Philosophy of Education:

A Purpose Driven Program

At the KidsFirst Preschool Program it is our belief, as Christians, that everything one does should be done with a purpose. This purpose is seen from Christ’s example in the Bible. As you walk into a classroom, the purpose of everything in that classroom should be to stimulate, motivate, inform, and comfort your child. The materials and curriculum used in the classroom should also have intent. According to Educational News Quarterly, there are four basic skills that every child will need in the present century:

*The ability to think

*The ability to use logic and reasoning skills

*The ability to effectively and efficiently communicate ideas

*The ability to get along with others in a group

As we go through the school year, we hope to daily incorporate a Christian approach to each of these skills in order to best prepare your child for his future education. We think that by using the Bible as our foremost guide in all we do, that you should expect nothing less than each teacher’s personal best. As we provide this example and show that Christ is our motivation, it is our prayer and goal that your children also make Christ their motivation as they achieve these goals. As parents and teachers, let us continue to sow the seed and watch as our Lord gives the increase.

Our Pledge

The KidsFirst Preschool Program maintains a structured learning environment fostered with love, encouragement, and praise for the children and we strive to uphold the following:

*We will provide our students with excellence in academic instruction.

*We will strive to educate the whole child, instilling in our students the love and respect for God, for others, and oneself.

*We will remember that play, fun, and active learning are important parts of early childhood education.

*We will remember that the KidsFirst Preschool Program is based upon the Word of God, which promises that “All children shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be the peace of thy children” Isaiah 54:13.

Policies and Procedures

Tuition:Tuition is due the first class session of every month during the school year. NO CASH PLEASE! There is a $5.00 late fee for tuition received after the next class session of the due date. Payments may also be for semesters or the entire year. We can discuss another payment plan if needed. If you get two months behind we will give your spot to the next person on waiting list. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter.

Two-Year Olds

Ms. Cheryl and Ms. Joni will place a colored envelope in your child’s folder the day prior to tuition day. You will put your payment (Check or Money Order) in the envelope and return it unsealed in the folder. We will use this same envelope all year. You can use the cancelled check as a receipt of payment. To help you keep up with the payments and for tax purposes we have provided the following chart.

Three & Four Year Olds

Tuition is due on the first class session of each month. On the first class session we will be placing a pocket on the inside of your child’s folder for you to place payment (Check or Money Order) in. Please do not hand payments to teachers or place in bookbag. You can use the cancelled check as a receipt of payment.To help you keep up with the payments and for tax purposes we have provided the following chart.

*Remember that tuition is pro-rated. Even though some months may be shorter, tuition will remain the same. Please note that there will be no adjustments made to tuition due to absences or inclement weather. *

Tuition is to be paid for the months of: AUGUST, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, AND MAY.

Payment Date / Check Number / Amount Paid

Tuition is as follows:

Two-Year Olds Monthly: $ 85.00

Three-Year Olds Monthly: 2- Day $85 3- Day $105

Four-Year Olds Monthly: $ 105.00

***Members of the Benton church of Christ and parents with more than one child

enrolled will receive a discount of $ 5.00 a month.

Additional Fees:

Additional fees may be solicited for field trips, class parties, or activities. These items will need to be paid for separate from tuition. Cash limit of $20

Arrival and Departure:

Drop off is at 8:15 AM and 12:15 PM. At this time a staff member will take your child from the car to begin their day. PLEASE REMAIN IN YOUR CAR TO AVOID DISRUPTION OF THE SCHOOL DAY. We know that this is a difficult transition for you and your child; things will go much smoother if you follow these instructions. We want you to know that we love your child and will take very good care of them! PLEASE DO NOT COME IN WITH YOUR CHILD. THIS MAKES FOR A BAD HABIT AND DISRUPTS THE ENTIRE SCHOOL.

(3’s and 4’s only!) As you pull into the parking lot you will turn into the first drive on your right. Please form a line going around the second light post and pulling up to the sidewalk. There will be two or three teachers getting the children from the cars and two inside doing a music activity.

Two-year olds will come up to the side of the building to the half circle to the first door. Ms. Cheryl or Ms. Joni will come get your child from the car.

Pick up is promptly at 11:15 AM and 3:15 PM. After the first time you are late for pick- up, there will be a fee left to the discretion of the director. We know that there are emergencies, so please call or text (270-559-4857) to let Ms. Stacey know if you are running late. Please relay this information to others that may pick up your child.

