JANUARY 24, 2010
A Stewardship Community
602 West Avenue • Jenkintown, Pa.19046
web site:
604 West Avenue • 215-884-4022
606 West Avenue • 215-887-1312
Parish Religious Education Program
604 West Avenue • 215-885-5586
Rev. Monsignor John J. Conahan, Pastor
Rev. eDWARD kELLY- Resident
Faculty BishopMcDevittHigh School
DEACON Paul A. Hagerty
DEACON Alvin A. Clay
Mrs. Deborah Brown - Pastoral Assistant
Business Manager – Mrs. Ellen Mahoney
Principal - Mrs. Diane Greco
Rel. Ed. Elementary Program - Mrs. Nancy Grabowski
Director of Music - Mr. Joseph McHugh
Parish Councilors – Luci Harp, Mike Bonasera,
Amy Cantwell, Bob Gabage, Rich Hamilton, Pat Jacona, Sue Mischler and Peggy Rae, Mary Zeccardi.
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM
Daily: 6:30 and 8:00 AM
No 6:30 AM on Saturday
July and August - 8:00 AM only
(First Friday 11:00 AM during school year)
Holy Day Vigil Mass: 7:00 PM
Holy Day: 6:30 AM, 8:00 AM and 12:00 Noon
Christmas and New Year’s Day:
Special Schedules
Saturday: 3:30 to 4:30 PM
Eves of First Friday: 4:00 to 4:30 PM
Eves of Holy Days: 4:00 to 4:30 PM
The Sacrament of Baptism is administered on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. Arrangements must be made in advance at the rectory.
Arrangements must be made at the rectory at least six months before the date selected.
Sick Calls
Please call the rectory in an emergency. Sick calls should not be deferred until the person is unconscious or in imminent danger of death. Parishioners will be placed on the Communion Call list upon request. Notify the rectory when there is serious sickness in the family or when someone is admitted to the hospital.
New Parishioners
To register in our parish please visit the rectory office from
9:00 AM to 3 PM Monday through Friday.
Rectory Office
Except for emergencies, rectory business should normally be conducted by phone or visit Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon or 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM. Appointments are available in the evening.
8:00Ed Gawronski
6:30Deceased Members of Costine Family
8:00Margaret Herbert Kelleher
6:30Gino & Pina Cervellini
8:00Jeanne Quinlan
6:30Massimo Cervellini
8:00Robert Brennan
8:00Emily Allen
8:00Charles Halpin
Debbie Martin, Cletus Stanton, Pat Nester, Shane Ziegler, Connell O’Hara, Barbara Fitzgerald, Erin Fennell, Kathleen Quigg, Kathleen Canavan, John Arnold, Elaina Doheny, Beatrice Williams, Grace Mullen, Jim McErlean, Paul Gabage, Roberta Nolan, Baby Liam Holden, Mary Vaughn, Catherine Weathers, Robert Lawrence, Jr, Irene Donahoe, John Donahoe, Brendan Fick, Patty Vallente, Helen Carr, Eileen Pluta, Patricia Gleeson, Edward Bauman, Melissa Bauman, Patty Breslin, Jessica Sheaer, George Logan, Alex Hoag, Frank Nolan, Nancy Fallon, Andre Gaughan, Nicholas Breslin, Camille Ferruzzi, D’Angelo Simmons, Agnes Durkin, Joseph Kane, Kathy Reynolds, Dennis Waddington, Yolanda Chambers, Liz Kelly, Regan Amand, Jennifer Lyons, Jay Connaghan, Jerry Smith, Kevin Bythrow, Adam Kramer, Father Joseph Zingaro, Mimi Murphy, Adrianna Bida, Eileen Breslin, John Hunt, James Dwyer, Sr., and Joanne Brown.
If there is anyone in our parish who is not hospitalized but who would like to receive Holy Communion from our Eucharistic Ministers, please call the rectory to arrange for this ministry.
