Biophysics Notes Membranes and Transport
Membrane Biophysics
- Nernst Equation
Gconc = kBT ln(Co/Ci)
Gvoltage = qV,
at equilibrium, qV = kBT ln(Co/Ci)
V = kBT/q ln(Co/Ci) ***
= RT/F ln(Co/Ci), with F = 96,400 Coulomb/mole (kB = 1.38 x 10-23 J/K, R = 8.31 J/mol.K)
- Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation
V = , [P] = cm/s, for example:
V =
Example: Approximate Neuron:
V = , with b = PNa/PK
b = 0.02 for many neurons (at rest).
[K]i = 125 mM[K]o = 5 mM
[Na]i = 12 mM[Na]o = 120 mM
V = -71 mV
Can define Vk = 58 mV log([K]o/[K]i) = -80 mV (this is at 298 K)
VNa = + 58 mV. The value of b Vmembrane closer to Vk.
Straight Line PNa = 0 (Nernst), Curved fit is using Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz, vary Ko and measure Vm.
Do Soma 1 (Nernst) ,
- Electrical Model
Mammalian Cells / +67 / -84 / -60 / +125
Squid Axon / +55 / -75 / -60 / +125
Analyze Circuit with kirchoff’s laws (or Ohm’s law)
1) Iin = Iout
2)V around loop = 0
Let input current, I = 0 (No net current)
ICl + ICa + INa + IK = 0
For each loop have
Ii = 1/Ri (Vm – Vi) w/ Vm = membrane potential difference
Let 1/R = g (like conductance)
Eg. IK = gK (Vm – VK), squid axon, Vm = -60 mV
IK = gK (-60 – (-75)) mV = gK(+15 mV). g always positive.
V = Vin – Vout, positive current = positive ions flowing out of the cell.
Vm not sufficient to hold off K flow so ions flow out. When Vm = Vk then no flow.
Kirchoff’s rules Ii = 0 gi (Vm – Vi) = 0
Vm = , which is equivalent to Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation.
Do Soma 3
- Donnan Equilibrium
Say have two equally permeable ions: K+ and Cl- and have A with charge Z inside cell w/ no permeability
Vk = 58 mV log([K]o/[K]i)
VCl = -58 mV log([Cl]o/[Cl]i),
At equilibrium, Vm = VK = VCl log([K]o/[K]i) = -log([Cl]o/[Cl]i)
KoClo = KiCli Donnan Rule (Dropping [])
[product permeable inons outside] = [product permeable ions inside]
Other conditions:
Goldman- Hodgkin-Katz
For our simple system, electroneutrality Ko = Clo, Ki = Cli + ZA
Putting this is the Donnan rule
Ko2 = KiCli = Ki(Ki – ZA)
Ki2 – ZAKi = Ko2 [complete square]
(Ki – AZ/2)2 – (AZ/2)2 = Ko2
Ki = (Ko2 + (AZ/2)2)1/2 +AZ/2
2Ki = (4Ko2 + A2Z2)1/2 + AZ
Vm = 58 mV log([K]o/[K]i) = 58 mV log
Both K+ and Cl- are at equilibrium at this unique potential.
- Animal Cell Model
- Model
Ci (mM)* / Co (mM) / P>0?
K+ / 125 / 5 / Y
Na+ / 12 / 120 / N**
Cl- / 5 / 125 / Y
A- / 108 / 0 / N
H2O / 55,000 / 55,000 / Y
* Should really use Molality (moles solute/ kg solvent) instead of per liter – accounts for how molecules displace water (non-ideality).
- Maintenance of Cell Volume.
Membrane evolved to keep stuff in.
a)Osmolarity used to define [H2O] – add sugar to H20 and [H2O] goes down since V increases.
Solution of 1 mole/liter of dissolved particles is 1 osmolar
As osmolarity increases, [H2O] decreases
1 M NaCl = 2 Osmolar
Osmosis – diffusion of H2O down concentration gradient
N.B. In preparing Hb, put RBC in dI water, H2O goes in , not everything permeable lysis.
b)Cell Volume.
Ex - Keeping P inside osmolarity inside
Not same as that outside H2O flows in Lysis.
Si = So (Diffusion – equate chemical potential)
Si + Pi = So (Osmolarity)
How solve this paradox?
Note (this same thing happens in dialyzing proteins).
c)How keep P in and not lyse cells?
1)Pwater = 0 – hard to do but some epithelial cells do it.
2)Cell wall – no swelling = plants and bacteria
3)Make membrane exclude extracellular solutes
Tonicity: isotonic – no effect of volume
hypotonic – cause swelling
hypertonic – cause shrinking
Consider if in the diagram above we now made the cell also impermeable to S, then the problem would be solved when Si = So.