ALL STUDENTS PICK-UP:You will park in the front parking lot. At 11:15 and 3:15 we will open the doors. At that time you may walk up to the sidewalk. Once we see you we will release your child to you. Please do not crowd at the door. Please use caution when pulling out of the parking lot. There will be lots of little ones and we do not want any accidents! Please do not park to where you have to back-up! The first couple weeks this process will take a little longer. Once we learn all of the parents/caregivers this will go much quicker. IF someone is picking up your child that we do not know, we will ask for name and form of ID. Please make anyone that may transport your child aware of this.

*If raining we will use doors under canopy! You will form one combined line. We will use two doors. Please use alternating doors during this time. Your child’s teacher may or may not be the one getting your child out. Please be patient. This process takes a little longer, but we try and make it as quick as possible.


Should your child have to miss school, please callor text Ms. Stacey (270-559-4857) as soon as possible and leave a message, or you may e-mail me directly at . Please try to make all doctor and dentist appointments before or after school. Please note that there will be no adjustments made to tuition due to absences or inclement weather. If I have not heard from someone by 9:00/1:00 I will try to contact you to make sure everyone is safe.


Please do not send your child to school if he or she is running fever, vomiting, has diarrhea, a rash, unclear mucus, or any other communicable disease. In the event that your child becomes ill or develops a fever while at school, a parent or someone from your child’s pick-up list will be called. Your child will be removed from the other children and a staff member will sit with them. Please wait until your child is fever-free for 24 hourswithout medication before returning to school. A doctor’s release may be asked for if your child has been sick for a long period of time.


We would prefer that no medications be sent to school. However, should your child need medication while at school it must be prescribed by a physician.It must be brought in the original container, properly labeled with explicit directions, and medical authorization given by the parent. There will be no over the counter medication given.

First Aid Procedures:

In the event of an accident, the following will occur:

*Immediate first aid will be applied as needed.

* Parent or guardian will be contacted.

*If emergency care is needed, staff will contact 911 or transport child to a doctor or medical facility.

*Staff will stay with the child until parent or guardian arrives.

*A written accident report will be documented, placed in the child’s file and sent home to the parent.


When improper behavior occurs it will be positively redirected. The second occurrence will result in a warning. We use a system similar to elementary school. Your child will have a picture/Crayon. Each week begins a new chance! They will not have to earn a reward but through good behavior keep the reward. You will receive more information at open house. Should your child’s behavior be harmful to another student, it will result in an immediate time out. A discussion will follow between the child and teacher. Parents will be informed if the teacher deems it necessary. Your child’s teacher will discuss with you at open house their behavior plans.

Child Abuse:

All teachers are trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of child abuse and neglect. Any child identified as a possible victim of any type of abuse will immediately be reported to the Department for Social Services. The teachers are required to report all suspected cases either to the director or Social Services.


Each month you will receive a calendar with the plans for the month. Please review the calendar before each class meeting. This calendar will give you an idea of what activities we will be doing throughout the month. This calendar will also give you an idea of what your child will be doing at school. Any special days will also be included on the calendar.


Each month you will receive a newsletter. This newsletter will include upcoming events, reminders, birthdays, etc. Please make sure that you read over this and all other notes sent home. We want to make sure that you are informed of all special days and events. We want to make sure that all children are involved in everything.


Throughout the year we will celebrate with class parties. Parties include but are not limited to, Halloween, (Costumes for parties are not to be scary) Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter. Food for all parties must be store or bakery bought. You will receive notes prior to the party day asking you to bring specific supplies. For some parties you may even be asked to help in the planning. Please let me know if you are willing to head-up these parties. We are looking for at least one parent per class. You will not be in charge of the parties, but assist the teachers on party days!

Fun Days:

During the months that parties (holidays) do not occur we will have “fun days”. These days will be dedicated to hands on learning including art, science, and more. You will be receiving a note giving more detail to each “fun day.”

Field Trips:

We will try to do at least two field trips for the 4-year-old classes and one for the 2 and 3 year olds. 2 & 3 year olds must be accompanied by an adult. For each field trip, permission slips must be signed for each child to attend. Each child must ride with theirattending parent/guardian.You will be given adequate time to plan for these days. If you have any suggestions for field trips, please let me know. I am always looking for new adventures. Our First Field Trip is planned for October 3rd @ 9:00. We will be going to Wurth Farms Pumpkin Patch in Paducah. You will receive more information closer to time.


Your child will need milk or juice and a small snack each day. Please place this in a snack bag with an ice pack. Please make sure your child’s name is on both the bag and ice pack.

Please send a healthy snack with your child.

