Prof. Enoch Nwachukwu
Department of Computer Science
University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State
* Stanley Adiele Okolie
School of Graduate Studies
University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State
* Corresponding author.
The idea behind ubiquitous computing is to surround ourselves with computers and software that are carefully tuned to offer us unobtrusive assistance as we navigate through our work and personal lives. Providing renewable energy is one of the fundamentalchallenges for mankind. With energy usage being a partof everyday activities and with the increasinglydiversity of energy creation this is an inherently multidisciplinaryproblem. Transportation and travel, heatingand cooling, manufacturing and production are majorareas in which energy is used and all these domainsbecome more and more linked to ubiquitous computing.With an increase in decentralized energy provision,ranging from energy harvesting in devices to personalgreen power plants, a great potential for creating renewable energy arises, however at the cost of ahigher complexity of the distribution network andstorage mechanisms. Overall we believe that researchin ubiquitous computing can provide important contributionsfor a world with renewable energy. This work provides insights on how to conserve, efficiently produce, use, anddistribute energy.
Energy conservation, energy harvesting, renewable energy,Ubicomp, smart energy, smart grid.
The idea behind ubiquitous computing is to surround ourselves with computers and software that are carefully tuned to offer us unobtrusive assistance as we navigate through our work and personal lives. Providing renewable energy is one of the fundamental challenges for mankind. With energy usage being a part of everyday activities and with the increasingly diversity of energy creation this is an inherently multidisciplinary problem. Transportation and travel, heating and cooling, manufacturing and production are major areas in which energy is used and all these domains become more and more linked to ubiquitous computing. With an increase in decentralized energy provision, ranging from energy harvesting in devices to personal green power plants, a great potential for creating renewable energy arises, however at the cost of a higher complexity of the distribution network and storage mechanisms. Overall we believe that research in ubiquitous computing can provide important contributions for a world with renewable energy. This work provides insights on how to conserve, efficiently produce, use, and distribute energy.
Ubiquitous computing is a part of everyday life.Computers are embedded and intrinsic to the myriad ofdevices and machines we use, ranging fromcommunication and entertainment devices totransportation and production systems. Our energyconsumption is strongly and increasingly linked toactivities that we carry out while using computerizeddevices and systems [1]. This opens up the opportunityto design these systems to conserve energy. Onecanonical example is heating and cooling the home. Assuch systems become programmable and as sensorsbecome commonplace, systems can be made moreefficient without losing quality: a heating system in ahouse that is aware of the whereabouts of theinhabitants can significantly decrease the neededenergy [2, 3]. With devices such as fridges, washingmachines and machinery becoming a part of theinternet of things, further opportunities arise: devicescan negotiate when to use energy with the supplier,e.g. based on a smart grid infrastructure. In this areaubiquitous computing is a central enabling technologyfor reducing energy consumption. We argue thatenergy usage should be one fundamental issue that istaken into account when designing systems.
Research shows that users’ behavior and users’awareness of their impact is important to motivate amore sustainable behavior [4]. Driving a car moreeconomically or sharing a ride (e.g. 3 people in one carinstead of 3 cars) can massively reduce energyconsumption. Here we see that ubiquitous computingtechnologies offer many approaches to take the energyusers “in the loop” and to make them more aware ofopportunities for saving energy.
With many renewable energy resources such as solarpower and wind power and approaches for energyharvesting [5], we move away from energy that isalways on and always available at the same cost (e.g.,like in traditional power plants). This leads to a modelof a highly distribute energy generation – incommunities (e.g. a local wind farm), in houses (e.g.,solar panels on the roof), or even by individual devices(e.g., a backpack that charges a phone while walking).This model creates new opportunities to make theenergy more sustainable, but at the same timeincreases the complexity of energy provision to devicesand systems. Here too, ubiquitous computing andubiquitous networks can offer solutions and keybuilding blocks.
A further area in which a lot of energy is used ismanufacturing and production. This ranges from food toeveryday objects and buildings. According to [6], asignificant part of energy goes into the production andtransportation of the things we buy. Here an interestingquestion is how we can use ubiquitous computingtechnologies to reduce the need for things or to makethem last longer or to promote sharing within a localcommunity. Technologies can help to increaseawareness and on facilitate the more efficient use ofthings that are already produced.
It is important to note that, since civilization, man has met his energy needs one way or the other. Modern man has depended largely on fossil fuel which is non renewable and has been the major cause of greenhouse gas emissions thereby degrading the environment. In 2005 a presidential directive was given to the NNPC for the exploration of Renewable Energy as a source of energy i.e. energy that is replaced by a natural process at a rate that is equal to or faster than the rate at which that resource is being consumed. This led to the creation of the Renewable Energy Division (RED) of the NNPC in August 2005. The Division is to midwife the birth of renewable energy initiatives of the NNPC. This is consistent with the dictates of the Kyoto protocol of which Nigeria is a signatory [7].
