM and the Spring Conference at Guntersville State Park were a success.

Debra Talley, Diversity Committee Chair, thanked everyone for giving the support for AASFAA’s first sponsored charity, KidOne. She stated that we raised $1200 in donations with Ann personally putting in funds to round it to the even number. She wanted everyone to know that she would be giving allowing someone else to serve as the Diversity Chair next year.

Belinda Duett, Financial Review Committee Chair, stated that she would be getting with Ann Campbell, Treasurer, at the end of the Fiscal Year for the budget review. She also asked for updated contact information from Ann.




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Sharon Williams, President, on the behalf of Kelly D’Eath, Legislative Relations Committee Chair, that she had given Kelly’s contact information to Amy Berrier of SASFAA so that information that needed to be posted could go directly to Kelly from SASFAA.

Phillip Nelson, Local Arrangements – Fall, reported that the 2012 Fall Conference at AUM was success and thank our speakers, David Bartnicki and Cheryl Newton. He reiterated that the 2013 Fall Conference would be at AUM on October 25, 2013 and that AASFAA had already contacted the federal training to put our dates on the calendar.

Stephanie Miller, Secretary, spoke for Jennifer Epperson, Spring Local Arrangements. Stephanie reported that we came in under budget.

Betty Edwards, Membership Committee Chair, reported that she was a little short of reaching the goal for 245 paid members. She also stated that she would be sending the final numbers to the AASFAA Secretary to complete her report. She will once again be the Membership Committee Chair for 2013-2014.

Vickie Adams, Nominations and Elections Committee Chair, reiterated that she is currently requesting nominations for Treasurer Elect.

Dr. William Wall, Policy & Procedures Committee Chair, stated that his report was the previous report for Spring Conference in the handouts that were given at today’s meeting. Stephanie Miller, Secretary, indicated that she would update the committee reports handout. Dr. Wall reported that the website was not updated with attachments, bylaws, changes and scholarship winners and that some of the attachments were not listed. He asked if someone could contact Paula to recover the missing documents.

Phillip Nelson, Professional Development Committee Chair & Program Committee Chair - Fall, stated that he enjoyed teaching with Lissa Powell at the New Aid Officer Workshop at the 2013 Spring Conference. He also gave appreciation and thanks to Lissa Powell and USA Funds for their willingness to help AASFAA better serve its members. He reiterated his thanks to David Bartnicki and Cheryl Newton for presenting at the Fall Conference at AUM.




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Sharon Williams, President, spoke for Deborah Byrd, Program Committee Chair – Spring. She stated that SASFAA wanted to have the Violence in the Work Place session that was presented at the 2013 AASFAA Spring Conference.

Dr. William Wall, Scholarships Committee Chair, reported the instructions for putting together the Scholarships and the need to update the brochure. Bob Akers should be able to reprint after any editing. Sharon Williams will work with Dr. Wall and Betty to get the updates and reprint the Scholarship Brochures before the 2014 Spring Conference.

Joan Waters, Public Relations & Photos Committee Chair, reported that she took pictures at the 2012 Fall Workshop and over 150 pictures at the 2013 Spring Conference. She requested that the pictures be added to the AASFAA website. She stated that she had sent the Electronic Chair pictures on a cd to be put on the website, but they were never updated. She asked if there could be a link from the AASFAA website to Facebook for pictures that were available. She also stated that Donna Bass would be taking over the pictures in 2013-2014.

Kevin Ammons, President Elect, spoke for Charles Markle, Site Selections Committee Chair. He stated that he would be discussing sites in the new business section of the meeting.

Betty Edwards, Special Liaison to the President, stated that she enjoyed helping Sharon Williams.

Stephanie Miller, Special Projects Committee Chair, stated that the NACAC College Fair would be at the BJCC on September and that AL College Goal Sunday is gearing up for next year.

Amy Rowell, Two Year Concerns Committee Chair, reported that there were over 45 attendees for the May 1st, Two Year Concerns session at the 2013 AASFAA Spring Conference.

Tammy Spratlin, Vendor Coordinator, reported that we had $14,000 in sponsorship fees that were generated for the 2013 Spring Conference. She also thanked Ann Campbell, Treasurer, with her work to get the Exhibitor Registration online.




MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2013

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Sharon Williams, President, called for any old business.

Tammy Spratlin, Vendor Coordinator, asked that the Board review the Spring Vendor Fees that were voted upon last year ($1000 which includes table, 1 free conference fee and banner ad on the website, but must pay membership fee and food costs) as this was difficult to implement. The Board voted in March 2013 to amend the initially voted upon Vendor Fee to $1000 which includes table, 1 free conference fee and banner add on the website. Kevin Ammons, President Elect, made the motion to change the Vendor Fee for 2013-2014 to $1000 which includes the table and banner ad on the website with the vendors/exhibitors paying the conference and membership fees. Stephanie Miller, Secretary, seconded the motion. Sharon Williams, President, called for the vote. The vote was as follows:

President: Sharon Williams – Yes

President-Elect: Kevin Ammons - Yes

Past President: Vickie Adams - Yes

Vice President: Phillip Nelson - Yes

Secretary: Stephanie Miller - Yes

Treasurer: Ann Campbell – Not Present

With 5 of 6 of the Executive Board voting to approve the new Vendor Fees, the motion passed. The Vendor Fee for the 2014 Spring Conference will be $1000 for a table and a banner ad on the website only. The Vendors/Exhibitors must pay the Conference and Membership Fees.

Kevin Ammons, President Elect, requested that the Board review the vote to move our 2014 Spring Conference to Wind Creek Resort in Atmore, Alabama. He stated that he visited the facility and felt that it was too smokey and that our membership may not be happy with the smoke smell. Amy Rowell and Stephanie Miller stated that they had never had an issue with the rooms or meeting areas only the casino floor and hotel registration. Lissa Powell stated that some people, including herself, had allergies to smoke. He deferred to Stephanie Miller, Secretary, for further suggestions and comments. Stephanie stated that she had checked with the RSA Hotels in south Alabama. The Montgomery and Prattville Marriott could not accommodate AASFAA, but the Riverview Plaza, Battle house and The Grand at Point Clear in Mobile would be considerations. She also stated that The Grand would cost in excess of $45,000 with a $104 plus tax room rate and resort fee would not best serve the membership.



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She stated that Riverview Plaza and the Battle House could cost around $30,000 to $31,000 with a room rate of $94 plus tax. She did not know about the incidentals or the parking situation or fees with these hotels since they were downtown Mobile. She also noted that the room rates were based on the government room rates and were subject to change. A discussion was held to decide to return to Guntersville State Park or pursue these other suggestions. Several at the meeting felt that we did need to make a change. Sharon Williams, President, called for a motion. Vickie Adams, Past President, made a motion to review both proposals at the Budget Meeting at Lawson State Community College, Bessemer Campus on Wednesday, June 26, 2013 at 10:00 am. Kevin Ammons, President Elect, seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:

President: Sharon Williams – Yes

President-Elect: Kevin Ammons - Yes

Past President: Vickie Adams - Yes

Vice President: Phillip Nelson - Yes

Secretary: Stephanie Miller - Yes

Treasurer: Ann Campbell – Not Present

With a 5 of 6 of the Executive Board voting to review additional proposals, the motion carried to review proposals at the Budget Meeting on June 26, 2013 at Lawson State Community College, Bessemer Campus.

Upon conclusion of the reports and the old business the lunch break was called at 12:00 pm.The meeting reconvened at 1:15 pm.

Sharon Williams, President, called for any new business. With no new business to discuss the transition of Executive Board and Committee Chairs/Liaisons began. Kevin noted that the gavel stated the words “Held in Trust” and he would do so to the upmost of his ability.

Sharon Williams, President, called a motion for the meeting to adjourn. Phillip Nelson, Vice President, made a motion for the meeting to adjourn. Vickie Adams, Past President, seconded the motion. The vote was as follows:



MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2013

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President: Sharon Williams – Yes

President-Elect: Kevin Ammons - Yes

Past President: Vickie Adams - Yes

Vice President: Phillip Nelson - Yes

Secretary: Stephanie Miller - Yes

Treasurer: Ann Campbell – Not Present

With 5 of 6 of the Executive Board members voting to adjourn, the meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm.

--Respectfully Submitted by Stephanie Miller, Secretary