Containing the Eighth Generation

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128. Georg "Georgius" Popp, born about 1740, probably in Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. He was the son of 256. Lorenz Popp and 257. Maria Elisabeth Tamesle. He married 129. Dorothea BeneschNovember 10, 1762 in Olbersdorf, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. According to Lanskroun Parish records 3194/2, Franz Popp from Olbersdorf #8, the legal son of Georg Popp who was a farmer from Niederjohnsdorf, was 21 years of age and had never married before when he married Theresia Klein, the daughter of mathias Klein, a faremer in Oberjohnsdorf #8, who was 19 years of age and had not previously been married. The parish records provide in German:
Lanskroun Marriage Book No. 3194, Page 2
Augustus 15ten
8 Olbersdorf
Franz Popp, des Georg Popp Bauernausgedingers aus Niederjohnsdorf
21 Jahre ledig
Theresia Tochter des Mathies Klein Hauslers im Oberjohnsdorf 8
19 Jahre ledig
According to Landskroun Parish records at 1151/42, Georg Popp of Niederjohnsdorf, the legal son of the deceased Lorenz Popp, married Dorothea, the legal daughter of Lorenz Benesch from Oberjohnsdorf on November 11, 1762. The parish records in Latin provide:
Landskron Marriage Book No. 1151, Page 42
Anno 1762 die 11 Mensis Novembris Georgius Loco Niederjohnsdorffio filius ost defunctum Laurentim Popp cum sponsa sua Dorothea filia Laurentio Benesch ex loco Oberjohnsdorf.

129. Dorothea Benesch, baptised October 2, 1740 in Oberjohnsdorf, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. She was the daughter of 258. Lorenz "Laurentio" Benesch and 259. Maria Anna Klecker. According to Landskroun Parish records at 1151/42, Georg Popp of Niederjohnsdorf, the legal son of the deceased Lorenz Popp, married Dorothea, the legal daughter of Lorenz Benesch from Oberjohnsdorf on November 11, 1762. The parish records in Latin provide:
Landskron Marriage Book No. 1151, Page 42
Anno 1762 die 11 Mensis Novembris Georgius Loco Niederjohnsdorffio filius ost defunctum Laurentim Popp cum sponsa sua Dorothea filia Laurentio Benesch ex loco Oberjohnsdorf.
According to Landskron Parish records for Oberjohnsdorf, Dorothea Benesch was baptised on October 2, 1740 in Oberjohnsdorf and her parents were Lorenz Benesch and Maria Anna. Her godparents were Eva Schwabiner and Thomas Simon. The parish records in Latin provide:
Landskron Baptism Book No. 1143, Page 197
Parentes laurentius Penisch et Marina
Patrini Eva Schwabiner et Thomas Simon

Child of Georg Popp and Dorothea Benesch is:

64 i. Franz Anton "Franciscus Andreas" Popp, baptised October 31, 1781 in Niederjohnsdorf, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia; married (1) Theresia Klein; married (2) Veronika Peltzl February 18, 1822 in Olbersdorf, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia.

ii. Anna Maria Popp, born October 9, 1764 in Niederjohnsdorf #62, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. See Lanskroun Parish records.

iii. Katharina Popp, born September 27, 1767 in Niederjohnsdorf #62, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia; married Franz Kreuziger October 25, 1789 in Niederjohnsdorf, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. Information obtained from Nicole Kreuziger based on IHFF research--see also Lanskroun Parish records.

iv. Veronika Popp, born May 6, 1771in Niederjohnsdorf #62, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. See Lanskroun Parish records.

v. Josef Popp, born March 17, 1776 in Niederjohnsdorf #43, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. See Lanskroun Parish records.

vi. Johann Nepomuk Popp, born May 17, 1778 in Niederjohnsdorf #43, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. See Lanskroun Parish records.