- Impermeable Sodium Model
Apply electroneutrality (for permeable ions)
Donnan Equilibrium
Osmotic balance
Electroneutrality Clo = 125mM
Donnan KoClo = KiCli (5)(125) = Ki5 Ki = 125 mM
Osmolarity outside – 250 mOsm need inside = 250 mOsm
250 = 125 + Nai + 108 + 5 Nai = 12 mOsm
VK = -25 mV ln(125/5) = -81 mV
VCl = -25 mV ln(125/5) = -81 mV
Vm = -25mV ln[(125+125)/10] = -81 mV
- Diffusion and Active Transport
- Pi = (ikBT)/d = Di/d, with D – diffusion constant [cm2/sec]
- In reality, cell is permeable to sodium, but pumps it out.
Had (Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz)
Vm =
Now, with pump
Vm = Vo, with = (n/m)(PNa/PK),
n/m = 2/3 Vm VK.
- Na-K Pump
-Two sets of two membrane spanning subunits
-Phosphorylation by ATP induces a conformational change in the protein allowing pumping
-Each conformation has different ion affinities. Binding of ion triggers phosphorylation.
-Shift of a couple of angstroms shifts affinity.
-Exhibits enzymatic behavior such as saturation.
- Electrical Model
Now include pump:
Vm =
Do Soma exercises 4 and 5 (start).
- Patch Clamping
- Technique
-Measure individual ion channels
-Elongate Pipette
-Can pull patch away or not detach it at all
-Usually maintain V fixed across membrane –
See if channel open or closed
-observe current is quantized: channel
is either open or closed: easy to get
conductivity, I = gV.
Vh = holding potential, with equal concentration of permeable ion on both sides, get g
When have not equal concentration of permeable ions on both sides get Nernst potential, Vx
Ix = gx (Vh – Vx)
- Voltage Gated Channels
-there exist randomness in the opening and closings
-For some channels, the proportion of time the channel is open is dependent on the membrane potential (eg. Na, K channels of neurons).
-Average of many channels is predictable.
- Reversal potential for voltage gated channels
-Current depends on [ions] in addition to Vm (eg. [ions] low analogy to a resistor breaking down)
-When ions not too low, get VNernst I = gx*(Vh – Vx)
-When Vh = Vx No I “reversal potential”
-Can reverse I with Vh
-Can measure Vh
-Can test selectivity of ions.
- Multiple channels
Can get several on a patch
Parallel Resistors:
1/Req = 1/Ri geq = gi
1/geq = 1/gi
- Ligand gated channels
n acetylcholine (nAchR) – closed until opened by binding
Ach bind let both Na and K pass
Not sensitive to Vm
I [Ach]2
Do Patch 1,2,4,5
- Carrier Transport – example of facilitated transport.
- Lowers activation energy
- Obeys saturation kinetics
- Highly selective
Simple Model:
Solute Flux
J = Jmax
Jmax = NYDY/d2
NY = number of carriers
DY = diffusion constant of Carrier
d = membrane thickness
For Ci = 0, get J = Jmax [Co/(K + Co)]
Biophysics Notes
Nerve Excitaion
Nerve Excitation
- General Background
- Basics
a)Nerve Signals communicate stimulus-response mechanism
b)Nerve signals = electrical signals i.e. modulations of membrane potential
c)Patellar reflex – Knee jerk reflex. Tap Knee stretch thigh muscle sensory neuron spinal cord motor neuron muscle contraction.
d)Motor vs sensory neurons
Motor – cell body = soma (nucleus contained)
Small – 20 –30 mm, has branched (dendrites) which receive signals
Sensory – no dendrites
- Historical Perspective
a)Couldn’t measure electrical signals of individual cells – too small
b)J.Z. Young rediscovers Giant Squid Axon – 1 mm diameter
c)Already Known:
there exist action potentials – electrical pulses that don’t travel like electrical current (much slower: 1 – 100 m/s vs 3 x 108 m/s)
K+, Na+ concentrations play an important role, esp. Na+
Hodgkin and Katz: as [Na+] decreases the velocity of the action potential also decreases.
H & H, 1963 – membrane potential reverses during impulse, goes to + 100 mV
Electrical conductance of membrane increases 40x – H&H propose nerve impulses are due to transient changes in Na and K conductance: Nobel Prize in 1963.
- Voltage Clamp
a)They used voltage clamp developed by KS Cole 1940, FBA keeps V constant
b)Supply I to keep V constant
c)Provides experimental control
Vo = K(Vc – Vm), K = amplifier gain, Vc = control voltage, Vo = output voltage, Vm = membrane voltage
- Membrane Analog
-Space clamped axon – two silver wires inserted all the way: radial currents only
Generally (w/o a clamp)
Cm = membrane capacitance
gNa, gk are now variable
gL = leak current – not specific
INa = gNa(Vm – VNa), IK = gK(Vm -VK), IL = gL(Vm – Vk)
For Cm have diplacement current (rearrangement of charges)
IC = Cm dV/dt
-VNa, VK, VL all determined by [ ]i and [ ]o, which along with Cm are fixed
gNa and gK are variable.
Itot = INa + IK + IL + Cm dV/dt; Voltage clamp dV/dt = 0
Actual clamping is complicated – often need to step potential via conditioning steps.
