Table of Contents

A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction program – AWAIR

Responsibility and Implementation of AWAIR Program

Hazard Analysis

Communication of the Plan

Accident Investigation

Enforcement of Program


AWAIR - A Workplace Accident and Injury Reduction program

Sample AWAIR statement:

The {brewery name} AWAIR program is established to reduce workplace incidents and injuries, promote safe and healthful working conditions, and incorporate company goals and objectives related to safety.

Responsibility and Implementation of AWAIR Program

Describe your supervisors’ responsibility for safety.

Continued participation of management is achieved through Safety Committee meetings {if you have more than 25 employees, you must have a safety committee} and by conducting frequent employee training.

The {brewery name} Safety Committee meets {frequency} and is established per Minnesota Statute.

Describe how your brewery communicates safety information to employees. Some examples include new hire orientation and established meetings.

Hazard Analysis

Describe your procedures for self-inspection of your facility for safety, include timelines (i.e.: daily, weekly, monthly). Some methods include the use of Job Hazard Analysis (JHA), your facility’s Safety Committee, routine site safety inspections, or the use of a safety consultant.

Communication of the Plan

Describe how the AWAIR plan will be communicated to employees. Some examples include at new hire orientation, annual all-company meeting, and via postings and emails.

Accident Investigation

Describe specific accident investigation methods, practices, or timelines here. Include responsibilities of managers and any specific forms that should be used.

Enforcement of Program

Describe your discipline program, this may be in place in an employee handbook produced by human resources. A common example is a progressive three-strikes program.


The AWAIR program is documented and reviewed at least annually.

If applicable, include specific details about who is responsible for documentation and review of the AWAIR program.


Minnesota Administrative Rules Chapter 5206 - https://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/rules/?id=5206

OSHA 1910.1200 Hazard Communication –


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