Scrip is sold during the weekend in the front lobby of the school from 4:45 to 6:15 on Saturdays and from 9:15 until 11:30 on Sundays. Scrip is also sold at the rectory during the week from 9:00 to 3:00 on Mondays through Thursdays.
The Rosary is prayed each day at 7:40 AM before the 8:00 AM Mass. Morning Prayer is prayed each day after Mass. PLEASE JOIN US.
If you are in need or know someone in need of a ride to church, appointments, shopping or whatever, our drivers are ready and willing to help. The week of January 24th, please call Wendy Stanton @215-885-2531. The week of January 31st, please call Elise Mulvaney @215-884-0749.
What a great way of spending time with your family by coming to our Family Rosary held on the first Tuesday of each month in our chapel at 7:00 P.M. It only lasts a half and hour and is extremely rewarding. Please consider joining us on February 2nd.
Feeling a little down after the holidays? Why not spend some “me” time with the Blessed Sacrament in our Chapel. Adoration is held every Saturday from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. God would love your company.
Our board doesn't seem to be filling up with many armed forces members so we have decided to open it up to those who serve us here at home in police and fire departments. If you have a relative currently serving either of these departments, give us a picture and we'll add it to the board.
Immaculate Conception will be celebrating Catholic Schools Week beginning Sunday, January 31 with an OPEN HOUSE following the 9:30 Mass. Our students will be participating in the liturgy and showcasing our band and choral programs. Immediately after Mass, all parishioners and guests are invited to visit the school and witness the talents of our students, as well as the academic, spiritual and enriching programs our school has to offer. We hope you will invite any families to attend that you believe are interested in a Catholic education for their children. If you have questions about the OPEN HOUSE, please call the school at 215-887-1312.
Application available at the Jenkintown Police Station.
~~~Sincere sympathy to Michael Brogan and Beth Boutcher on the recent death of their mother, Mary Brogan. May the angels lead her into Paradise.
~~~I would like to extend my thanks to the many people who assisted the Plunkett family with Jack’s services. The list is too long to mention everyone by name, but I must express how proud I was of our Parish family. Representatives from the Social Committee, Parish Council, Home and School, and CYO; Parents of Sheila’s 7th grade classmates, our School community, and family, friends and neighbors of the Plunkett’s came out in droves to offer their help. The services, including the music for the mass and audio visual accompaniment, were also coordinated with the staff and families of ChestnutHillAcademy. I express my sincere gratitude to all who participated.
~~~Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Schmidtt, ((Katie Crawford) married in Christ on Saturday, January 23rd. Best Wishes and Many Happy Years together.
~~~Thank you for your generosity in last week’s Catholic Relief Services Collection. Because of you, millions of people all over the world will receive vital assistance. You have truly given hope to Jesus in disguise.
~~~Please join me in welcoming Father Bower who will be here this weekend for confessions and Mass and will be speaking on Food for the Poor, a ministry providing direct relief to the poor throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Father Bower will share what he has witnessed about Food for the Poor’s Mission to care for the destitute as a means of living out the Gospel mandate to love one another.Before Fr. Bower was ordained in 1988 for the Diocese of Baker, Oregon, he served in the U.S. Navy. He has ministered on an Indian reservation and also ministered to Hispanic migrant workers before joining Food For The Poor.
~~~This week’s special collection is for the people of Haiti. His Eminence strongly encourages the faithful to use this opportunity to give generously to this critical need in order to assist rescue, medical and rebuilding efforts. All funds remitted with the Archdiocese will be forwarded to Catholic Relief Services to aid in their relief efforts.
“The Immaculate Conception Classy Seniors” will meet on Thursday, January 28th at 12 Noon and will welcome Kenny Kirby who will entertain with music, song, and comedy.
427 mothers and children suffered abortion at AbingtonHospital from 2004 to 2008.
The Hippocratic Oath condemns abortion, and the Declaration of Independence confirms the Right to Life comes from our creator, and yet theAMH board of Trustees of Abington Hospital continues to supportthecurrent policy which permits the destruction of pre-born children.
