WHEREAS, rural economic development in southern Colorado relies on access to an abundant dependable supply of electricity, and the proposed San Luis Valley Electric System Improvement Project (SLV Project) will ensure that utilities in southern Colorado can serve their consumers with a reliable, affordable and adequate supply of electric power, and
WHEREAS, Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, a consumer-owned, not-for-profit wholesale power supplies owned in part by eighteen (18) Colorado electric cooperatives, has proposed the construction of the SLV Project, a high voltage electricity transmission line from Walsenburg Substation to San Luis Valley substation, and
WHEREAS, investments in infrastructure in southern Colorado support a robust and stable tax base, and the construction, operation and ancillary benefits of the SLV Project will benefit rural local governments and school districts, and
WHEREAS, southern Colorado’s solar energy potential cannot be fully developed given the constraints of the current existing electric system transmission, and the development of the SLV Project will provide increased transmission capacity, facilitating opportunities for renewable and conventional power development; and
WHEREAS, thorough community engagement must be incorporated into utility siting projects to minimize the use of eminent domain, and the SLV Project developers are committed to an open, transparent and responsive siting process that respects affected communities and landowners, now
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that ACTION 22 supports the timely development of the San Luis Valley Electric System Improvement Project, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that ACTION 22 urges the Governor of the State of Colorado and his administration, Members of the Colorado Congressional Delegation, Members of the Colorado General Assembly, the Commissioners and staff of the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, and our fellow citizens and local officials to support and work to expedite the development of the San Luis Valley Electric System Improvement project.
ADOPTED THIS 6th Day of June, 2008
______KEN CONYERS______
Ken Conyers, Chairman of the Board
Recommended by: Energy Committee