Negative current: + ions into axon
Positive current: + ions out of axon
VK = -72 mV, VNa = + 55 mV
V = Vin - Vout
Vm = Vh = 1/gtot (gKVK + gNaVNa + gLVL + I), clamp and look at I
- Voltage Clamp experiments
- gL, H&H found gNa, gK ~ 0 at resting potential and they are only activated when the axon is depolarized (becomes less negative). They found gL by hyperpolarizing (making more negative).
I = IL = gL (Vm – VL), VL < Vresting (-60 mV)
- Voltage steps – depolarizing V Do overview at end briefly first
Depolarization early negative current late positive current
As V increases
The amplitide of the negative current decreases
At V = 117, (Vm = 57 mV), I neg = 0
If V > 117 mV get early positive current
As V increases
Late positive current increases monotonically
As V increases
Rate of current development increases (+ and -)
As V increases
Switch from negative to positive current gets earlier (channels open earlier)
Do Axon 1 and 2&3 Dynamics and Voltage clamp currents.
- Separating INa and IK
VK = -72 mV, VNa = +55 mV, Vresting = -60mV
INa = gNa(Vm – VNa), IK = gK(Vm – VK)
Near Resting
IK - always positive, INa – negative, for small, medium depolarizations decreasing as V increases, becoming positive for large V
I reversal could be due to larger later (positive) current or cessation of early (negative) current.
To solve this, H&H make Vm = VNa so all I is IK
They then varied [Na]o, set Vm = VNa and hence studied the voltage dependence of IK
Then deduced voltage dependence of INa since Itot = INa + IK
Do Axon 4– Inactivation.
- Na inactivation and de-inactivation
- V activation , time inactivation deinactivation
deinactivation is also voltage dependent
- H&H use conditioning steps:
Brief conditioning depolarization reduced INa during 2nd step
As t for conditioning step increases INa 2nd step decreases (more sodium channels inactivated during conditioning step)
H&H find time and voltage dependence of inactivation
ex – conditioning step + 29 mV inactivation = 2 ms (nearly complete)
step + 8 mV inactivation > 8 ms (less inactivation)
They found that even at resting potential, many sodium channel are inactive.
Do Axon 5 conductances
- H&H used long conditioning steps to study de-inactivation
This turned off (closed) Na channels then set 2nd voltage to recovery voltage – vary time to 3rd voltage to look at current.
- Empirical Equations
- Generally, rate of change of membrane conductance
dg/dt = (1-g) - g,
= opening (fwd rate), = closing
= = steady state value of g.
let u = - g, dg = -du
ln(- g) = -t/ + c
g = - (- go) exp(-t/
go = g at t = 0
- Potassium
Emprically, H&H found they needed g g4, they normalized maximum conductance
gk = gkmaxn4, gkmax = max conductance (all open)
n = activation; n g in above equations
n = - (- no) exp(-t/
n4 = fraction of channels open (between 0 and 1).
- Sodium
gNa = gNamaxm3h, m is like n for K, h describes inactivation
0 m 1, m3 = fraction activated, 0 h 1: 1= fully recovered and 0 = none recovered
m3h = fraction of channels open
- Current equation
Cm dV/dt = gNamaxm3h (Vm – VNa) - gkmaxn4 (Vm – Vk) – gL(Vm – VL) + I
n = - (- no) exp(-t/and same for m,h. These give fractions open and are between 1 and 0.
Do Axon 6 Impulse conductance
- Nerve Impulse Properties
- Resting Potential Vm = -60 mV (includes effect of ion leak), Na and K channels closed, 40% Na channels are inactivated
- Membrane depolarized w/ brief pulse some Na channels open, Na flows in, more depolarization more Na flows in negative current
- Vm approaches VNa (momentarily) (VNa = 55 mV) but Na channels inactivate and K channels open positive current Vm becomes less positive
- Na channels close, K still open hyperpolarize.
- Na channels de-inactivate, K channels close
- Impulse, Threshold and Refractory Period.
- If apply depolarization to resting neuron, you get depolarization, but no impulse unless depolarization > threshold
- Threshold depends on duration of pulse (A increases as duration decreases) and time after last impulse
- For some duration after impulse, threshold = infinity: cannot get impulse – duration here is due to refractory period (Most sodium channels are inactive).
Do Axon 7 and 8 Threshold and refractory.
- Channel Perspective
- When muscle stretches action potential.
- All or none
- Na channel:
Depolariztion m gate opens
Both gates respond to depolarization but speed is different
h gate closes = inactivation
meanwhile n (K+) opens
while h closed, m open is ineffective go to picture on page 8
- Spread of Action Potential
- Basic Picture
depolarization at one spot causes depolarization at neighboring spots action potential there
Na coming in diffuses along axon causing depolarization
Depolarization can be bi-directional but doesn’t go back on itself due to refractory period.
Spread of V
Depends on internal conductance vs that across membrane
Invertebrates: large radius small R
Vertebrates: insulate with glial cells (myelin sheath), breaks = nodes of Rainier = access for ions.
- Synaptic Transmission