Long Term Plan - Year 2 2016 - 2017

Term 1 (Fire and Ice) / Term 2 (Heroes and Heroines) / Term 3 (Chocolate) / Term 4 (Chocolate) / Term 5 (Pirates) / Term 6 (Seaside and Sea life animals)
English / Tell me a Dragon
Fire Children / Heroes and heroines
Superkid by Claire Freedman
Eliot, Midnight Superhero by Anne Cottringer
Superworm by Julia Donaldson
Captain Underpants / Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – Roald Dahl / Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – Roald Dahl
Small Knight and George and the Royal Chocolate Cake
Chocolate Mousse for Greedy Goose
Chocolate – non-fiction books
Make it: Chocolate
Chocolate: From bean to bar / Pirate Stories
Pirate Cruncher
The Night Pirates
The Pirates Next Door
Pirates Love Underpants
Pirate Post / The Seaside
Non-fiction books about sea animals
Maths – Following Kangaroo maths / Number and the number system
Counting and comparing
Addition and subtraction / Addition and subtraction continued
Measure / Fractions
Money / Multiplication and division
Data / Revisiting key areas and deepening skills.
Application of skills / Revisiting key areas and deepening skills.
Application of skills
Science / To understand plants
• Identify and name a variety of common plants, includinggarden plants, wild plants and trees and those classified asdeciduous and evergreen.
• Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety ofcommon flowering plants, including roots, stem/trunk, leavesand flowers.
• Observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into matureplants.
• Find out and describe how plants need water, light and asuitable temperature to grow and stay healthy.
To understand movement, forces and magnets
• Notice and describe how thingsmove, using simple comparisonssuch as faster and slower.
• Compare how different thingsmove. / To investigate living things
• Explore and compare the differencesbetween things that are living, that aredead and that have never been alive.
• Identify that most living things livein habitats to which they are suitedand describe how different habitatsprovide for the basic needs ofdifferent kinds of animals and plantsand how they depend on each other.
• Identify and name a variety of plantsand animals in their habitats, includingmicro-habitats.
• Describe how animals obtain their foodfrom plants and other animals, usingthe idea of a simple food chain, andidentify and name different sources offood. / To understand animals and humans
• Identify and name a variety of common animals that are birds,fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and invertebrates.
• Identify and name a variety of common animals that arecarnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
• Describe and compare the structure of a variety of commonanimals (birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals andinvertebrates, including pets).
• Identify name, draw and label the basic parts of the human bodyand say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
• Notice that animals, including humans, have offspring whichgrow into adults.
• Investigate and describe the basic needs of animals, includinghumans, for survival (water, food and air).
• Describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating theright amounts of different types of food and hygiene. / To understand animals and humans continued
To understand evolution and inheritance
• Identify how humans resemble theirparents in many features.
To investigate materials.
• Distinguish between an object and the materialfrom which it is made.
• Identify and name a variety of everydaymaterials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal,water and rock.
• Describe the simple physical properties of avariety of everyday materials.
• Compare and group together a variety ofeveryday materials on the basis of their simplephysical properties.
• Find out how the shapes of solid objects madefrom some materials can be changed bysquashing, bending, twisting and stretching.
• Identify and compare the suitability of a variety ofeveryday materials, including wood, metal, plastic,glass, brick/rock, and paper/cardboard forparticular uses. / To investigate materials continued.
To understand electrical circuits
• Identify common appliances thatrun on electricity.
• Construct a simple series electricalcircuit. / Animals and their Habitats – endangered animals
To work scientifically
• Ask simple questions.
• Observe closely, using simple equipment.
• Perform simple tests.
• Identify and classify.
• Use observations and ideas to suggest answers toquestions.
• Gather and record data to help in answeringquestions.
• Understand what algorithms are, how they are implemented as programs on digital devices, and that programs execute by following a sequence of instructions.
• Write and test simple programs.
• Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs.
• Organise, store, manipulate and retrieve data in a range of digital formats.
• Communicate safely and respectfully online, keeping personal information private, and recognise common uses of information technology beyond school. / To communicate
• Use a range of applications and devices inorder to communicate ideas, work andmessages.
To connect
• Participate in class social media accounts.
• Understand online risks and the age rulesfor sites. / To connect
• Participate in class social media accounts.
• Understand online risks and the age rulesfor sites. / To code (using scratch)
• Control motion by specifying the number ofsteps to travel, direction and turn.
• Add text strings, show and hide objects andchange the features of an object.
• Select sounds and control when they areheard, their duration and volume.
• Control when drawings appear and set thepen colour, size and shape. / To code continued
• Specify user inputs (such as clicks) tocontrol events.
• Specify the nature of events (such as asingle event or a loop).
• Create conditions for actions by waiting fora user input (such as responses to questionslike: What is your name?). / To communicate
• Use a range of applications and devices inorder to communicate ideas, work andmessages. / To collect
• Use simple databases to record informationin areas across the curriculum.
Geography / • Explore weather and climate in the United Kingdom and around the world. / • Investigate the world’s continents and oceans.
• Investigate the countries and capitals of the United Kingdom. • Use world maps, atlases and globes. / • Compare and contrast a small area of the United Kingdom with that of a non-European country. / • Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to and describe key physical and human features of locations. • Use simple compass directions. • Use aerial photographs. • Use fieldwork and observational skills.
History / The Great Fire of London
Key events in the past that are significant nationally and globally, particularly those that coincide with festivals or other events that are commemorated throughout the year. / The lives of significant individuals in Britain’s past who have contributed to our nation’s achievements - scientists such as Isaac Newton or Michael Faraday, reformers such as Elizabeth Fry or William Wilberforce, medical pioneers such as William Harvey or Florence Nightingale, or creative geniuses such as Isambard Kingdom Brunel or Christina Rossetti.
Bonfire Night – 5th November / Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality.
Art/D&T / Art
Learn about the work of a range of artists, artisans and designers
Artists– Matisse, Picasso, Andy Warhol / Art
Learn about the work of a range of artists, artisans and designers
Artists – Matisse, Picasso, Andy Warhol
• Use experiences and ideas as the inspiration for artwork.
• Share ideas using drawing, painting and sculpture.
• Explore a variety of techniques. / D&T
Cooking and nutrition
• use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes.
• understand where food comes from. / D&T
Design and make a game for the Willy Wonka Funfair / Art
• Use experiences and ideas as the inspiration for artwork.
• Share ideas using drawing, painting and sculpture.
• Explore a variety of techniques. / Art
  • Willys Pictures

RE / Christianity
Halloween / Diwali – 11th November
Christmas – 25th December / Hinduism / Easter
Mother’s Day / Islam / Father’s Day
Music / To perform
• Take part in singing, accurately following themelody.
• Follow instructions on how and when to sing orplay an instrument.
• Make and control long and short sounds, usingvoice and instruments.
• Imitate changes in pitch / To compose
• Create a sequence of long and short sounds.
• Clap rhythms.
• Create a mixture of different sounds (long andshort, loud and quiet, high and low).
• Choose sounds to create an effect.
• Sequence sounds to create an overall effect.
• Create short, musical patterns.
• Create short, rhythmic phrases. / To transcribe
• Use symbols to represent a composition and usethem to help with a performance. / To describe music
• Identify the beat of a tune.
• Recognise changes in timbre, dynamics andpitch.
Lifelong skills/Wow moments / Sywell Trip – habitats and pond dipping
Salcey Forest – Autumn Walk? / English and D&T - Willy Wonka’s Funfair – In the school hall with parents invited.
Science - Animals come into school – RR Hamster. / Trip to the Sea Life Centre