Some suggestions are:

Milk, juice or water. - No cokes, kool-aid or other high sugar drinks.

Fruits, veggies, crackers, cheese, goldfish, yogurt, sandwiches, lunch meat, dry cereal, raisins, granola bars, fruit snacks, nuts etc. . We ask that you don’t send foods that need to be cooked, and make sure that they are appropriate for your child. Our snack time is very short and there is not a lot of time for preparation. Please cut your child’s food if necessary. We ask that your only have 1-2 items. If you have any questions please feel free to ask one of your teachers.

School Pictures:

We will have Fall & Spring pictures. September 10th will be our Fall pictures. We will have individual and group pictures made. No purchase is required.


We will be doing birthday celebrations a little bit differently this year. Instead of individual parties, we will celebrate 1 day a month for all birthdays that month. You will still be able to provide treats… We will talk more about this at Open House.

2014-2015 Supply List

Everyone will need:

* Backpack- It needs to be able to hold a regular folder. Not folded Please do not purchase LARGE bags or ones with wheels. They will not fit in our designated cubbies!

* Insulated snack bag with ice pack

(Please put name on both bag and ice pack)

* 1-inch 3 ring binder (any solid color with clear plastic cover)

-Please write your child’s name on side label, not on actual binder

With our busy rush-rush lives we are

asking for a $20-25 Wal-Mart gift card.

We will purchase the items as we need

them. If you DO NOT want to do this

and prefer a list one can be provided.

IF YOUR CHILD IS IN DIAPERS OR PULL-UPS, PLEASE SEND 2 OR 3 DAILY IN YOUR CHILD’S BAG. If you use pull-ups we ask that you send the ones that are “easy open sides”. This makes the changing process much easier and quicker for us. We have some extra clothes here but you may also want to keep a pair of pants and underwear in your child bag. Please use ziplock with your child’s name.

4 Year Old Daily Schedule

AM / PM / Schedule
8:15 / 12:15 / Arrival & Music Activity
8:30 / 12:30 / Bible Story, Memory verses, & Songs
8:45 / 12:45 / Circle Time: calendar, weather, counting, singing, Theme
9:00 / 1:00 / Lesson / Centers / Art & Bathroom Break (30 min rotation)
10:30 / 2:30 / Bathroom Break
10:35 / 2:35 / Snack
10:50 / 2:50 / Gross Motor- Gym/Playground
11:15 / 3:15 / Dismissal

3 Year Old Daily Schedule

AM / PM / Schedule
8:15 / 12:15 / Arrival
8:30 / 12:30 / Bathroom Break/Diaper Change/ Hand washing
8:40 / 12:40 / Circle Time, calendar, counting, ABC’s, Bible, Theme
9:00 / 1:00 / Lesson
10:00 / 2:00 / Gross Motor- Gym / Playground
10:30 / 2:30 / Snack
10:50 / 2:50 / Centers
11:15 / 3:15 / Clean-Up / Dismissal

2 Year Old Daily Schedule

AM / PM / Schedule
8:15 / 12:15 / Arrival
8:30 / 12:30 / Carpet Time: jobs, story, pledge
9:15 / 1:15 / Gross Motor- Gym/Playground
9:45 / 1:45 / Bathroom Break/Diaper Change/ Hand washing
10:00 / 2:00 / Snack and Bible
10:30 / 2:30 / Centers/Art
11:15 / 3:15 / Clean-Up /Dismissal

***Please remember that with kids things always change!!

Please know that we change diapers and work on potty training all day, not just at the scheduled time.

If you are working with your child on potty training, please tell your child’s teacher so we can keep up the same routine.


Parent Handbook Agreement


I, ______have read the KidsFirst Parent Handbook and agree to abide by the policies and procedures stated.

□ Tuition- 10 months- August-May (No Cash)

□ Drop-Off and Pick-Up Policies

□ Absences, Illnesses, and Medication

□ Calendars and Newsletters

□ Parties and Fun Days & Birthdays

□ Field Trips

□ Snacks

□ Facebook- Please send a note on first day to teacher if DO NOT want your child’s picture on FB.

□ Church office, elders, and preacher along with the KidsFirst Staff, have access to address, phone number, and email and may periodically send information regarding activities at the church.

We are on Facebook! This is a private page for parents and grandparents only!! We will be uploading pictures and information soon! If you DO NOT want your child’s pictures to be on Facebook please send me a note on the first day of school. Otherwise we will be uploading everyone.

Please read over the handbook and then sign this paper and return it in your child’s folder on the first day of school.

Child’s Name:______


Printed Name______