Next week we are having a petition drive to urge the Trustees to end the abortion policy at AMH.
Please take the time to urge your community hospital to end this immoral activityby signing the petition.
Congress continues to debate health care reform. Last weekend a flyer was left in the vestibule from the U. S. Bishops’ Conference asking you to please contact your congressional representative immediately asking them to oppose abortion funding and improve conscience protection, affordability for the poor and vulnerable, and access to health care for immigrants. The flyer included a web address that allows you to send an email message to Congress with a click of a button. The bishops have asked for our swift action and our prayers. We can help make sure that health care reform will protect the lives, dignity, conscience and health of all. Health care reform should be about saving lives, not destroying the. To send a pre-written, instant e-mail to Congress go to
Catholic men come hear an all star line-up of speakers at the Men’s Spirituality Conference, Be Reconciled to the Lord, Saturday, March 13, 2010 at ArchbishopRyanHigh School. Speakers include Baseball great Mike Piazza, Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey, and Catholic Evangelist Jesse Romero. The closing Mass will be celebrated by Cardinal Rigali. For information and online registration go to and look for the Men’s Spirituality Conference Logo, or call 215-587-5639.
Want to know your part in God’s Never-ending Story? Come and find out at the Teen Convocation on Sunday, March 7, 2010 (11:30 AM to 5:30 PM) at ArchbishopCarrollHigh School. Teens from throughout the Archdiocese will gather for fun, good music, food and faith. Sunday Mass will be celebrated with Bishop Timothy Senior. Visit
There will be no PREP Classes on January 31. All families are welcomed to the Immaculate Conception School Open House on January 31. PREP Classes will resume on February 7.
Attention: First Reconciliation Parents
All Sacramental Information forms were due January 8/10.
Practice Permission Form and Volunteer Form to help in office or on night of First Penance (if able) are due January 24/25. A wallet size picture of your child is due February 7/8. Thank you
The theme of our First Penance Celebration is Joseph and His Coat of Many Colors. We are looking for someone who can sew a basic tunic that we can use for our First Penance Display. Material and a pattern for this are available. Please contact Nancy Grabowski at 215-885-5586 if you are able to help with this. Thank you.
By purchasing Immaculate Conception Apparel
Samples and order forms are available at the
SCRIP table
Although Christmas is over, the sixth grade students in their Social Studies class have been working on a Power Point presentation titled “Christmas Around the World.” The objective of this project is to research the traditions and beliefs of the Christmas holiday in another country. Then with the use of pictures, videos, graphs, charts, etc, each student is creating a slideshow to present to their class. Along with the presentation, a holiday dish from the chosen country will be prepared and shared.
Speaker — Fr. Daniel Hennessy, L.C.
Father will speak on the subject
“Following Christ in the Daily Grind”
Tuesday Evening, February 2, 2010
6:30 – Supper
7:00 – Reflection
8:00 – Mass
Immaculate Conception Church Hall
Information call Patrick Stanton @215-885-2531
Bible Time Line with Jeff Cavins will begin on Monday, February 22, 2010. All are invited to attend — sign ups will be held in the beginning of February.
Any young man in the parish interested in a Mission Trip for Holy Week, contact Mr. Stanton @215-885-2531.
Let us remember to pray for our priests.
Ever-living God and Father of us all,You give to your Church the Priesthood of your Son, Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, You provide holy priests for a holy people
We pray for all our priest, who announce the Word of God and celebrate the Sacraments for those who are young and those who are old, for those who are faithful and those who are faltering, andfor those who have died.
We entrust all our priests to the Sacred Heart of Jesusand to the Immaculate Heart of Marythat they may persevere with fidelity to you and to your church.With Saint John Vianney, patron of priests, we praythat our priests may never fail to lead us to you.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.Amen.
The priests of tomorrow are in our midst.
They are members of this parish.
They are members of our own families
Encourage Vocations, pray for the gift.
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