Name ______Class _____ Date ______
A relative pronoun introduces a subordinate clause. A subordinate clause is a dependent clause that is not a complete thought and the meaning is only complete when the clause is attached to an independent clause.
(that, which, who, whom, and whose)
• The ball (that was lost) was found next door.
• The girl (which lives down the street) was absent today.
• The teacher (who my brother had last year) is now retired.
• The family (whose dog ran away) has bought another one.
• The student (whom you might know) was selected for the team.
Identify the following pronouns as (dem) demonstrative, (inter) interrogative, or (rel) relative pronouns in the following sentences.
1. This is a picture of the sculpture, which suggests it’s larger than life size.
2. The nine mustangs that make up the work appear to gallop across Williams Square in the Las Colinas Urban Center.
3. The horses, whose images are cast in bronze, form the world’s largest equestrian sculpture.
4. That is an amazing sight!
5. What is the name of the sculptor who created the mustangs?
6. Robert Glen, who was born in Kenya, is the artist whom you mean.
7. Looking at this work, you can imagine the amount of time that Glen has spent studying wildlife.
8. The Mustang Sculpture Exhibit, which is housed in a building near the statue, provides more information about Glen and the mustangs.
9. Who told me mustangs are descended from horses brought to the Americans by the Spanish?
10. Horses like these roamed wild over Texas and other western states in the 1800s.