Dollars for
A Program of Scholarship America®
Condon Dollars for Scholars is the local chapter of Scholarship of America, Inc. Condon Dollars for Scholars has been asked to administer the Roy & Lizzie Evans Memorial Scholarship Fund for both Arlington and Condon High School Graduates. A designated Roy & Lizzie Evans Scholarship Committee will determine the amount and number of scholarships available for the 2011-12 academic year.
Applicants entering their first year of post-secondary education must submit their official high school transcript. Applicants entering their second year of post-secondary education must submit a copy of all college transcript(s) for the previous school year..
Students may receive a maximum award amount of up to $1,000.00 Successful applicants shall be eligible for one renewal of the scholarship, provided they meet academic requirements.
The Roy & Lizzie Evans Scholarship Committee reserves the right to consider only those applications found to be complete and received by the application deadline.
If you have questions about the application process please contact Awards Committee member, Michelle Colby 541-384-3767.
Minimum cumulative gpa of 3.0 current high school graduate
Minimum cumulative gpa of 2.5 for college students
Application completed and accompanied by transcript(s) and turned in by deadline
The application becomes complete and valid only when the following have been received on or before May 12, current year by 5 p.m. (additional postage may be necessary).
Page 2: complete and signed
Page 3: narrative section answers
Copy of Copy of TRANSCRIPT(s)
-current high school students submit official transcript (report cards are not acceptable)
-current college students include copies of transcripts from all schools attended
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Please mail application packet to:
ThursdayCondon Dollars for Scholars
May 12, current yearAttn: Awards Committee
by 5:00 p.m.PO Box 385
Condon, OR 97823
Scholarship Application for ArlingtonHigh School Graduates
Name of Applicant Maiden name
(First) (M. Initial) (Last)(If married)
Phone # Cell phone # Age
High School Graduation Year
Preferred Mailing Address:
City State Zip
Name of parent/guardian(s) Phone #
Parent/Guardian(s) Mailing Address:
City State Zip
Name of Secondary School Phone #
Address of School City State Zip
This school is a: 4-year college/university 2-year Junior or Community College
Other please specify ______
Female Male
List Field of Study or Studies:
African-American Asian Hispanic Native American Caucasian Other____
Current 2010-2011 school status
High School Senior College Freshman CollegeSophomoreCollegeJunior
College Senior
Non-traditional (adult)
Graduate School
Other (explain) ______
Certification: In submitting this application, I certify that the information provided is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Falsification of information may result in termination of any scholarship granted. I grant CDFS permission to publish my name to publicize the scholarship I may be awarded.
Applicant’s signature Date
NARRATIVE SECTION – required section (may submit answers on a separate sheet of paper)
- State what career you would like to pursue and why? What plans do you have for your future?
- List all extra-curricular activities in which you participated in by year during high school (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior) and if applicable freshman year at college.
(Extra curricular activities include but are not limited to: community service, athletics, clubs, groups, leadership, trainings, intramurals, work experience, employment etc.)
ArlingtonScholarship 2011 Page 1 of 3