With your help, many people will be able to enjoy a true Holiday Dinner thanks to the
St. Ambrose Parish Community Meal.
Your donation of the traditional PIES from Market Day
will be enjoyed by the less fortunate
young families & children for their HOLIDAY Dinner. /

A pie donation is any easy way of letting others know WE care!

Each Pie that is purchased and/or donated will help St. Ambrose School

meet the goal of selling 750+ PIES.

Remember that all the profits from these Pies and ALL Market Day® Sales

support the school children at St. Ambrose!!!

More PIES purchased/donated equals a Bigger Cash “Bonus!”

Please fill out the order form below, enclose cash or a check made out to Market Day and then forward the envelope marked “PIE DONATION” to either the School or the Rectory no later than NOVEMBER 11, 2014.

A time to Give A time to Give A time to Give A time to Give A time to Give A time to Give A time to Give A time to Give A time to Give A time to Give

YES, I would like to donate to the St. Ambrose Community Meal!

(Please make check payable to Market Day)

# of pies _____ @$12.00 – Pumpkin Pie Total $______

# of pies _____ @$14.00 – Pecan Pie Total $______

# of ½ pies _____ @$6.00 – Pumpkin Pie Total $______

# of ½ pies _____ @$7.00 – Pecan Pie Total $______

Donation From: / List the student so they can receive credit.
Address: / Student’s Name:
Phone #: / Grd/Rm #:

Thank you for your support and have a Blessed Holiday Season!!