This page sets out the instructions for completing the Prescribed Form – Generator Certificate of Commercial Operation.

All capitalized terms used in these instructions and the Prescribed Form – Generator Certificate of Commercial Operation, unless otherwise stated, have the meanings ascribed to them in the REP Round 1 Contract.


(a)This instruction page is not required to be submitted with the Prescribed Form.

(b)Where the Prescribed Form has multiple pages, the pages of the Prescribed Form should be kept together in sequential order.

(c)Apart from the completion of any blanks, drop down lists, check boxes or similar incomplete information in a Prescribed Form, no amendments may be made to the wording of a Prescribed Form.

(d)Each Prescribed Form must be completed in its entirety. Fields marked “if applicable” must be completed if applicable to the Project. If not applicable, they should be marked "not applicable".

(e)If the signature of the Generator is required for a Prescribed Form, the Prescribed Form must be signed by the Contract Representative appointed in accordance with Section 18.8 of the REP Round 1 Contract, unless specified otherwise.

(f)With the exception of this instruction page, instructions within a Prescribed Form will be enclosed in square brackets.



Capitalized terms not defined herein have the meaning ascribed thereto in the REP Round 1 Contract, which has been executed in respect of the project referenced below (the “Agreement”).

Date / 2018/03/01 /
Legal Name of Generator / [insert legal name of Generator]
Name of Project / [insert name of Project]
Target COD / [insert Target COD]
Agreement Date / 2017/12/04

WHEREAS subsection 2.6(a)(iv)of the Agreement provides that the Facility will be deemed to have achieved Commercial Operation at the point in time when the Generator has met certain conditions;

AND WHEREAS the Generator is required under the Agreement to have obtained certain authorizations, permits, and other documentation;

NOW THEREFORE, THE GENERATOR CERTIFIES to the AESO, and acknowledges that the AESO is relying on this certificate, that:

(a)the Generator has provided to, or received from, the AESO all information and documentation required to be so provided or received at or prior to Commercial Operation;

(b)the Generator has received from the AESO a "Non-Zero Dollar Offer Letter" (as described in Section 2.6(a)(i) of the Agreement);

(c)the Generator has provided to the AESO copies of all Governmental Approvals, which are required to construct, operate and maintain the Facility;

(d)the Generator has provided the AESO with a certified true copy of the insurance policies pursuant to Section 3.2 of the Agreement; and

(e)the Generator has provided to the AESO the Prescribed Form – Independent Engineer Certificate of Commercial Operation.

The Authorized Signatory must be either a signatory of the Agreement, a person authorized to receive notices pursuant to Section 18.1 of the Agreement, or the Contract Representative.
By: / Date: / 2018/03/01 /
[Legal name of Generator or Generator's General Partner, as applicable]