This effort is geared towards understanding and motivating users of energysystems to consider sustainability as a centralconcern, within the ubiquitous environment. Here we expect that ethnographic review onenergyusage can help to increase our understanding ofhow to develop future systems that put users more incontrol and increase their responsibility of energyconsumption. Such investigations should makeassessments of values and constraints that users haveand aim at uncovering practices and their rationale. Our review will help to provide the reader with new insights.
3.0Smart Energy Systems
Smart energy systems and technologies are amain topic for many systems and device researchers.The development of new concepts and technologies forsmart energy systems poses many technological andbusiness challenges. We hope that by sharingexperiences with smart energy production systems andintelligent and adaptive energy consumers new ideaswill be spread. User interfaces for energy systems and
the interaction between users and smart energysystems link to the motivation above and are critical to gettingusers into the loop and making them aware of theiroptions and responsibilities.
4.0Energy Infrastructure
Intelligent energy infrastructures, as realized insmart grid technologies and smart meter installationsare only a starting point for new infrastructures. Weexpect that ubicomp technologies offer newopportunities for smart grid infrastructures and enablenew and more fine-grained approaches for smartmetering technologies and applications. Importantissues include security and privacy in intelligent energysystems as they will massively impact the useracceptance of new energy systems. In addition tolarge-scale infrastructures there will be new challengesin local (in-house) smart energy infrastructures.
5.0Socio-Economic Drivers
Socio-Economic drivers and incentives areimportant areas that need to be consideredwhen creating new energy systems. Energy has a hugeassociated economic factor - in the budget ofindividuals as well as from a national or internationaleconomic perspective. We expect that this paper will prompt other researchers to discuss new models and explanations for energy usage,systems and technologies to increase energyawareness. There is a clear link to persuasivetechnologies in this field.
The primary goal of this research is to generate discussions and further research in the area of renewable energy from the ubicomp standpoint. We expect that in order to move forward in this area of research we must bring together ideas and research from energysystems, human computer interaction, economics, andubiquitous computing. The common ground is theinterest in ubiquitous computing technologies in theenergy domain. The overall aim of this work is tofoster a community in Ubiquitous Computing for Renewable Energy and to facilitate interaction.
In summary, it is clear that renewable energy is acentral challenge for mankind. The problems faced areinherently multidisciplinary and relate to technology,economics, psychology, and human values and webelieve that Ubicomp research – with its approach andmethodology as well as its technologies – can make animportant contribution. With renewable sources we seechanges towards a more decentralized and fluctuatingproduction of energy. Solar and wind powered energysupplies are examples where the availability is basicallyunlimited but actual availability differs greatly over time(e.g. between day and night). Informed users, whounderstand the impact of their energy usage and forwhom the implications of consuming energy at a certainmoment becomes accessible may act very differently.
Similarly smart devices and networked systems canadapt to best share available resources. Overall we seea potential that Ubicomp research can contribute toreduce the energy demand of society and to providemeans for a better utilization of renewable energysources.
1.Mattern, F., Staake, T., Weiss, M.: ICT for green -how computers can help us to conserve energy. InProceedings of the 1st international Conference onEnergy-Efficient Computing and Networking (Passau,Germany, April 13 - 15, 2010). e-Energy'10. ACM,New York, NY, 1-10. 2010.
2.Gupta, M., Intille, S. S., Larson, K.: Adding GPSControlto Traditional Thermostats: An Exploration ofPotential Energy Savings and Design Challenges. InProceedings of the 7th international Conference onPervasive Computing (Nara, Japan, May 11 - 14,2009). H. Tokuda, M. Beigl, A. Friday, A. J. Brush,and Y. Tobe, Eds. Lecture Notes In Computer Science,vol. 5538. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 95-114.
3.Intille, S. S.: Designing a Home of the Future. IEEEPervasive Computing 1, 2 (Apr. 2002), 76-82.
4.Abrahamse, W., Steg, L., Vlek, C., Rothengatter, T.:A review of intervention studies aimed at householdenergy conservation. Journal of EnvironmentalPsychology. Vol. 25, 273-291. 2005.
5.Paradiso, J. A., Starner, T.: Energy Scavenging forMobile and Wireless Electronics. IEEE PervasiveComputing, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 18-27, Jan.-Mar. 2005.
6.MacKay, D: Sustainable Energy – without the hot air. Accessed 06’2010.
7. June 08, 2011.