[A] VI. Brief resume of the intended work

6.1 Need for the study

Ayurveda is the ancient and well documented science, which priorly insists upon the prevention of the diseases rather than adopting the curative measures. In our classics the very basic definition of health (Swasta) is defined as the equilibrium state of Dosha, Dhatu, Agni and Mala as well as the pleasant state of Aatma, Indriya and Manas1,2. At the same time due to various causes, the Dosha attaining the Vikruta avastha leading to the chain of events so called Samprapti, ultimately leading to the manifestation of disease. This state is termed as roga, which is nothing but contrary to health. To understand and to diagnose the Roga at its full stretch, we need to rely upon the Samprapti Ghatakas starting from Dosha, Dushya, Agni and Rogamarga etc.

Once the Rogamarga is understood properly the pathology can be judged at its initial stage itself can be treated easily. These all things are the fundamentals of Ayurveda. Trayo Rogamarga are the important entities involved in disease process which plays as main role in the treatment of Ayurveda. Understanding of the Rogamarga which is involved in the manifestation of the disease, guides us about the Roga Vinishchaya, Saadhya Asaadhyata and Chikitsa of the diseases.

Madhyama Rogamarga is a vital part among Trividha Rogamarga wherein the diseases occurring in Marma,Asthi and Sandhi are included. Marmas are vital points in our body which have major role in maintaining Prana. Whereas due to the altered life style and modernized working pattern, people are more prone for the diseases where Asthi and Sandhi are involved. So Madhyama Rogamaraga plays as very important role in manifestation of many diseases. For ex- In Vishama Jwara, nobody has tried to give a reasonable explanation to Vishama Jwara Samprapti, which make it difficult to treat.Acharya Sushrutha tried to elaborate it. Which is nothing but part of Madyama Roga Marga, where Doshas travel from Shira, Kantha, Hridaya to Aamaashaya. In present scenario the knowledge of the Trividha Rogamarga, especially the Madhyama Rogamarga, is the need of an hour in the understanding of the disease process. So this present study is selected for the research work.

6.2. Review of Literature:

1.  Review of the word Roga2, 3,4,5,6.

2.  Review of the word Marga7, 8, 9.

3.  Review of Trividha Rogamarga10, 11, 12.

4.  Review of Madhyama Rogamarga13,14,15.

5.  Review of Disease caused by Madhyama Rogamarga.

Previous Works done:

1.  Dr. Angadi S M H – “Rogamarga ka Nidaana-Chikitsa Sambandhaatmaka Adhyayana (Madhyama Rogamarga Vimarsha)”. Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar- 1967

2.  Dr. Venkattaraman B.S – “Rogamarga and Shodhana-Purva Snehana”. Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar- 1967

3.  Dr. Shukla D.N – “Madhyama Rogamarga mein Basti”. Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar- 1971

4.  Dr. Kulkarni rajashri P – “Practical approach to the concept of Rogamarga”. B.V College of Ayurveda, Pune-2002

5.  Dr. Bhojani Meera K – “Study of Nirdesha Chatushka of Charaka and applied aspects of Trayo Rogamarga”, Gujarat University of Ayurveda, Jamnagar-2003.

6.  Dr. Kritika V Kulkari – “A Study of Rogamarga with special reference to Aabhyantara Rogamarga”. Shri Mallikarjuna Swamiji PG studies and Research Centre, Bijapur.-2006.

6.3 Objectives of the study

1.  A study on Roga and Marga in detail.

2.  A detailed study about Rogamarga.

3.  A detailed study on Madhyama Rogamarga.

4.  To find out the role of Madhyama Rogamarga in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.

[B] VII. Materials and Methods

7.1. Source of Data

This present study being the literary research, the materials like

1.  Vedic literature.

2.  Upanishads.

3.  Samhitas.

4.  Purana.

5.  Magazines.

6.  Research papers.

7.  Authentic websites.

8.  Indexed journals

Were used as the source of data from Post graduate library, Dept.of Maulika Sidhanta, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya ,Hubli.

7.2. Methods

·  To compile available literature on Trividha Rogamarga.

·  To compile available literature on Madhyama Rogamarga

·  To compile the importance of Madhyama Rogamarga in diagnosis, prognosis and treatment aspects.

Inclusion – As it is a literary work this cannot be defined.

Exclusion - As it is a literary work this cannot be defined.

Study design – This is a literary research study. In this selection all the references from Samhitas and respective commentaries regarding “A STUDY ON ROGAMARGA W.S.R. TO MADHYAMA ROGA MARGA.” Will be compiled.

7.3. Does the study require any investigations or interventions to be conducted on Patients or other humans or animals? If so please describe briefly.


7.4. Has ethical clearance been obtained from your institution in case of 7.3?


[C] VIII. List of References:

1.  Sushruta, Sussruta samhita, by Dr.Bhaskara Govinda Kraanaka. Reprint- 1998. Mehrachand Lachmandas Publications. TP:343. Page no.98

2.  Kashyapa Samhita edited by Proff.K.M.P.V Tewari, First edition-1996, Published chaukambha vishwabharati, Varanasi. TP:792. Page no.64

3.  Bhava Mishra, Bhavaprakasha, Translated by Proff.K.R.Shrikantha moorthy, Vol-I, First edition, 1998, Krishnadas academy, Varanasi. TP:738. Page No:124

4.  Vagbhata, Ashtanga Sangraha, Proff.K.R.Shreekantha Moorthy, Vol-I, Second edition,1998, chaukambha Orientalia, Varanasi. TP:631, Page No.14.

5.  Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita Nidaana and Vimaana sthana, Translated by Narayana vaidyar, 2006, M Narayanan Vaidyar Publication, TP:339, Page no.6

6.  Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita Sutra sthana, Translated by Narayana vaidyar, 2006, M Narayanan Vaidyar Publication, TP:324, Page no.179

7.  Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita Sutra sthana, Translated by Narayana vaidyar, 2006, M Narayanan Vaidyar Publication, TP:324, Page no.161

8.  Agnivesha, Charaka Samhita Nidana and Vimaana sthana, Translated by Narayana vaidyar, 2006, M Narayanan Vaidyar Publication, TP:339, Page no.206

9.  Vagbhata, Ashtanga Sangraha, translated by Proff.K.R.Shreekantha Moorthy, VOL-I, 6th Edition, 2002, Chaukambha Orientalia, Varanasi, TP:644, Page No. 402.

10.  Agnivesha, charaka samhita, edited by Dr. Ramkaran Sharma and vaidya Bhagawan Dash, Vol-I, 7th edition,2007, Chaukambha Sanskrit service office, Varanasi, TP:619.Page no.228.

11.  Vagbhata, Ashtanga Hrudaya translated by Dr.T.Shreekumar, Vol-I,2008, Harishree Hospital, Thrissur. TP:420,Page no.324.

12.  Vagbhata, Ashtanga Sangraha, translated by Proff.K.R.Shreekantha Moorthy, VOL-I, 6th Edition, 2002, Chaukambha Orientalia, Varanasi, TP:644, Page No. 402.

13.  Vagbhata, Ashtanga Hrudaya translated by Dr.T.Shreekumar, Vol-I,2008, Harishree Hospital, Thrissur. TP:420,Page no.326.

14.  Agnivesha, charaka samhita, edited by Dr. Ramkaran Sharma and vaidya Bhagawan Dash, Vol-I, 7th edition,2007, Chaukambha Sanskrit service office, Varanasi, TP:619.Page no.229.

15.  Vagbhata, Ashtanga Hrudaya translated by Dr.T.Shreekumar, Vol-I,2008, Harishree Hospital, Thrissur. TP:420,Page no.326.