130. Anton Pelzl, baptised July 11, 1757 in Oberjohnsdorf, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. He was the son of 260. Michael Peltzl and 261. Elisabeth Fidl/Fiedler. He married 131. Catharina Habermann.According to records from Lanskroun Parish 1134/29, Veronika Barbara Peltzl was baptised on October 25, 1790 at Oberjohnsdorf, Nr. 77. Her father was Anton Peltzl, a soldier of the Infanterie regiment d'Alton and her mother was Katharina Habermann. Godparents were listed as Katharina Keiner and Anton Klecker. The parish records provide in German:
Lanskroun Baptism Book No. 1134, Page 29
Nr. 77 Oberjohnsdorf
Veronika Barbara Peltzl
V Anton Peltzl gem. Sold. von d'Alton Inf. Reg.
M Catharina gebo: Habermann
P Katharina Keiner Anton Kelcker
According to the Landskroun Parish baptismal records at #1130, page 766, Anton Peltzl was baptised in Oberjohnsdorf to parents Michael Peltzl and his wife, Elisabeth. Anton's godparents were Josef Hausler and Elisabeth Benisch. The parish records provide in Latin:
Lanskroun Baptism Book No. 1130, Page 766
Parentes Michael Peltzl Elisabetha
Patrini Josephus Heisler Elisabethae Penischin
According to the Lanskroun Parish marriage records at #1134, page 3, Anton Pelzl, a soldier from the Infantry Regiment from Fabus who was 28 years of age and never before married, married Catharina Habermann from Luckau who was 24 years of age and never before married. The parish records provide in German:
Lanskroun Marriage Book No. 1134, Page 3
Nr. 70 Oberjohnsdorf
Anton pelzl Gem. Soldat von Fabus Inf. Reg.
28 Jahre ledig
Catharina Hambermann v Luckau
24 Jahre ledig
Interestingly, the house located at address Oberjohnsdorf #70 where Anton and Catharina (Habermann) Peltzl married, was owned by Josephus and Anna Peltzl between the years 1774 and 1780. Joseph and Anna Peltzl had the following children in Nr. 70:
Barbara Peltzl
1774 Nov 29
Godmother: Marina, wife of Joseph Fibiger, Witness: Johannis Miller, house owner
Catharina Peltzl
1777 Oct 28
Godparents: Joannis Muller, house owner and his wife, Anna, Witness: Joannis Fiebiger, landowner
Marina Peltzl
1780 Oct 28
Godmother: Marina, wife of Johannes Fibiger, house owner, Witness: Joannes Miller, house owner

According to Statni Oblastni Archiv Zamrsk, Wenzl Popp was born on September 28, 1824 in Albrechtice (Olbersdorf), Lanskroun (now in the Czech Republic) to parents Franz Popp (a cottager) and Veronika Pelzl (daughter of Anton Pelzl from Horni Tresnovec No. 130). See Register of Births for Parish of Lanskroun, No. 1145, p. 66.

131. Catharina Habermann, baptised October 6, 1756 in Lukau, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. She was the daughter of 262. Lorenz "Laurentius" Habermannand 263. Marina "Maria" Heisler. According to the Lanskroun Parish baptismal records at #1024, page 24, Catharina Haberman was baptised on October 6, 1756 to parents Lorenz Habermann and his wife, Marina, who belonged to a dominion (?). Her godparent was Katharina Sponer, the wife of Mathias Sponer. [Note: Catharina Habermann appears to have "shaved" five years off of her age by the time she married Anton in 1785.] The parish records provide in Latin:
Damnikov Baptism Book No. 1024, Page 24
Parentes Laur. Haberman et Marina subditi
Patrini Catharina uxor Math. Sponer

Children of Anton Peltzl and Catharina Habermann are:

65 i. Veronika Peltzl, batpised October 25, 1790 in Oberjohnsdorf, Landskroun/Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia; married Franz Anton "Franciscus Andreas" Popp February 18, 1822 in Olbersdorf, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia.

ii. Maria Barbara Peltzl, baptised December 5, 1786 in Oberjohnsdorf, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. Birth information obtained from Lanskroun Parish records for the town of Oberjohnsdorf.

iii. Barbara Peltzl, baptised November 16, 1788 in Oberjohnsdorf, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. Birth information obtained from Lanskroun Parish records for the town of Oberjohnsdorf.

iv. Johann Baptist Peltzl, baptised November 25, 1792 in Oberjohnsdorf, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. Birth information obtained from Lanskroun Parish records for the town of Oberjohnsdorf.

