Church ReVitalization Workshop

Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth

May 6 -7, 2016

The American Anglican Council is pleased to join the Diocese of Fort Worth in offering the Church ReVitalization Workshop to clergy and lay leaders of congregations in the Diocese. The workshop will be May 6-7, and aims to help each congregation that participates develop practical ways to fulfill both Christ’s Great Commission (Mt. 28:16-20) and his Great Commandment (Mt. 22:36-40) in the communities we serve in the Diocese. Join Canon Phil Ashey and the Coaching Team for this important two-day Workshop and celebrate 2017 with greater strength and outcomes. Each parish counts – Make the journey with your leadership – Mark your calendars today!

Who: (PARISH LEADERSHIP) Diocesan Clergy, Parish Vestries, Lay Leaders for your parish, Parish Staff Members and every “key influencer” in your congregation. For every congregation—whether you are growing, plateaued or struggling.

What: Friday evening (May 6) and Saturday (May 7) Parish/Congregational leadership teams will gather to cover the following topics:

Is Parish “decline” and “death” inevitable? (The lifecycle of the church)

How can my parish grow? What can we to begin anew season of mission and growth

Vision: What is God calling our church to do in our community at this time? How to get God’s vision, how to share it, and how to stay in step with God’s vision to create a new season of growth and formation?

Important Steps the Participants will discuss and take:

Create an environment within the local parish that works with the leadership and congregation to reach and/or exceed measureable goals

Function as a team that overcomes the hurdles of resistance and conflict

Strengthen the values of effective listening and work together as a team by leveraging competing values

When: Friday evening, May 6 and Saturday, May 7

Why make this investment of time? God calls all of us to fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. This Church ReVitalization Workshop is designed to support each participant in taking positive steps to be in the “bulls-eye” of God’s call upon us and our churches!

Church ReVitalization Workshop

Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth

Presented by the American Anglican Council

Reserve the Dates: May 6 (evening) & May 7 (all day)

Pre Seminar Questionnaire

Please return to: The Rev’d Canon Steven Saul,

Note: The responses submitted to the AAC will remain confidential and used by the Church ReVitalization Workshop Coaches to assess particular needs and areas of concern by leadership. Responses to this Pre-Workshop Questionnaire will remain confidential. The following information will help Coaches customize and better prepare for our time together in May.

1. What are the core strengths of the parish/leadership/ministries/worship? Please explain below.


2. What would you consider to be the greatest asset of your church?

3. What seem to be some of the challenges that your parish is facing? (i.e. transitions, decline in membership, loss of ministry/outreach, destructive conflict, brokenness (loss of trust), power struggles, loss of or lacking vision, stagnant behavior as the church (maintenance), apathy (“It’s not my job.”), unwillingness to lead/follow others toward success, loss of teamwork/loss of team leaders/minimal ministry leadership…)


4. What do you (the shepherd of the congregation) consider the most important (immediate) needs of the parish are at this time?

5. How does your leadership handle conflict (i.e. within Vestry and other Leadership Meetings for the parish? Are Conflict and Conflict Resolution an area of concern for parish leadership?

6. You (and your diocese) are about to make an investment in Church ReVitalization and Coaching. What are your initial hopes and expectations for this investment you are making? What questions do you have about this investment? Is there any support the American Anglican Council may provide prior to the May gathering that could enhance the training or support greater participation from the parish leadership?


Please submit Questionnaire Responses to:

The Rev’d Canon Steven Saul
Director of Church ReVitalization and Coaching
The American Anglican Council

2296 Henderson Mill Rd., NE

Suite 406

Atlanta, GA 30345

Or email responses to: