Marburg State School Newsletter
Principal: Kirrily Newton Ph: 5464 4218
Em Email:
Week 5 Term 4
Friday 8th November 2013
Dear Parents and Carers,
Information for Parents/Caregivers
After School Sport continues on Mondays at 3.15pm. The last day of Karate will be Monday 2nd December. Students are supplied with afternoon tea and are to be collected at 4.15pm.
Swimming Lessons
Swimming lessons are on every week and will continue until week 10 when we have our school swimming carnival. Students travel to and from school by bus to the Rosewood Pool. Please make sure students have all of the necessary swimming equipment ready for swimming each Tuesday morning.
End of Year Activities
During the last week of term there are many activities that students are involved in that require preparation and communication between school and families. Please make sure to take special notice of the following -:
· Graduation Dinner has been moved to Monday 9th December at the Haigslea Hotel (Sundowner)
· Swimming Carnival- Tuesday 10th
· Presentation Night- Wednesday 11th
· Break-up Day at Southbank Parklands- Thursday 12th
Arts Council
On Friday 15th November Artslink are presenting this terms’ Arts Council which is titled- “My Story, Your Story”. This performance occurs during school time and payment of $6 is due to the office prior to the performance. Thank you in advance.
Until next time
5/6/7 News
Students have spent time this week researching a mini unit on Social Media. As students are now immersed in a lifestyle that is encompassed by technology and a variety of devices, it is the responsibility of school and families to ensure they are safe and utilise technology effectively. The remainder of the term will be spent revising grammar, vocabulary and language devices for a range of writing genres. Students have started reviewing a play for presentation evening and will be working hard on rehearsing, set design and costumes in the upcoming weeks. The Year 7 students will start making their wooden graduation pens this Saturday. Each year 7 student is reminded to check the roster for the time they are to be at school to make their pen. Report cards will go home to parents on Monday the 9th December. We are all looking forward to many events during term 4 with our Tallebudgera camp, Presentation Evening, Year 7 Graduation, Break-up Day and a very busy curriculum. If you have any questions regarding the term’s activities or general items, please do not hesitate to contact me for an appointment. Thank you and I hope everyone has a great couple of weeks.
Until next time
Mrs N
3/4 News
Hello Everyone,
It is amazing to think that we are in Term Four with only five weeks of school left in the school year. As normal this means that there is too much to do and too little time to do it in. Using the end of the year rush as motivation, the class and I have been working on our organisational skills. Just so that you feel part of this process I have included a short article which you may find useful.
The Morning Rush
Your morning routine can have a huge effect on how you feel the rest of the day. Instead of getting out of bed earlier to do everything, family psychologist Kathleen Kendall-Tackett recommends trying the following tips to save time.
1.After dinner, prep breakfast food and make lunches for the following day. Have your kids lay out their clothes before going to bed.
2.Avoid last-minute surprises by asking your kids what items they will need for the following day’s activities. Have them gather everything together in the evening.
3.Keep spare school supplies accessible and in a designated area.
4.Set aside an area for each family member to place items they will take to work or school the next day. Have children check that they have everything the night before so they’re not looking for lost homework in the morning.
5.Have healthy, self-serve food on hand for breakfast.
6.Organize bathroom drawers and cabinets so you don’t have to search for the items you use every day.
In our mathematics lessons we are consolidating our understanding of number and place value. Naturally some students find this a little boring however these concepts form the basis for all aspects of the mathematics curriculum and must be known at an automatic level.
Please find the latest speaking and listening timetable inside this newsletter (or your child has if they do not get a newsletter). Most of this semester’s marks have been accumulated through drama activities and less formal tasks throughout our other KLA (Key Learning Areas).
Please be aware that my phone number has changed. Please call 0427076297 if you wish to contact me. Please be aware that, while I check my phone during the day, if the matter is urgent ringing the school is a more effective option. Thank you for your on-going support.
Marina K
Prep/1/2 News
In literature this fortnight we have continued working on Jack and the Beanstalk. In the years 1 and 2 the students have had to read instructions and then follow them to complete the activities. This has been demanding for some but working on their own, at their own pace, has made many more confident. The Prep students completed their first word search, easy for some but a challenge for others. Everyone had a go so that was the main achievement.
Our Science study of plants is linked to our story. The students have planted two different types of seeds and are observing the growth. These observations will become part of their writing. This week we are looking closely at roots, leaves and flowers. We will also be planting some native plants along the back fence and in our established gardens. We are hoping they will attract the native birds into our playground.
There was a big increase on the number of students presenting their oral presentations. Thank you for supporting your child in this activity.
The results of the number facts test this week was very disappointing. It was very obvious that many of the students had not learnt any at home. Number facts, automatically known, make Mathematics so much easier and the earlier they know them the better. Have them chant the number facts softly in the car or as you walk them to school.
Have a good week.
Gail Ducci
Due to end of year coming upon us, Mrs Clarke is conducting a library stocktake and would appreciate all library books being returned by Friday 22nd November.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to the following students/staff –
Caleb – 21st
Mrs Brown – 8th Sean-J – 23rd
Liam – 9th Peter – 24th
Lacey – 11th
Heidi – 16th Ellse – 26th
Sarah 19th Natalia – 27th
Orders and monies due back to the school office by Monday 25th November.
P &C News
What a busy year and even busier 5 weeks to go until a much earned break for everyone. Remembrance Day, Years 5 - 7 Camp, Year 7 Graduation, Swimming Carnival, Presentation Evening and off campus Break Up all supported by your P&C.
Work has already begun on the Marburg Community Calendar for 2014 and we would appreciate your fundraising ideas so they can be included. All new ideas and contributions are always welcome.
Next year the School is having its 135th Birthday! Once again we are calling for ideas from Parents, Families and Citizens on how you would like to celebrate the occasion. One suggestion is to print a commemorative Marburg State School Recipe Book. What would you like to contribute?
Plans for the off campus break up day will be finalized at the P & C Meeting NEXT Tuesday the 12th November at 3.15 pm in the Prep-2 building. Planning for 2014 is on the agenda so please support this meeting and help make choices for your child’s education.
Don’t forget our shared supper at our end of year Presentation Night on Wednesday December 11.
Call Kellie 0458 380 354, Kathy 0427 588 317, Jo 0400 340 526 or Brenda 0408 457 896 with any of your ideas or if you have anything you would like discussed at the next P & C Meeting or email the P&C at .
Warm regards,
P & C Committee.
Important: The Dollarmites Character Moneyboxes will not be available in 2014. If you would like to redeem your tokens for a moneybox please do so prior to the end of the year. Please note that due to this change you can order more than one moneybox this year if you have the required tokens.
Country Pumpkins Family Day Care has commenced in Marburg. Before and After School Care for children ages 6 weeks to 14 years. Fully qualified in Children’s Services with over 9 years experience. Registered with ‘Kids First’.
Contact phone: 0497 618118 or email:
Brisbane Broncos are holding a colouring-in competition to ‘Win a 2014 Buck to Bronco Membership’. Colour in Buck and send in your entry. (colouring form enclosed with todays newsletter)
DATE CLAIMERS- for the Remainder of Term 4
NOVEMBERMonday 11th / AASC Karate in the Hall 3.15-4.15pm
Tuesday 12th / Swimming at Rosewood Pool
P & C Meeting @ 3.15pm
Friday 15th / Arts Council
Monday 18th / AASC Karate in the Hall 3.15-4.15pm
Tuesday 19th / Swimming at Rosewood pool
Monday 25th / AASC Karate in the Hall 3.15-4.15pm
Tuesday 26th / Swimming at Rosewood Pool
Monday 2nd-Friday 6th / Year 5/6/7 Camp at Tallebudgera
Monday 2nd / Last AASC for the year- Karate in the Hall
Tuesday 3rd / Swimming at Rosewood Pool
Monday 9th / Graduation Dinner / Report cards go home
Tuesday 10th / Swimming Carnival at Rosewood Pool
Wednesday 11th / Presentation Evening in the Hall- 6.30pm
Thursday 12th / Break up Day
Friday 13th / Last day of Term 4
Tuesday 28th / School resumes for 2014