132. Franz "Franciscus" Janisch, baptised September 27, 1778 in Damnikov (Thomigsdorf), Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. He was the son of 264. Mathias Janisch and 265. Anna Köller. He married 133. Theresia Schromm February 24, 1800 in Damnikov Parish (Thomigsdorf), Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. According to the Damnikov (Thomigsdorf) Parish baptismal records at #1086, page 99, Mathias Janisch was baptised May 1, 1802 at Thomigsdorf #126 to parents Franz Janisch, a farmer, and his wife, Theresia Schromm, the daughter of Georg Schromm of Thomigsdorf 133. The parish records in German provide:
Damnikov Baptism Book No. 1086, Page 99
Den 1ten May
Nr. 126
Mathias Janisch
V Franz Janisch Bauer
M Theresia des Georg Schromm Nro. 133
According to Damnikov (Thomigsdorf) Parish baptismal records at #1084, page 330, Franz Janisch was baptised on Sept. 27, 1778 to parents Mathias Janisch, a tenant, and mother, Anna, who belonged to the dominion of Landskron. His godfather was Georg Schromm, a dayworker. The address of Thomigsdorf #126 is listed, but it is unclear if this address is for Georg Schromm or for the Janisch family. The parish records provide in Latin:
Damnikov Baptism Book No. 1084, Page 330
Parentes Janisch Mathias inguilinus Mater Anna subd. Dominio Lanscrounensis
P Schromm Georgius superior caesarius
Thomingis 126
According to Damnikov (Thomigsdorf) Parish marriage records at #1086, page 268, Franz Janisch, the 19 year old unmarried son of Mathias Janisch, married Theresia Schromm, the 24 year old unmarried daughter of Georg Schromm who lived at Thomigsdorf 133. The witnesses for the wedding were: Florian Koller, host, and Florian Thomabauer. The parish records provide in German:
Damnikov Marriage Book No. 1086, Page 268
Den 24ten Februariurs
Nr. 126
Franz Sohn des mathes Janisch
19 Jahre ledig
Theresia Tochter des Georg Schromm Nr. 133
24 Jahre ledig
Testes Florian Kollar Schenck, Florian Thombauer

133. Theresia Schromm, baptised April 20, 1776 in Damnikov Parish (Thomigsdorf), Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. She was the daughter of 266. Georg "Georgius" Schromm and 267. Anna Bauker/Baumert/Paukert. According to Damnikov (Thomigsdorf) Parish baptism records at #1084, page 299, Theresia Schrom was baptised on April 20, 1776 to parents Georg Schromm and his wife, Anna, of the dominion of Landskron. Her godparent was Anna Janisch, the wife of Mathias Janisch of Thomigsdorf 133. The parish records provide in Latin:
Damnikov Baptism Book No. 1084, Page 299
Parentes Schrom Georgius inquilinus et Mater Anna subditi Dominio Lanscron
Patrini Anna uxor Mathias Janisch
Thomigsdorf 133

Chilren of Franz Janisch and Theresia Schromm are:

66 i. Mathias Janisch, baptised May 1, 1802 in Thomigsdorf, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia; married Anna Müller.

ii. Anton Janisch, baptised January 17, 1805 in Thomigsdorf, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. Birth information found in Damnikov Parish records for Thomigsdorf.

iii. Johann Janisch, baptised May 16, 1807 in Thomigsdorf, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. Birth information found in Damnikov Parish records for Thomigsdorf.

iv. Josef Janisch, baptised October 5, 1811 in Thomigsdorf, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. Birth information found in Damnikov Parish records for Thomigsdorf.

v. Anna Janisch, baptised October 15, 1812 in Thomigsdorf, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. Birth information found in Damnikov Parish records for Thomigsdorf.

vi. Theresia Janisch, baptised February 17, 1815 in Thomigsdorf, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. Birth information found in Damnikov Parish records for Thomigsdorf.

vii. Anna Janisch, born May 19, 1817 in Thomigsdorf, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. Birth information found in Damnikov Parish records for Thomigsdorf.

134. Franz Johann Müller, baptised May 18, 1788 in Trebovice, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. He was the son of 268. Johann "Joannes" Müller and 269. Brigitta Morack. He married 135. Viktoria Hofmann May 3, 1813 in Trebovice (Triebitz), Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. According to Trebovice Parish records at #1174, page 10, Franz Johann Muller was baptised on May 18, 1788. His parents were Johann Muller and Brigitta. His godparents were Raphael Brid and Anna Maria Frodlin. The parish records provide in German:
Trebovice Baptism Book No. 1174, Page 10
May den 18ten
Nr. 94
Franz Johann
V Johann Miller
M Brigitta
P Raphael Bridl Ana Mra Frodlin
According to Trebovice Parish records at #1175, page 27, Franz Muller, the 26 year old legal son of Johann Müller a farmer from Triebitz and Viktoria, the 34 year old unmarried daughter of Andreas Hoffmann, a farmer from Triebitz were married on May 3, 1813 at Triebitz 94. Witnesses to the wedding were Johann Müller and Georg Ott. The parish records provide in German:
Trebovice Marriage Book No. 1175, Page 27
Majus den 3
Nr. 94
Franz des Johann Miller Hauslers sohn von Triebitz
26 Jahre ledig
Victoria des Andres Hoffmann Hauslers Tochter eben von Triebitz
34 Jahre ledig
Testes Johann Müller, Georg Ott

135. Viktoria Hoffmann, baptised April 14, 1780 in Ceska Trebova Parish, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. She was the daughter of 270. Andreas Hofmann and 271. Viktoria. According to Ceska Trebova parish records at #1947, page 332, Victoria Hoffman was baptised on April 14, 1780. Her parents were Andreas Hoffmann, a farmer and his wife, Viktoria. Her godparent was Sibilla Paukert. The address listed is for Triebitz #85. The parish records provide in Latin:
Ceska Trebova Baptism Book No. 1947, Page 332
Parentes Hoffmann Andreas rusticus Mater Victoria
Patrini Sybilla Paukertin
Tribitzio 85

Children of Franz Johann Müller and Viktoria Hofmann are:

67 i. Anna Müller, baptised November 8, 1814 in Trebovice, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia; married Mathias Janisch.

ii. Genoveva Müller, baptised December 9, 1818 in Trebovice, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. Birth information found in Trebovice Parish (Triebitz) records.

iii. Johann Baptist Müller, baptised December 9, 1818 in Trebovice, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. Birth information found in Trebovice Parish (Triebitz) records.

iv. Barbara Müller, baptised October 4, 1820 in Trebovice, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. Birth information found in Trebovice Parish (Triebitz) records.

v. Viktoria Müller, baptised April 22, 1823 in Trebovice, Lanskroun, Chrudim, Bohemia. Birth information found in Trebovice Parish (Triebitz) records.

158. Joseph Kalas. He married 159. Elizabeth (last name unknown).

Child of Joseph Kalas and Elizabeth is:

79 i. Frances Kalas, b. Jan. 18, 1844; d. Sept. 2, 1938, Alberta Township, Benton County, Minnesota; m. before 1867 to Frank Lewandowski, b. Jan. 10, 1844; d. April 15, 1921, Alberta Township, Benton County, Minnesota (both buried in St. Joseph's Catholic Church Cemetery, Morrill Township, Morrison County, Minnesota)

176. Zebedee Rush, born December 16, 1790 in Randolph County, North Carolina; died December 3, 1872 in Randolph County, North Carolina. He was the son of 352. Benjamin Crawford Rush and 353. Dorcas Earkes Vickrey. He married 177. Frances "Fanny" FullerNovember 26, 1814 in Randolph County, North Carolina. References: Dani Haas, Timothy Walls and Jim Arnold. See also "Blackford and Grant Counties Indiana, A Chronicle of Their People Past and Present with Family Lineage and Personal Memoirs," (ed. Benjamin G. Shinn, Lewis Pub. Co., Chicago and NY, 1914).

177. Frances "Fanny" Fuller, born in Randolph County, North Carolina; died April 7, 1883. She was the daughter of 354. Archabal Fullerand 355. Martha Miller. Reference: Dani Haas.

Children of Zebedee Rush and Frances "Fanny" Fuller are:

88 i. Benjamin C. Rush, born December 13, 1816 in Randolph County, North Carolina; died 1879 in Randolph County, North Carolina; married Susannah Henley.

ii. Duncan K. Rush, born September 11, 1815; married Margaret Henley.

iii. Archibald F. Rush, born March 17, 1818.

iv. Martha Rush, born July 9, 1819.

v. Noah Rush, born August 13, 1820.

vi. Henry Rush, born March 17, 1822.

vii. Dorcas Rush, born September 29, 1824.

viii. Fanny Rush, born April 6, 1826.

ix. Zebedee Rush, born December 28, 1827.

x. Eliza Rush, born June 7, 1829.

xi. Calvin Rush, born June 7, 1829.

178. Jesse Henley. Reference: Dani Haas. See also "Blackford and Grant Counties Indiana, A Chronicle of Their People Past and Present with Family Lineage and Personal Memoirs," (ed. Benjamin G. Shinn, Lewis Pub. Co., Chicago and NY, 1914).

Child of Jesse Henley is:

89 i. Susannah Henley, born July 27, 1822; died February 14, 1903 in Fairmount, Grant County, Indiana; married Benjamin C. Rush.

180. James Jay, born January 10, 1802 in Newberry District, South Carolina; died May 25, 1845 in New Garden, Wayne County, Indiana. He was the son of 360. Jesse Jayand 361. Sarah Brooks. He married 181. Lydia Hollingsworth September 26, 1822 in Union County, Indiana. Reference: Christy Jay. Christy provides that she received information on James and Lydia [Hollingsworth] Jay from Susan Parisho Rieger. See also the following citations listed by Christy Jay regarding this family group: "Jay Family Index--1999," by Cassius Milton Jay (copied and edited by Bessie Kohner [1963], re-edited and formatted by Charles W. Jay, Sr. [1999]), at p. 19; and "Indiana Marriages Through 1850," (Indiana State Lib. Gen. Div.).

181. Lydia Hollingsworth, born November 25, 1804 in Ohio; died January 6, 1900 in Gas City, Grant County, Indiana. She was the daughter of 362. Richard Hollingsworth and 363. Sarah Ann Hollingsworth. Additional information on this family line obtained from Christy Jay. Christy provides that she received information on James and Lydia [Hollingsworth] Jay from Susan Parisho Rieger. See also the following citations listed by Christy Jay regarding this family group: "Jay Family Index--1999," by Cassius Milton Jay (copied and edited by Bessie Kohner [1963], re-edited and formatted by Charles W. Jay, Sr. [1999]), at p. 19; and "Indiana Marriages Through 1850," (Indiana State Lib. Gen. Div.).
The following information is found in the 1850 Census for Mill Township, Grant County, Indiana:
Dwelling House #645
Jay, Lydia, age 46, female, born SC, value of property owned $1,000,
Jay, Richard, age 19, male, farmer, born Indiana
Jay, Susannah, age 17, female, born Ohio
Jay, John, age 15, male, farmer, born Ohio
Jay, William, age 13, male, born Indiana
Jay, Isaiah, age 10, male, born Indiana
Jay, Sarah, age 7, female, born Indiana
Hollingsworth, Sarah, age 70, female, born NC
Children of James Jay and Lydia Hollingsworth are:

90 i. Jesse Jay, born March 14, 1825 in Liberty, Union County, Indiana; died December 20, 1875 in Marion, Indiana; married (1) Rhoda Thomas October 3, 1847 in Phillipsburg, Montgomery County, Ohio; married (2) Mahala Gordon June 24, 1857 in Jonesboro, Grant County, Indiana.

ii. Lavina Jay, born July 14, 1823, Ohio.

iii. Mary Jay, born November 25, 1827, Ohio.

iv. Richard Jay, born April 7, 1830, Indiana (for birth location refer to 1850 Census for Grant County, Indiana).

v. Susannah Jay, born September 22, 1832, Ohio (for birth location refer to 1850 Census for Grant County, Indiana).

vi. John Jay, born February 16, 1835, Ohio (for birth location refer to 1850 Census for Grant County, Indiana).

vii. William Jay, born August 27, 1837, Indiana (for birth location refer to 1850 Census for Grant County, Indiana).

viii. Isaiah Jay, born February 13, 1840, Indiana (for birth location refer to 1850 Census for Grant County, Indiana).

ix. Sarah Jay, born January 23, 1843, Indiana (for birth location refer to 1850 Census for Grant County, Indiana).

182. George Thomas, born July 20, 1798 in Newberry, South Carolina; died January 22, 1872 in Ohio. He was the son of 364. John Thomasand 365. Anna Pemberton. He married 183. Hannah Elleman February 9, 1825 in Miami County, Ohio.Reference: Craig Beeman.

183. Hannah Elleman.

Children of George Thomas and Hannah Elleman are:

91 i. Rhoda Thomas, born January 15, 1825 in Montgomery County, Ohio; died March 8, 1856 in Jonesboro, Grant County, Indiana; married Jesse Jay October 3, 1847 in Phillipsburg, Montgomery County, Ohio.

ii. Enos E. Thomas, born November 12, 1829.